
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blogger Frustration...I Could Just Cry

What is wrong with blogger? I know I'm stuck in the dark ages by still using the old editor, but that's what I started with 2 years ago and it took me forever to get use to loading pictures in backwards and the whole spacing thing and it just worked on Thursday. Well, tonight I tried to write 3 posts and thought I was going to cry or drive to the nearest Taco Bell and order 100 taco supremes. Thankfully the nearest Taco Bell is 30 miles away and I knew you could help me more than 100 taco my butt will stay the same size! Ok, here is why I'm begging you for help. When I'm typing this in the new post box all the spaces between paragraphs are there and it looks pretty. When I go to the Preview button it looks like CRAP!!! All the sentences are bunched up. There should be 5 paragraphs. Don't even get me started on dealing with pictures. Who on God's green earth is messing with blogger? If I end up eating 100 taco supremes and my pants don't fit any more, there's going to be hell to pay! LOL...really I'm laughing, but still mad at blogger...furious actually. Who are you blogger any way? and why can't we ever talk to you? You need an 800 number help line! My rant is over ~Karen~ seriously this post looks ridiculous. My name should be all by itself on the far left like I always have it.


  1. Right there with you!! I didn't have any pictures all day for any new posts today--the code was there, but the pics were not. Blogger--ARGH! Hang in there, they always fix it eventually! ;)

  2. The issue I am having is when I click enter to make a new paragraph, my cursor doesn't move! I don't know what they did, but you are no the only one having issues!

  3. I am not going to say that I have had pretty good luck with BLOGGER lately because it will certainly put a jinx on it.

    I vote for Taco Bell.


  4. I can't believe I'm hearing this from Ms. Blog Buddy! Maybe there's a glitch going on currently, temporarily. Maybe it's time to go with the new editor? Maybe it has something to do with your browser, or a Firefox update, or the operating system you're using. FWIW, I have no trouble with the new editor. I use the updated Firefox and Windows 7 Ultimate 64.

    I hope it straightens out real soon for you, Karen. Tuesday's coming up! Wish there was something I could do to help.

  5. A lot of bloggers have started using Windows Live Writer: it is a free download from Windows. It allows you to compose your post offline and then upload it to your blog. It just takes a little bit of configurations to link it to you blog and then you can have a happy blogging experience. *smile*

  6. Stay away from the TACO BELL! Same issues here, and I am so glad I just saw this post before I went in to edit my post for the 50th time tonight. I am going to bed (should have long ago) and will try again in the morning. I have always had spacing issues but tonight my pics won't load, I get little squares and then when I go back in to edit, they are gone...but not really because I get the pic edit box where they should be....arrghhhh!

    So ban together with me and do not go to Taco Bell...go to bed and try again tomorrow!

  7. I only use Windows Live Writer. What you see is what you get! Works every time.

  8. I too use Windows Live Writer, and I've never looked back. Easy to use, it import directly to Blogger, it upload photos like magic and the the feature I love most is editing older posts. Try will never use Blogger to post again.

  9. So sorry that you are having such frustrating issues with Blogger tonight! I'm with Tracy, stay away from the Bell! Tomorrow is a new day :)

  10. Are you using Internet Explorer and just updated it? Blogger is having huge issues with the IE update. Best bet is to jump ship and get Firefox. It's free and it is much better! If you aren't using IE, then I am sorry this won't help you.
    FYI IE is not most internet and web page designers and programmers top choice, it is a pain and difficult to work with.
    I hope you can get things working properly again.

  11. Something is definitely wrong with
    Blogger. My first post today, none of the pictures showed up. Then I did a repost and the pictures showed up, but the paragraphs were all wrong! Gads. I finally gave up and figured my readers would either understand, or think I was drunk. LOL Hang in there. I'm sure things will get better soon.

  12. Windows Live Writer - what an awesome program - I'm going to download it right now!
    Thank you for the helpful information!
    If you are interested in cooking and baking, I found my mother's recipe box and will be blogging about it here:
    Please visit and become my very first follower! Thank you!
    Maybe Mom's Sour Cream Cake will help you feel better?

  13. I think Blogger must have been swamped with requests today. It took forever for him/her to get my pictures in my blog. I'm not quite ready for anything new. I know I will mess up.
    I hope things improve tomorrow.

  14. It is blogger! Somedays I can write it all up and post the pics in a matter of minutes, then the next time, 2 hours later, and screaming mad, it might post half way right! I am going to take everyones advice and check out that Windows Live Writer, tired of problems.

  15. I hope you feel better...and I've been there before with blogger! Good luck! DO NOT EAT the 100 taco's~ You really just want to sew!

  16. Oh yeah...have a look at my post today. Just weirdness going on. I couldn't fix it because I was heading out on a trip. Now I have a post with little boxes instead of photos and I just have my iPad with me so I can't do anything about it. Stupid blogger!

  17. I have been using Live Writer for more than a year now and I love it. It is easy to use though it took a little while to load, but what you see is what you get. I am using it to write to 3 different blogs and it works great at keeping all the templates for each blog separate. The best part is that it is free.

