
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Yard and Paint Stick Ideas

First off, I want to say that I do not have any affiliation with Home Depot at all. I just love the store and all the neat things you can find, but they really should pay me for all these TTT. How many times have you seen that orange logo on here, plus I've increased the traffic flow of women in their stores too. However, they may not like me after this one. There could be a run on the free paint stirring sticks in the paint department!!! When you do take a handful of the free ones, buy the 68 cent yard stick too, so I don't feel so bad.
Here they are...the very cheap, 68 cent yard stick and the very free paint stirrers (that's hard to say...say it in your head...stirrers and that's how you spell it, I looked it up. Ok off track there. When I first saw these, I said hmmm cheap and free, I'll find something to do with them.

So here it is. I've been using the curtain rod with the clips to display different quilts for a while. It's easy to change things out for the seasons. The only problem is the little waves in the quilt between the clips. (sorry this display is on the floor instead of on the wall, but the light was just awful in that room)

See the little bump between the 2 middle clips

Well, just slide your yard stick in the rod pocket, trim the extra if there is any and there you have it...a straight edge of the quilt that will lay flat against the wall. It may be hard to see the image of the yard stick in there, but look between the 2 middle clips...see the difference, no bumps.

You can also make a rod pocket for the bottom of the quilt and slide one in there too. That way the bottom will lay flat and the stick acts as a weight for the quilt. See the yard stick popping out on the right side.

Now for the paint sticks. This is the best, because they're free! Woo Hoo! We love free. These are great for little wall hangings or you can butt 2 together inside a larger wall hanging. You can barely see the sticks in this picture, but they are on the top and the bottom (they blend in with the floor). This is a little birth announcement wall hanging I made a while back. The top and bottom rectangles hold a picture of the baby and the birth announcement (date, weight, length etc). The middle is an envelope that holds little treasures like the baby's bracelet from the hospital or a little curl of hair.

The paint stick is the exact size for the rod pocket!!

Just slip it in and clip it to a hanger. I was thinking as I was typing this, that you could also drill little holes in each end of the stick. Then you can run a matching ribbon through one hole, tie a knot, measure the length you want to hang it and tie a knot in the other hole. That way the ribbon is decorative and the stick keeps it straight. I'll try that this week and see how it looks.

Well, that's my story for this week's TTT and I'm "stickin" to it. Hope you liked it and let me know if you think of other things for these sticks, because I'll share it on "Friends on Friday".
Have a great Tuesday everyone,


  1. Again, a great idea and oh so simple! thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to trying it!

  2. What a terrific idea...I have a quilt I wanted to hang that way but was concerned about exactly this problem. I'll go ahead and make a sleeve for the back and use a yardstick or dowel to keep it straight!

  3. What an absolutely fabulous idea! Thank you!!

  4. I think you're a very clever girl!!
    Good one :D

  5. Another good sure to take a photo and post it when you do the drilling and attach the ribbon, too.

  6. I didn't realize I could get a yardstick at such a great price. Thanks for the information.

  7. I hang my quilts the same way that you do with the clips on a curtain rod. It make for easy changing. However, the same little bumps appear. This is a FANTASTIC idea! I can't wait to use it on my quilts. Thanks so much!

  8. Free is good...I'd use dowel rods but flat is better. :-)

  9. Just found your great blog in time for these tips , thanks .

  10. Great idea! Now I just have to find room on my walls to hang a quilt! Thanks! :0)

  11. I like the paint stir stick idea and also using a curtain rod with clips. Two things to add to my shopping list!

  12. great tip!!! love the TTT!!

  13. You have such great tips - how do you come up with these things?

  14. Thanks!! Another great TTT!

  15. They should pay you. I just love your TTT's. I look forward to them every week.

  16. OMG! I love Tuesdays! You are too funny! I am amazed at how great this week's idea is.
    I am definitely going to Home Depot to get some....

  17. Yes, this definitely would be an improvement!


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