
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cutting Brownies The Easy Way...

Brownies! We all love them and we all eat them (maybe not all of us. I eat them, I prefer a large platter of nachos with cheese, salsa and sour cream, but that's another story) I know one thing, I hated cutting them until about 10 years ago.

When you cut brownies with a metal knife, the brownie sticks to the knife, it pulls the brownies instead of cutting it and the edge are all torn up.

Well, not any more. See that knife in the pan...that's my secret weapon. A plastic knife. Some of you may already know this, but if I can save one person out there from a brownie work here is done!!!

See how it cuts without pulling.


and now for a close up.

Who knew a cheap little piece of plastic could work wonders

I made 2 batches of brownies, 2 batches of the cream cheese cup cakes and 2 batches of the peanut butter cup cakes. The girls each needed things brought up to them at school that they had forgotten, so we packed up some goodies they could share in their dorms.

It's only been a week, but we miss them to pieces. We stayed with each of them for a little bit and fixed things in their rooms. They both are doing great and have made friends in their dorms, so it's easy to leave knowing they're doing well.

and they call and text too...usually when they need something, but a text none the less!!
Have a great Sunday,


  1. How did I get to be 50 and not know this??? I hate cutting brownies! Thanks for sharing. I think I'll bake some brownies just to try this trick!

  2. Do those ever look yummy!!!

  3. Thanks for the tip! I am constantly making brownies for the band kids and this is so good to know.

  4. Yup I knew this great tip...sent lots of boxes to Irag- for 3 years, and have lots of recipes that "travel" well! Sounds like your girls are close enough to hand deliver is tough when they first leave...but wait till Thanksgiving, it will be terific- and you might even end up with extra guests, which is lots of fun. Young people around are the best will need LOTS of those brownies ;) Sandy

  5. Oh my goodness how come I have never heard of this and I have been baking for 50 years LOL. Thanks for the tip. Happy to hear your girls are doing great.

  6. Good Morning, Karen,
    You and I would be good snacking friends...I prefer chips to anything sweet too.

    I'm so glad you got to see your girls. This is now my fourth fall with an empty nest...and I'm still not liking it very much. I think of you often. We empty nest moms need to stick together!

    Just getting caught up with my blog friends...have a relaxing Sunday. ~Natalie

  7. I made brownies last night and for the first time actually read the nutrition information on the side of the box. There are 170 calories in one serving--1/20th of the pan! So, I tried to cut 20 squares but ended up with a complete mess. I wish I had seen your post yesterday, but thank you for sharing this little-known trick!

  8. What a great tip! Doe sit work when the brownies are slightly warm too?

  9. All right....your work there is done!!! You have informed me and I will appreciate it from now on!!!

    Glad the girls are doing so well. It is easier to leave when you know they are happy.

  10. Oh my gosh, we are sisters!!!! Nachos is my ultimate weakness! Whenever the hubby heads to the kitchen for a snack he always asks if I want something, I always answer "NACHOS"! (knowing full well we haven't the fixings for them in the house!) Brownies is another weakness, too! I use the plastic knife trick and it makes cutting the brownies so amazingly easy!! I made your cream cheese chocolate cupcakes and mailed them to my daughters and they were such a HIT! Thank you!

  11. You have made a few fans with just this one tip, thanks. It's always hard when the kids leve but it makes their coming home so good.

  12. Great tip! But I say who needs a knife, just grab a fork and pull up a chair! YUM! I love brownies!

    Must be awfully quiet around your house now!


  13. Great tip...I must try it.

    I will also try it on nachos (any excuse to make nachos...0.

    My 13-yr-old D went to a music camp this summer for almost 2 weeks with no communication except letters, and I was a complete mess (and it wasn't her first time away, either). I hope I toughen up a bit before college. I'm glad they communicate...even if they are just texting their wants and wishes, at least you know they are OK. LOL

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  14. Well...I think I need to make some brownies so that I can test this theory out...strictly an experiment, mind you! ;o)
    PS Thanks for the tip!!

  15. I didn't know about that tip Karen! Thank you! I love brownies!

    I am glad the girls are doing great!

