
Friday, May 8, 2009

From the Bottom of My Heart...

This week has been insanely busy and I just have 2 days left. Kelsie's junior prom is tomorrow and the major school fundraiser we have is a golf tournament, which is tomorrow too. I'm in charge of the raffle prizes (50-60 baskets and prizes) and the 40 signs with the names of all the tee sponsors who donated money. I love doing the raffle baskets...right up my alley... I'm off to the golfers' warehouse now to shop some more.
The reason I'm writing this quick post is to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the nice comments and emails. This week has taken me away from reading all my favorite blogs and emailing everyone back. Hopefully, I'll be back blogging on Sunday, maybe even Saturday night!!!
Since the title of this post is "From the Bottom of My Heart", I thought I would add a little picture of a heart. I had mentioned in a previous post that my husband and I love to go for walks together. When we walk on the beach, through town or in the park, I'm always finding something along the way. They were repairing the road one day and loose pieces of tar or asphalt were every where. This little piece caught my eye. Isn't it the cutest heart shape? I added some decorative paper and a frame from the dollar store and it's a special reminder of our time we spend together walking.
I hope you have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day,


  1. Hope your daughter has a great time at the prom, and you have fun at the fundraiser!
    Your heart story reminds me of the time my husband and I were hiking BC (before children). He found a heart shaped rock which is about 2 or 3 inches in diameter. He handed it to me and said "this is my heart for you." I still have it! One of my daughters recently came across it and said "Mom, why in the world are you keeping this rock?!" Well,you see, that is not just any rock!!...... :o)

  2. Very sentimental piece...:-)

  3. Prom, I hope she has a great time and the sun shines for pictures!!
    I love your heart, and yet again, I will say "how to you think of these things! Happy Mothers Day, stay in bed watch movies and eat candy!

  4. That is so cute. I guess we can find beauty anywhere...we just have to look!!

  5. Who knew a piece of tar and gravel could be so sweet! I just love your story.

  6. Happy Mother's Day to you and I hope the prom and the golf tournament are both very successful.

  7. Happy Mothers Day to you too and hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Thanks for sharing a bit of your heart! You are a wonderful inspiration! You make me smile! Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day!

  9. Happy Mother's day and have a great weekend.
    It's so cute(kawaii)Herat♡

  10. I hope you also have a wonderful Mothers Day.


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