Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday...

Crazy question...

If you buy something that comes in a box, how long do you keep the box?

My thought is, if the item doesn't work in a week or a month, I'll need the box to return it. Seriously though...I've think I've only needed the box one time.

Help me out and say..."just throw them away" so I can clear out the basement.

I don't have that many...few cell phone boxes, computer gadget box, ipad, toaster, etc.

Do you keep them at all? or How long?

Feeling "boxed" in,


  1. I have kept my serger and sewing machine boxes. That was great when I needed to ship my machine once and now when I'm selling it. That is all.

  2. Clear them out. You can always purchase a box if you have to.

  3. For computers and other electronics it is nice to keep the box in case you move or ever have to send it back for repairs. Other than that, get rid of them! We have a storage space in our garage for electronics boxes.

  4. I usually keep the box 4-6 weeks, but then forget to throw it away and find it buried in the garage in a heap of other boxes that I forgot to throw away.

  5. Throw them out! Just think of all the space you will have after they are gone.

  6. You answered your own question when you admitted you've only needed the box once. I think 30 days is fine for small electronic...other than that, toss the boxes. Let's be real, it is the receipt you need for a return anyway.

  7. Your going to hate my answer but I keep the box for 2 years ( that's how long the guarantee is) . I have my hubby toss them all in the attic and every few years we toss out the ones that we don't have anymore.
    I only save the boxes for the expensive items ..sewing machine, iPad, computer, etc.
    You know the minute you toss it, you will need it!

  8. I tear them apart as soon as they are unpacked and throw them into the recycling bin - unless they are a suitable size or shape for my quilting projects or supplies. Then I will keep them until they fall apart.

  9. well, I keep the boxes for really expensive stuff that might bugger up. usually I use them while I keep them, you know, for storing things or whatever, so that I don't have empty boxes lieing around.
    personally I would throw them out straight away but my hubby kind of insists in keeping them. although I made the experience that most shops take things back without boxes, too...

  10. I only keep the box a week and then it goes into the recycling bin. I keep a couple that are a good size for posting gifts and no more. I used to keep them and found I hardly ever used them.

  11. We only keep those for things that are an awkward shape, and those boxes are flatten to take up less space! Most of it goes out as soon as whatever it is is unwrapped!

  12. I keep boxes for anything "big" until the warranty runs out. After that they get recycled. I instated this policy years ago after I realized how much precious attic space was being take up by empty boxes!

  13. I throw them out right away! I hate the clutter..My husband on the other hand.....we had better NOT go down that road!

  14. I keep boxes for things like tv's in case something goes wrong but so far haven't needed them (touch wood) so after a few years I finally throw them out. My sons who have moved flats regularly until finally buying their own houses kept their boxes to transport their tv's and videos etc - they claim they are the best ways of packing them. Sharyn

  15. Oh dear I have boxes from several years ago! I always keep them thinking I will need them and I normally do. Every time I have moved house I have been grateful for those boxes!

  16. We moved so often in our first 6 years of marriage that we got in the awful habit of keeping every box that came into the house. Now I get rid of almost all of them. I keep on hand 2 of each size (small, medium, and large) for shipping packages, but that is it. If we already have to small Amazon boxes then out goes the next one. As for product boxes, it depends on the product. If it is expensive like an iPhone or computer I keep it for the warranty period and then pitch it.

    I say toss them!

  17. Ugh, I'm a box hoarder. I keep them too long. But I saved the box from a Janome sewing machine I bought a few years ago and luckily still had it to ship the machine in when I sold it last month. See, it pays to hoard the boxes (sorry - LOL!)

  18. I used to keep the small ones that were good for mailing/shipping stuff. Now the USPS has those cheap one price boxes I use instead.

    Get rid of them!

  19. 1month is fine. Any longer your house will look like mine. :D Your reminding me what I have to do. Sewing machine boxes need to be held forever in case you need to ship them . Have a great day.

  20. Keep the bill and the instruction manual and throw out the box. You don't need the clutter in your life.

  21. Lately, I've been keeping them but for a different reason from yours. I know we'll be moving (hopefully soon). The boxes, especially for big ticket items, will be great for packing them back up again. Once we move to our own house, I plan to discard the boxes.

  22. I live under the philosophy of 'chuck 'em, baby, chuck 'em', but have to admit that I do keep them for maybe a month to make sure the item is working and then they're gone. If you really feel you need to keep a box, be sure to flatten it and keep it in a designated spot.