  18. I know how you feel. I used blogger for many years before my recent change over to WordPress. I miss some of the features on blogger but I sure dont miss the headaches from trying to create and format posts! WordPress has bugs from time to time but nowhere near the amount of blogger. I hope its back to normal soon!

  19. It sounds like you don't like the idea of switching to blogger in draft but I switched about a year ago and haven't had any of the problems you are describing. I switched because I could not deal with how the pictures were loaded. I didn't find it to be that difficult to switch.

    Good luck!

  20. This might be sacralige, but I am with Wordpress and...well, it is really easy to work with. However, it doesn't support all blog formats/templates.

    I am sorry Blogger is giving you fits. I hear that from a lot of people.

  21. Make sure the HTML tab was not selected. Mind did that one day and that was the problem.

  22. I agree with wishing for that phone number! Uh, if you DO find it, share with me!
    On the bright side for me, Karen, after MONTHS of my "friends connect" option not working, tonight it did! Imagine, something working....

  23. I only use Windows Live Writer now too. I used to seriously cuss Bloggers editor until I found out about Windows Live Writer. You don't have to load the pictures backwards, and it's just SO......MUCH.......EASIER!!
    Until a week or so ago, I only had dial up internet connections. Try blogging with that, lol!! It tok anywhere from 1-2 hours to upload pictures, seriously. With Windows Live Writer it took maybe 15 minutes. Now that I have high speed internet, I'm whizzing away when I use Windows Live Writer.
    Plus, you can compose everything at your leisure offline, THEN go online to load upload it.
    I won't use anything else now.

  24. jajajaja I know how you feel and It's been the same for me several times... you write on your blog because it makes you happy but finally would like to punch the computer...

  25. Oh no, I have to post this morning and now I'm too afraid to go in there!

  26. I can't upload photos from my computer to my post, sooo exasperating! Guess I'll take everyones advice and try live writer.
    I hope all our issues are resolved soon:)

  27. I used to post pictures direct from Picasa and it was brilliant. Then Blogger had a hissy fit and it wouldn't work at all. A friend told me about Windows Live Writer and I love, love, love it.

  28. I am still using the old editor but haven't worked on a new post in a few days......hoping this is a temporary situation that gets corrected SOON. *sigh*

  29. I had trouble uploading pictures through blogger yesterday but finally found some help through their forum. Says they are working on the problem. Sure hope they get it fixed because I was about ready to throw the computer through the window yesterday.

  30. Oh, I'm just chuckling reading this - chuckling WITH you and not AT you! :)
    Taco Bell is my ultimate favorite fast food place, too, and luckily, it too is at least a 30-minute drive! My weakness is the Taco Bell Grande Nachos!!!
    Looks like you got it all worked out with blogger, though! Thanks for sharing your frustration - we all seem to go thru this at some point in time!!

  31. I've had trouble, too, with my cursor not moving when I hit enter to space between paragraphs. Based on what everyone else has written, I think I'm going to have to give Windows Live Writer a try!

  32. I went to Windows Live Writer when I was having issues with Blogger. It's a lot more dependable.

  33. Well I am right there with you. I am getting very frustrated with blogger and thinking about live writer more and more...posted 3 times before it would take the pictures and then they weren't where I wanted them...arghhh!!!! Thanks for your blog helps....

  34. I use the new editor and don't mind it but with all the recommendations I will give Window's Live a try.

    My issue is gadgets on the right side of my template. If I add anything there it goes way down to the bottom. I have changed formats, templates and still it falls to the bottom! Anyone have an idea how to help this?

  35. You are not alone. I usually don't have any problems but last night it wouldn't let me post any pictures. Then this morning it was all okay. I figure that it was a glitch last night. I hope that this solved you problem too. I felt like crying too, it is so totally fustrating!!!

  36. try Windows Live Writer... it will pull in your blog template, and is much more intuitive to use (especially if you have familiarity with Word)... plus, for photos, all you have to do is copy from your drive and then post into the Live Writer template. easy peasy!

  37. I want to thank your readers for mentioning Windows Live Writer. I'm going to give that a try. :-)

  38. Me too....spent 4 hours trying to get the photos to stay...gave up....feeling fed up completely. Hope they fix it soon.


  39. hmmm.. I just did a post last night (after I had read your post in my reader - thankfully) and the photos are there, but the paragraph markers disappeared!! ARGH!

    What is this "new editor" that people are talking about? Is it the "Windows Live Writer"? or is there a setting in blogger that I can change to get a new editor?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I am sooooo with you! I finally switched to the new editor. Try it, all my bloggy friends said. Well, I, like you was happy with the old blogger. Why change what is not broken!!?? And the new photo thingy, UGH!!! I am using it but I don't like it. I couldn't even upload pictures the other day. Sooooo frustrating. Maybe we should meet at Taco Bell and plan a strategy. Also, I agree with the 800 number. Why do we have to either A-ask other bloggers who are usually as frustrated as we are or B-go to a help forum to get answers that don't address your issues!! ACK!

  42. like others, I swear by Microsoft Live Writer, it's made my blogging life a breeze! I love Taco Bell too *wink*


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