
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Name Badges

Tuesday is the day to find different uses for everyday items found in hardware stores, the automotive section and today...the office supply store. Take a look back at my second post about organizing and how I use name badge holders. Here are a few more ideas for these little treasures that only cost $1.88 for 12. (make sure you buy the badges with the holes on the top. they come either vertical or horizontal)

The first idea is for fabric swatches for your quilts:
If you're out shopping for fabric for an up and coming quilt project, place a little piece of the fabric that you already have in each name badge.

Place all the holders on a key ring. The picture below is of the key ring that hinges open...easy to add or remove the badges.

And here they are, all ready to drop in your purse. Just take them with you to your favorite quilt shop to match fabric for that certain project. You can also slip in a piece of paper that has the yardage you need and in what color. The badges will keep the fabric neat, clean and all in one place.

Another thought was to use the badges for decorating projects. Place paint chips, swatches of curtain, couch, chair or pillow fabric in the badges and your off to shop, shop, shop!!

Another goody is the name badge holder is perfect for wallet size pictures...a little brag book if you will.
This is Courtney's senior picture...isn't she pretty!! I don't have a school picture of Kelsie, because she forgot to hand in the picture form. She's beautiful too.

Here they are in a dance picture. Kelsie is on the right, see she's a cutie.

The brag book idea is great for little children or grandchildren too. You can place all the pictures of siblings, mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa in the badges and the pictures will stay clean and easy to look through. How about animals or the alphabet...the possibilities are endless.
Hope you can find a use for these badges...quilting or other wise.
I wanted to let you know that next week's TTT is going to be soooo good. I'm very excited about it and wanted to tell you not to miss it. I have all the parts, but haven't put it together yet. I spend most Friday mornings roaming around stores looking for inspiration and I found it. I'll give you a hint for next week... I was in the plumbing section!!!
Not sure why I just said all that, because if it stinks you'll be disappointed. It won't stink though and I know you'll love it!! (I hope)
Have a great Tuesday,


  1. Karen, I love all of your TTTs! I can't wait for next time!

    Would the stamp/punch cards I get everywhere fit in those badge holders? You know the ones, where you purchase items at a quilt shop or scrapbook etc store and they stamp your card and when it's full you get $10 or so off? That would be handy to keep all of those together!

    Thanks for another fun TTT!

  2. Hi Mel,
    I LOVE that idea for the punch cards and yes they would fit. Now you've got me thinking about appointment cards for doctors, dentists, hair salon etc. You can keep a key ring of just appointments or a ring of punch cards in your purse. This is tooo funny, we're going to have a purse full of key rings and name badges, but we'll be organized!!!

    Thanks so much Mel,

  3. LOVE Tool Time Tuesday!!! Keep up the great work. (I'm sure many weeks it must be a real challenge to keep up with this, but I'm sure I speak for MANY who really enjoy this.)

  4. What a great idea!!! I love it! You are so creative!

  5. You are terrific and your idea is fabulous!! I have one more though. What about using them to place the business cards in of all the quilt shops that you have visited, long arm quilters, and online quilting resources. Then you have all your favorite quilting info in one handy place.

  6. How do you come up with all these wonderful ideas? I am going to use this one when I go look for the fabric on the baby quilt I am making.

  7. I have this visual of a lady shopping in "unknown territory for the unknown" and the employees are asking if you are finding everything ok. WHAT MUST YOUR FACE LOOK LIKE?! Too funny this visual I department sounds like pvc. Hmmmm I've got my guess and will check back next week. :-)

  8. I love your TTT's. Another great idea which I will use! and yes, the girls are sooo beautiful!

  9. What a great idea for name badge holders! I have some already and will use them for the swatches. Thanks for sharing.

  10. This idea has spurred another idea. I keep 2x2 fabric swatches of all my stash in a big photo album. Essentially I use double sided tape and stick them onto the plastic film (not under it). Now I think I can double tape badge holders and insert the fabric in the plastic holder. This will keep the fabric cleaner, tider, etc. Hum, got to let this one perculate. (Thanks again for a great suggestion.) And if you come up with a great idea for making my cutting table higher, without it looking ugly, I'm all ears.

  11. Love your tool time Tuesday's!!! I guess I'll have to go buy more of those name badges!!! Can't wait for next week!

  12. Karen...I love this idea--I love all of the TTT. Last weekend I went with my mom, who loves to knit, on an adventure like a quilt shop hop for quilters called a yarn crawl. It was very fun but when we were trying to remember which idea came from which place I thought we should have written more down. I think we should use these little badge holders to put in the names of the quilt and/or yarn shops along with favorite ideas or even photos that we take. What a great way to connect them.

  13. Gift cards, discount cards....hmmmm, could go a little mad with this one!!! Love the blog and all of your ideas.

  14. Hi Karen,

    This post makes me wish I'd kept the name tags from all the conferences and meetings I've attended. The conference people always ask for them back, but I could have sneakily stuck it in my purse, right? Next time...

    Great ideas! Thanks.

    And your daughters certainly are cuties!

    Rachel ☺

  15. Hi Karen, always look forward to seeing what you come up with. I like this idea for a MiMi brag book. Can't wait to see what you are up to next week.
    Keep Stitchen'

  16. Terrific idea! How about putting pieces of yarn and etc. - would not get lost so easy when going to the store for more.

  17. I love your TTT's, so far my favorite is the spool Lanyard.

    With regard to you tip using the large Chip Clip or Pant Hanger. When I got a book that I needed to aly flat. Itook it to Kinko's they cut off the spine of the book and put on a spiral binding for me. The cost at the time (a few years ago) was about $5 but worth it for the book.

    Thanks for your great tips. Keep up the good work!

  18. This is a great idea. I've been trying to think of what to store the hexagons I've printed for the latest quilt I'm working on and those might just be perfect. Guess I'm heading to Staples.

  19. Another great idea Karen! All my fabric swatches end up at the bottom of my purse. Office supply I come!

  20. I love TTT's. I just recently found your blog through Vanessa's blog. I love it here!

  21. Karen, another nifty idea!!! Great way to take fabric bits when you are on the hunt, and I love the photo idea!! Courtney is a beautiful girl!

  22. These are some truly nifty, cute and useful ideas for using badges! Thanks for sharing!

  23. I love this idea for the fabric swatches! So many times I've taken an envelope of little pieces with me and it just doesn't work. Another brilliant TTT!!!!

  24. Hi Karen,
    I like your blog, is beautifull!!!
    Congratulacions from Brazil.
    Visite my blog.(jud-artes)

  25. Hello, I found your blog on Pintrest. And have been looking around. I have another great use for name badges. Use them for all your grocery store card/discount cards. My mother in law had bought one for this use but it wasn't big enough for those cards, and really not big enough for buisness card. This one that she bought had a screw that attached them together. You can buy these types of screws at Ace, Home Depot, Lowe's. They are two pieces, one side has threads on the inside and the other is the srew that screws in side the threads. It's flat on both ends and one side has the + for useing a screw driver. (Wish my husband was here he would know what it's called)

  26. What a great idea! I found a link to your blog on pinterest. I will going and purchasing some name badges today. kelly

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