  23. Depends on what was in the box. I throw most of them away but I do still have the boxes almost a year later for my sewing machine and serger.

  24. LOL! My DH collects boxes - every one that an electronic item came in, that is!

  25. Karen I keep my boxes too just in case things don't work. Their more likely to take it back if you have to return it. Right now I have a fan on a stand box because I bought it for my camper and I want to make sure it works before I throw the box out. I still have all my computer boxes and other electronic boxes and yes I do need to throw out some of them. Good advice on throwing them out. Thanks!!!

  26. I used to keep the boxes for expensive things...after watching a few episodes of "Hoarders", I throw just about everything out! That show scares me:)

  27. I check the requirements--if returning it requires the box then fine, I'll keep as long as the warranty is in effect. If it's a good size for mailing, I keep it. Otherwise, into recycling it goes!

  28. I'm surprised you aren't planning to use your boxes for future Tool Time Tuesdays. ;)

  29. Since our attic is a major pain to get in to, we store boxes we might need up there. When we recently moved from Maryland to California, I was really, really, glad that I had kept my sewing machine box with all its' packing materials. I also break down some boxes for storage knowing that I can re-configure them with packing tape if I need them. But a lot of my boxes go to the recycle bin.

  30. I send the smaller boxes to the recycle bin. Large electronic boxes I'll keep for awhile. If you're keeping the box only and not the packing materials, the box can be broken down flat to store.

  31. Depends on the product. I know you have but I'll say it anyway...Have you read the instructions? I keep boxes if it's a seasonal item and the instructions recommend storing it in the box (ex. remote control fans--yes they really do recommend this)OR of it's an item where the warranty specifies that it has to be packaged in its box for return (ex. my laptop). Other boxes--bye bye!

  32. My husband insists on saving every box, yet in 25 years of marriage, we have never had to use one for its intended purpose. We've used them for moving things, halloween tombstones, school projects, but never for returning an item to the store. I say keep the box only as long as the in-store return policy. After that, chances of paying to mail an item back are slim to nil.

  33. It doesn't help when it says on the boxes to keep them if you have problems with what ever item had been in the box. In the UK the average hous hasn't got enough space to keep them so out they go. Having said that I've just had a new sewing machine and I've kept the box - lol

  34. Usually I throw them out, but just recently we bought a new frig it had an enormous box which i turned into a rocket ship for the grandkids they thought gradma was way cool and played for hours in it. When it fell over from consistant use it became a tunnel for both children and dog till at last it fell to pieces . It took about 3 weeks and it was one of the best back yard play equipment ever.

  35. I keep mine for as long as the limited warranty. then I pitch.

  36. Why don't you break them all down & stuff them into the biggest one, if you can't cover them with wrapping paper (to re-use again & again) or make them into something else then toss them out.

  37. Oh gosh! What an unfair question. Are you supposed to throw them away? LOL

  38. I would love to throw mine out the door too! The only problem is my son. If he sees one in the house it automatically becomes his for making houses, spaceships, etc. I just can't throw them away after that kind of inspiration, or can I? Good luck!

  39. I usually keep my boxes. They get stored in my attic, so I am sure I have some up there for items I no longer possess! My laptop was stolen from our house and having the box it came in made it easier for the police to identify it. The serial number was on the box. I bought a laptop this past weekend while I was out of town and could not bring the box with me, since I flew (and wasn't going to pay to bring it...). It was hard for me to leave it in the hotel room...

  40. My thought has always been...I don't want to die and have people ask, 'what on earth was she thinking? Why did she keep this?' Toss the boxes out, you can always find another one that will work!

  41. It seems to me that know matter how long you hold onto a box, the very day AFTER you throw it out is the day your child comes home and says "I need a box for a class project".

  42. my thought is keep the box for six months to see that the product purchased will at least be able to be returned if it doesnt pan out, after that throw it out. And before you got thinking i must have a lot of boxes laying around, i give advice, however never take my own advice and always end up throwing the box out once the parcel has been opened, lol

  43. Soda boxes and smaller I break them down and recycle....diaper/wipes boxes, stuff like that...I usually keep for a while cuz when I donate to the good will I use that, also when I go through my bills, I use the boxes to recycle the paper that doesn't have important information on it....I usually keep about three on hand for the most part....

  44. i'm sooo not a box keeper, but i have come, at times, to regret my throw-away-ways (and always my hubbs reminds me ... LOL) ... so, no, no boxes here to clutter up the already mess ... darlene


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