
Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day and She's Almost Finished...

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! My husband and our 2 daughters took me out for a Mother's Day buffet dinner after church. I was so excited when they gave me two charms for my Pandora's bracelet that my husband started for me on Valentine's day. The two new ones are the teacup and the little ghost. I know...ghost, but I just love it and my hubby knew it was one of my favorites. We did a little shopping and then looked for a prom dress for Courtney's senior prom. Kelsie had her junior prom this past Saturday and she looked beautiful. Hopefully I can post a picture soon. I think she might have to ok the right know how that is!!!
Here is my bracelet so far. The heart was for Valentine's Day, the egg for Easter, the Mickey Mouse isn't Pandora, but is was a great treasure from our trip to Disney and the two new ones are on the left. Sorry the picture is blurry. I also started these bracelets for the girls for Christmas. They are great for special memories and holidays.

A few months ago, I had posted about Courtney's senior project. Each student has to pick a topic and then expand their knowledge on the subject. It is a major requirement for graduation. It consists of an 8-10 page paper, journal, 15 hours with a mentor from the community and a physical project. Well, Courtney surprised me with her topic last year. She wanted to sew a quilt!! What??? She is the daughter that has no interest in anything to do with sewing. She picked the Underground Railroad Quilt because of the history behind it and there is so much information to write about.
It's been a long process, but the top is finished. She did a great job!! All she has to do is layer it and tie it. No time for quilting because it's due in 9 days!
I'm sorry to say that this experience has not turned her over to our side. She thinks it's a long process. She mentioned once that she can't believe she has to put all these little pieces back together..."it's going to take me forever".
She's my, wants it done yesterday, child. She stuck with it though...mistakes and all. The biggest laughs were when she was rotary cutting. She could not get the hang of it in the beginning. Let's just say the pieces were a little wavy. She did come a long way though. She started this whole project with not one bit of experience with anything. She has never sat at a sewing machine or used a rotary cutter in her life. I am very proud of her and the finished top.
Below is the top made with all reproduction fabrics from that period. It finished at 58"x58". It's a little wrinkled, because she had to carry to school to show her advisor.
Maybe all of you can be her mentor for this last part. I've only tied one other quilt before and it was an easy one with just squares and rectangles. Where should she tie in each of the blocks? She is going to do each cornerstone, but what about the sashing. Each block is 12", so how many ties per block?
Thanks so much for any advice you can offer.
Have a great day,


  1. Wow, her quilt is gorgeous! Both of my daughters have made quilts but haven't really enjoyed the process either...maybe someday! What if you didn't tie it, but picked up some DMC perle cotton to match the sashing strips and quiled with very big stitches just through the sashing! I think ties might detract from it...and the "big" quilting would probably be just as fast. Then you could add more quilting later if you wanted...just a thought.

  2. The quilt is lovely especially as your daughter is a beginner. I like the idea of the larger stitches so here's another somewhat off the wall idea, how about gathering your quilting friends and having a bee? The quilts I've tied have all been fairly simple blocks as well but I always try to get one in every 4-6 inches. Maybe a reverse tie where the loose threads are on the back would be less of a distraction to the top?

  3. I didn't have girls....wanted one but God had boys in mind. I secretly hoped they would become quilt such luck. Your daughter did a fantastic job and will look back to having this moment with you!!

  4. If quilting is out of the question I agree with gail that a reverse tie would look the best, but you might want to consider a large quilting something or another. A bee would also work well. You could do quilting similar to tying by doing a small backstitch instead of a tie. Have fun & it looks great.

  5. Excellent first quilt! I like the idea of big stitch quilting using perle cotton.

  6. She did an excellent job on this quilt. And it will be finished. She might not like the process right now but she has now had some experience and perhaps one day it will appeal to her. And if it does not that is also okay. We all add to the world in our own way.

  7. That is amazing -- and the whole Underground Railroad quilt history is sooooooo intriguing! She did an incredible job. What a wonderful project!

  8. I think Sherri's idea is great. Is there anyone near you that would be willing to quilt it for you? A 58x58 is pretty easy on a regular sewing machine. It's a beautiful quilt and I also think ties would distract. I hope she gets an A on her project.

  9. I just adore history, so that quilt is right up my ally, she did an amazing job, I bet you are proud of her.
    Just a thought here, why not tie all the four corners of the blocks in the border color. Then after she gets her A+, when she brings it home you could then either hand quilt it or send it in to be quilted. i think if the ties blend in, it would still look good.
    BTW, I love your charms, especially the ghost!!

  10. I am thinking, perhaps, she is to do the entire project herself...which would rule out the idea of a bee. If she'd go for the big stitch idea, that would work well. If she is going to tie...I'd say the reverse tying is the best as I think the "tails" of the thread would be better off not showing on the front. Whoever said every 4-6 inches is what I've always heard. There is, supposedly, a way to tie with NO thread tails, but I never learned how to do it. The top is WONDERFUL and she should be very proud of's a nicer quilt than any I've made so far and I've been quilted a few years now! Your bracelet is nice...I must not be "in the loop" as I'd not heard of this kind of bracelet before, but it was awhile before I got the drift of the Italian charm bracelets, too!

  11. OMG! Courtney is a genius! What a gorgeous quilt!

    I've never tied a quilt Karen so I can't offer any advice there. it almost seems a shame that it's going to be tied rather than quilted. I know time is of the essence for her project but hopefully she'll want to quilt it at a later date.

    I'm sooo impressed!

  12. What an amazing quilt...I love the colors. Whatever you or her decide to do to finish the quilt it will be lovely and always something special because it was her first!

  13. Karen...I am so impressed with the beautiful quilt that your daughter has made. It is extraordinary as far as I can see. I like the idea of using perl cotton and the big stitches. That would really accentuate all of the beautiful piecing! Have fun and enjoy!

  14. Wowza, her quilt is absolutely fabulous! It doesn't look like a beginners quilt at all. Bravo, Courtney!
    I just love your bracelet and all of the sentiments that go with it. Surely something to treasure for ever and ever.

  15. Courtney!! Great job!!
    Good on you girl!!
    I hope the teachers can see the effort you went to here.. it's such a credit to you to finish such a wonderful top!

    Karen, when I was taught to quilt, they suggested every 4 inches was best.
    I think for now, do it the best way that time allows and then if she wants to re-do it at any later stage, she can.
    Wahoooo!! this is so exciting!!
    I can't wait to hear your mark for this one Courtney!

    Robyn xx

  16. First of all, this quilt is beautiful! It's better than anything I've made so far. So bravo Courtney!! As far as finishing it, I agree that tying it so the tails are on the back is a good idea. I also like the idea of long stitches with perle cotton. I've done that once and it really does look nice.

  17. this quilt! What a wonderful job!

  18. Wow both of your daughters are very talented like their parents! She did amazing job on the quilt!

    I have never tied a quilt before so sorry I can't help you.

    Have a great day Karen!


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