
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tool Time Tuesday...Key Ring Bobbin Organizer

Welcome to another addition of Tool Time Tuesday...where we take an ordinary item and think outside the box with different ways to use it!

Today's item...a key ring, not used for keys, but for BOBBINS!!

bobbin organizing

Come on in to see a few more tips for your bobbins and jewelry too!

TIP #1

Here's where the idea for a key ring bobbin organizer came from. I use a key ring to store my rings.

ring organizer

Great for organizing your rings in your jewelry box or wherever you store them and it's great for travel too!!

So, I thought to myself...hmmm, this would be good for sewing organization with bobbins when traveling to a sewing class, quilt group or retreat...and easy to just keep by your machine or throw in a draw.

ring organizer


This is a key ring I already had, but you can buy them in office supply stores or in the section where they copy and cut keys for you. They sell larger rings too.

bobbin organizing

This one hinges open

bobbin organizing

Latches secure.

bobbin organizing

Just open the hinge up wide enough and slip on the bobbins and then latch it closed.

bobbin organizing

TIP #3

Now to keep those little rascal bobbins from unraveling.

I've shared this idea in the past, but I thought I would share it again, because it fits perfectly in this post!

These are little girl hair elastics. The small fluffy ones and the tiny elastic type for small braids or ponytails. ( because I work in a dental office, those tiny orthodontic elastics might work too. Lol)

bobbin organizing

We've all been there when our bobbins unroll to the ends of the earth. These elastics also help to prevent the knotted up mess when the bobbins get all tangled together.

bobbin organizing

The yarny hair elastics are great if you can match the color of the elastic to the thread color. They need to be the tiny ones though.

bobbin organizing

If the hair elastic matches, you know what color is underneath.

bobbin organizing

The tiny plain elastics are great to hold the end of the thread down and you can still see the color of the thread.

bobbin organizing

Perfect and no unraveling

bobbin organizing

TIP #4

What to do with all the elastics when you're not using them.

bobbin organizing

Store them on another key ring or an old shower curtain ring.

bobbin organizing

Here are past posts I did on bobbin organizing if you missed them...

Click HERE for hot dog organizing rack for your bobbins

Click HERE for using wall trim to organize your bobbins

Click HERE for plastic tubing to cover bobbins

Click HERE for storing bobbins in pill boxes

Click HERE for magnet aware with computerized sewing machines and magnets

Click HERE for using flexible tubing for your bobbins

Have fun wrangling your bobbins!

Happy organizing!!

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  1. great idea. and my friend Jackie gave me a pack of toe separaters, for painting toenails, bobbins fit into each section, can't unravel, and you can see the colour

  2. Hi Karen,I love it!!!It's like jewelry for your sewing room!!!Have a great day!!!

  3. What a great idea, Karen!!! Thanks for sharing

  4. Guess what I'm off to buy today, keyrings. Thanks for the wonderful tips.
    Ali x

  5. Love it Karen. Using it to carry rings while traveling is brilliant. Thanks, as always, for these great ideas.

  6. Not bobbins, but I use one of these rings to hold all the pesky store "rewards" tags. My key holder is for keys only!

  7. I use old shower rings for all sorts of things. Love the ring idea for bobbins.

  8. Brilliant!! I've blogged about your idea over at Craft Gossip:

  9. Great idea! I love how cute the bobbin looks with the hair elastic on it.

  10. amazing! Who would have thought to use rings for storing bobbins? How do you come with such great ideas? Love this..... Pinned

  11. Love the Hotdog rack.... this is truly awesome tool time Tues.

  12. Oh my Gosh! I don't know why I hadn't thought of this, but thank you for saving my sanity!

  13. I use the same rings to store my cross stitch floss I put it on thread drops and then put them together for each project.

  14. I love these ideas....especially for organizing a travel project.

    val from

  15. Siempre veo tus buenas ideas.


    Costa Rica

  16. Brilliant! I love using the small hairband to keep the bobbin from unraveling!

  17. I used mine for hanging scarves and other long strands. I didn't think of bobbins. Creative! Thanks!
    You all should check office supply stores during the off season to get them on clearance. I paid $1 for a pack of 12. (when school letting out for the summer)

  18. I have a package of clear ponytail elastics from my daughter's ponytail days. I'll be using those to corral my thread tails on my bobbins! Thanks for all of the great ideas on storing our bobbins!

  19. Great !!! This is so phenomenal!!!That is very impressive! Key Holder are gorgeous and the makeover is totally amazing. I love it. You really did a super job with Key Holder! I use to do buy online Key Holder as its time saving.


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