
Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Buddy...How To Change the Date and Time of a Post

Welcome to another edition to the Blog Buddy feature. Today's topic is how to change the date and time of a post to suit your needs...when you have the free time to write!

Are you so busy during the week that you can't post when you want to? Is Saturday or Sunday easier for you? Maybe you have a day off during the week where you could write several posts. Let me show you how to change the date and time of each of your posts, so you can write them all on one day and they will post throughout the week...when you want them to!

Write your post as usual. When you are done, click on the bottom left button called "Post Options". I have it circled in black below. Click on the picture to enlarge.

A drop down option will appear. In the section on the right, that I have circled in black, you can change the date and time of when you want the post to be published. Make sure you keep it in the same format that it's written in. For example...month/day/year...3/27/11 and AM or PM

When you are finished, click the "Publish Post" button circled in black on the bottom left. It won't publish at that time, but it will be stored in your edit post list until the date you picked.

Go to your edit post list and you will see it as "Scheduled" with the date and time you have chosen.

Another thing you can do with the time date feature is to republish an old post.

If you are editing a post, but want to keep it on the same date, just make you corrections in the post and publish again. The changes will be made, but it will still post on the original date.

However, if you want to edit a post and republish it new again...bring up your old post, change the date and hit "Publish Post" again. That old post will be published on that new date.

If you are looking for more help with your blog, just go to the Blog Buddy button on my right side bar and click for more tips and tricks.

Have a wonderful day and don't forget to link your projects at the Sew Darn Crafty post. There are so many wonderful links there already. Click here to join in on the fun.


  1. This is really helpful... thanks Karen.

  2. Thank you for sharing this, this will be really useful!

  3. I was lucky enough to learn of this in my early blogging days....and I have used it probably 95% of the time. Thanks for taking the time to show others how to use it..I'm sure many will be grateful!

  4. Tus explicaciones nos sirven mucho. Así vamos aprendiendo cosas nuevas, gacias. Un beso

  5. Aha, I knew about scheduling a post but didn't know you could republish with a different date and time...been wondering about this. Thanks!!

  6. Thanks so much for all your blog buddy tips. I've learned so much from your blog buddy posts!

  7. I have so enjoyed your blog for a long time, but have mostly been a "lurker" and not adding comments that much. That is horrible of me! I just wanted to say I love your blog, your awesome tutorials, and as I am a complete idiot and nutter with my own blog, I REALLY appreciate these blog buddy posts!!!!!!! I've often wondered how to schedule posts for when I'm on vacation, etc. I will try this!! There are so many things I don't know how to do with the blogging thing, but I continue to fake it.

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  8. Absolutely love the computer help. Thank you for taking the time for this! Toni

  9. I love using this option when we travel. I can post date my blog and have posts up and going even when I am far far away :-)

  10. Wonderful! I am going to try this right now with a future post!

  11. You are a Genius in my book. I don't have a blog. And I am sure this is being listed in the wrong area...(sorry) But, I just finished making storage boxes. I wasn't sure how you covered yours. I think you said fabric. Well, I have some wallpaper sample books. that is what I used to cover
    my boxes, then I used brass fastners from office supply. On sides, top and bottom and to add labels. I really like the way they turned out. Thanks for your clever idea. Diane I would send a picture, but, I am not sure where add picture.

  12. Thank you for the tip--I'm still only a beginner and it helps to have someone explain things that I can understand :)

  13. Thanks so much, I tried so many times to figure this that I post from Live Writer I will see if I can apply this....thanks.

  14. Thanks for the tutorial on how to do that....always wondered.

  15. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much the Blog Buddy has helped me. I feel so lost all the time with my blog. Shouldn't there be an instruction manual some where? You have been so helpful in figuring out what is seems like everyone else already knows.


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