  16. I had no idea about the plastic knife! You are a genius, how did you find out about this? lol, I will have to make up the package of brownie mix that has been sitting on the bottom shelf of the pantry for too long to say!
    Thank you!!

  17. REALLY?!?! I can't believe this. AMAZING!! Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to make a batch of brownies JUST to try it.

  18. Thanks for the tip! I hadn't heard that before. I was craving brownies yesterday! Happy to hear the girls are doing well. Hope to see you soon.

  19. Great tip that I can't wait to try! My brownies have always suffered in the cutting; no one seems to mind, but it'll be nice to fix that problem!

  20. Well you just saved this gal alot of stress over cutting brownies, not that I make them any more...if I make them I will eat them with only my husband to help me....not good.

    I think girls are more attentive....give my boys wings and they might call home onece a son calls out of five is not bad. hummmm They called more before the rates went up...okay, just made myself feel better...but are you feeling better?

  21. Saved by blogging I know.Thanks for sharing the cutting tip and saving me from future brownie disasters!

  22. Now that's what I call perfect timing. I have a pan of Butterscotch Brownies cooling right now. I will pass on this tip to my family and friends. Thanks you so much!

  23. Who knew? What a great tip. Heading to the kitchen to make brownies for tonight's Sunday Night Dinner dessert.

  24. mmmmm....I am trying to hide the monitor from my kid´s eyes. If they see those brownies...I am in trouble!!!! haha!!! Thanks for the knife tip.
    I think what you did about bringing all those goodies to your girls to school was on purpose!!!! Now they will probably call you more often asking you to bring them "whatever" just to get more!!!! You are smart, girl!! we all know that!!! Wait until mid terms and finals week. They will need a lot of that sugar, they will probably even put a mattress for you on the floor to make you stay and cook brownies and cupcakes!!!! haha!!!!

  25. Karen, thanks for reminding me about this. Someone told me years ago but I forgot. I end up licking the metal spoon and getting all the stuff out but it makes a mess of the brownies. Steph

  26. Now even at my age you can learn something new... I need some plastic knives and a brownie mix...

  27. What a great tip!!! Although it is kind of fun eating all the scraps that stick to the knife LOL.


  28. Thanks! What a good idea that I'll have to try.

  29. Thanks for the tip. It will sure save me a lot of grief next time I make brownies.

  30. Thanks for sharing this great tip. I can't wait to make brownies just to try it out!

  31. I just learned this trick from a friend this week. It really does make a huge difference!

    Should I expect an email or something from accuquilt? or am I just gonna be surprised by a huge package sometime this week? That might nit be a bad thing because I might just sit here and stalk the computer for any "transit" updates

    I'm saving up my cans to make one of the tin can tool caddy thingies. But I only have 2 so far. We may be eating lots of canned stuff today!

  32. If only the plastic knife would make my cuts straight - any good tips for that LOL

  33. The brownies look wonderful, and thanks for the tip!

  34. my desire to EAT the brownies has always won over their appearance but I will DEFINITELY be remembering this trick next time I have to bring them somewhere. thanks for the tip!


  35. Great! Thank you for the great tip Karen!

  36. I never knew that!! And I have baked alot of brownies.

  37. That's great, and what a nice perk that your brownies look so nice for their trip.

  38. I'm so glad that I saw this! I thought that maybe I wasn't cooking them long enough or letting them cool long enough! I need to make some brownies today:)

  39. You do realize that I now have to go home from work, scrap all my other plans for the evening and make brownies, just so I can cut them with a plastic knife.

  40. Whoah! Who knew? Thanks for the tip!

  41. I made brownies today and remembered seeing this post....OMG...loved the ease of slicing with plastic! Thank you!!

  42. I just had to come back and tell you what a great success this was on our recent camping trip!! Not only does it work for brownies, but for iced cake as well - how wonderful it was to have nice straight slices (even got them a reasonably equal size) without all the 'goop' on the knife. Thanks again for a wonderful tip! Blessings, Peg

  43. Omigosh, how did I get to be this OLD and NOT knowing this ?? ... DUH ! Amazing ... Thanks !!

  44. Shall remember to do that. Amazing all right. Thank you.


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