Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday...

When you get up in the morning, what do you do? you...

Shower, get ready, get dressed and then go into the house to start your day...or

Do you go out into the house in your pj's or comfy clothes, have a cup of tea or coffee, something to eat, start the craziness with the family etc...

I am pajamas girl, but on work days I'm trying to shower and get ready first before I go down stairs. Seems like I'm more on time when I do.

How about you???

Have a great Thursday,


  1. I like to wake up way before the husband unit rolls out of bed!! Love my morning coffee/toast/blog/email/ time to myself!! I'll stay in pj's if I know I'm not having to expect anyone over or have to go out for anything.Then I go tinker away in my craft room!! and forget about the world the husband says lol I love your blog btw! have a nice day!

  2. Today I'm in my comfy clothes, but normally, I get ready for the day first. Somehow, I seem to have more time to do as I please if I get the necessities out of the way first!

  3. During the week I get up between 4 and 4:30, make coffee and then head up to the studio to check email, blogs and sew. At 6 I head down to shower and get ready for work. Out the door about 7:15. On weekends, I get up at 5, do coffee, studio and then about 9 or 10 (unless I have an activity planned) do housework & laundry in my jammies. Sometimes I am in my pajamas until pretty late in the day before I shower and get dressed in "real" clothes!

  4. I try to exercise in the mornings and so I don't shower first...which means alot of times, I don't get my shower until late....real late....

  5. Right now it's jammies, breakfast (I'm pregnant and due in 5 weeks!), check emails while eating breakfast, then shower

  6. Come out in pj's, put on tea kettle, settle in at computer, drink tea while reading Bible, and meet kids at school table. In pj's of course :)

  7. I up early - into the shower, dress and then onto the computer until hubby wakes up about 2 1/2 hours later. Then it's on to the rest of the day!!

  8. I will stay in bed hitting snooze until the absolute last minute. In fact, I'll shower the night before, eat breakfast at the office, and decide what to wear before getting out of bed just to have that extra time. It might be different if I didn't have to be in my office by 8 AM, but I am NOT a morning person. It's hardest during the winter months when I leave in the dark and come home in the dark and don't see daylight all day long. I wish I didn't have to work full-time but I really need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep to feel rested, and it's hard to do because it leaves me with only a few hours each evening to sew, pay bills, spend time with family, read, shop, etc., and I usually wind up staying up later than I want to. It really does feel like a rat race sometimes!

  9. I've got to have my coffee first thing! The shower can wait! :)

  10. Like you - I do both. I seem to get more done when I shower first and get goin'!

  11. Before marriage to a farmer I was a pajama girl too. After being 'caught' in pjs at 6:30am by people wanting something of my hubby, I learned to get up, dressed and make the bed before heading out into the house and the rest of my routine. Now that hubs is a hobby farmer with an in town job, people aren't usually here before 8 any more..phew. Sometimes I wished I lived where no one knows us and I could get away with pjs till 10! Oh well..not gonna happen!

  12. I am such a creature of habit...
    wake up
    make bed
    dry hair and dress
    gather up a load of laundry
    and then go downstairs to
    make a cup of tea
    put in laundry
    unload dishwasher
    and THEN
    read email and blogs and start my day...

  13. I'm a pajamas girl. But our house was being painted this week, so I had to be dressed before 7am. It's not a bad way to start the day. I'm getting so much done!

  14. I love my pajamas! I will stay in them all day unless I have to go somewhere! ;)

  15. On a day like today (day off) I get up anywhere from 6 to 9am, come downstairs in jammies, turn on the computer, make a cup of tea, and check eamil & blogs for about an hour. I will usually have breakfast then too. Then it's time to shower and start 'real' life. When I am working I shower first and have about 1/2 to eat breakfast before work.

  16. Need to be more of the get ready first and then go around the house, but seem to always roll out and get everyone going and then chill after they have all left for the day.

  17. While I like to stay in my jammies (and when I do I tend to be in them until embarrassingly late in the day) I get up and get around before I go downstairs. It makes me more productive and there's less competition for the bathroom/shower! :)

  18. Always without exception go and let the dog out and make the coffee. Then, on work days, I shower and put on my bathrobe then have coffee. Otherwise I stay in my nightgown and bathrobe drinking coffee and relaxing until I decide on my day then shower and dress. :)

  19. I'm totally useless until I've had my shower and gotten ready for the day. Even on my day off I can't seem to accomplish anything until I'm showered and ready for the day.

  20. I wake with the birds, so it's my quiet time. I get my coffee, grab my computer and read emails and blogs :-). By then DH is up and we chat a bit while he watches the morning news. Then I get my shower and breakfast and start my day. When I was employed outside the home, I had to hit the floor running - now it's simply enjoying the morning!

  21. I am up before 5 too so I generally check blogs while I have my coffee, clean a bit and then shower.

  22. I've been going downstairs (4th week in a row now) the walk-out basement. I get on my treadmill (mee treddy). Then, I go upstairs to get ready for the day.

    If I don't get "ready" straight brain and body tend to just "lolly-gag" around all day. And, sometimes this DOES happen, when I am just too lazy to get ready.


  23. Since it is summer it is too hot for pj's, so I am now a bathing suit and tshirt girl, lol. If I am going out for the day, then I add kayak shoes;)


  24. I am not a morning person, but my hubby is. So he gets up early, and wakes me every morning with a cup of coffee in bed! Sometimes he brings cake or muffins, too! Yay! After lingering in bed, seeing if anything good is on tv (like Criminal Intent or NCIS), I'll come downstairs in jammies, get on the blogs, make and eat our oatmeal, then 'think' about getting showered and hurry.....I usually don't have to work until 2ish.

  25. Fun to see what everyone does! During the work week, it's up, shower, start coffee, take the pup out, then dress and out the door. On weekends, however, I get up and spend a nice hour sipping coffee and reading quilty blogs in my jammies. I love weekends!

  26. I shower and get dressed before I do anything. When I'm awake I want to be rid of my sleepy clothes, lest I crawl back into bed!

  27. I do like you do. I am retired though, so most days I come down in the pj's. Appointments or outings usually mean showering and then going down....actually I like those days better, should do that all the time!

  28. In my house, we NEVER get dressed until we're just about to leave the house. We have two Jack Russell Terriers who leave white hair over everything. Figures most of my wardrobe would be black!

  29. I get up and get dressed before I go downstairs. Once I go downstairs, I don't go back upstairs sometimes until bedtime, so, I'd better be dressed. Next I fix breakfast, then sit at the computer to eat and catch up on emails and blogs. MY time.

  30. I eat my breakfast and read the newspaper, then I shower and get ready for my day. I don't start any projects or cleaning, until I'm dressed. Be prepared is my motto.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Karen I am definately a Pajama girl!
    I turn on the computer, grab my coffee & read my blogs, surf,ect. After my second cup I make myself get showered & dressed but on rainy days I do have a 3rd cup!
    This weekend it is suppose to rain...I am looking forward to a pajama weekend!

    P.S Excuse the previous deleted message..I goofed up ?

  33. On work days (M-F) I shower when I get up but I don't get dressed for work until after eating breakfast and looking at some blogs on my iPad. On weekends, thats another story, I stay in my PJ's for a while and enjoy being a bit lazy.

  34. Get up at 5 A.M. go to kitchen make coffee and breakfast for hubby who goes to work.
    Eat, go dress for 3 mile walk then
    home, shower, makeup and that starts my day. I am ready to clean the house or sew or whatever I come up with.

  35. I am a pijama girl and used to drive my mother crazy! :)) But i am working on it! :))

  36. I'm a get showered,get dressed and get going to work girl, except on weekends I'm a stay in the pj's till midday I can be found most saturdays doing the washing and vacing in my jammies and if I get visitors then I figure they come to see me not how I dress. Happy school holidays in Aus cheers all

  37. funny you should ask ... LOL ... if i get my bra on before the hubbs comes home for lunch, i'm doin' good ... i'm a jammie girl, a sweatshirt-in-the-house-all-day-girl, not so much lazy but comfy ... the bra part is truth!!!

    darlene, who loves your questions ... they always make me laugh!

  38. I roll out of bed and can't really function before my cup of coffee. Then check the news before heading back upstairs for a shower. Problem is, I'm always pushing time. I know it would be far more effective for me to shower first and I'm trying to change! If only someone would make me a coffee and bring it up to me!!

  39. I am not a morning person. I would sleep until 9 if I could, but that would make it difficult to keep my job (which I love). I'm usually up between 6 and 6:30, let the dog out, fix my coffee and share a few quiet moments with the Lord (and my dog - who patiently waits for her share of my coffee, the last sip from the bottom of the cup) then I'm jumping in the shower and getting ready for the day!

  40. My kids are my alarm clocks - my toddler loves to get up bright and early in the morning. I would stay in my pajamas all day long if I could, but in the summer we like to go for a walk while it's still cool outside and then I shower and get ready for the day.

  41. A cold shower is all i need to get started..if I don't shower early it will drag to midday and often an unexpected guest will be at the front door.

  42. I'm usually up before everyone else. I fix me a cup of tea and my husband a pot of coffee and sit at the computer and catch up on emails and facebook before starting my day.

  43. Love sewin' in the pj's. It's the very best thing about retirement!


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