
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Recyled Trash For Organizing!!

I know Tool Time originated in the hardware store, but I've moved to the trash again. It actually starts in the grocery store, so keep your minds open when you're food shopping too.
These few items below look like we aren't healthy eaters. We do eat our veggies, but hubby has a sweet tooth. He works out daily and has the lowest cholesterol levels ever, so he loves his cake or cookie at night. I, however, am a different story. If you read one of my posts yesterday, I mentioned that I had a bad day of eating Saturday. I love chips and salty things, but I had myself a few Pecan Sandies this weekend (by the way, I found out today why I ate junk food like there was no tomorrow. I guess eating like that once a month isn't too bad. It's a little more than you need to know about me, but we're all friends here right? Am I the only one?) Ok, I digress...sorry about that...
This is the plastic liner of a package of cookies.
This is the organized tray for sewing hexagons. Great to keep right next to your comfy chair. Also great for hand sewing or embroidery. Will hold all your threads, embroidery floss and scissors.
This is the box the mini cupcakes come in.

Hubby and Kelsie said they were delicious.

I think these are delicious.

This tray snaps closed, so it's great for traveling to a friends house to sew, when taking a class or going to a retreat. The large cupcake or muffin trays are great for hexies too.

This next one is a drink container from one of those quick stop stores. The domed top has a big hole on the top for the straw.

Take your favorite skein of yarn and knitting needles. These are some things I found of my mom's. I don't know much about knitting, I just picked those needles, because they matched the cup and purple was her favorite color.

Look how cute this is. Great to keep the yarn clean and easy to carry any where...especially in the car in the cup holder.

See the pulls out of the hole in the top. I thought of my friend Dawn when I did this one. Go visit her and tell her I said hi, she creates such amazing things. I really need to learn how to knit or crochet.

Ok, ladies, take a trip through the bakery aisle. These little plastic containers come in so many different sizes. Remember think outside the "box". The best part though, is eating your way through the "box".
Have a great Tuesday.


  1. Aren't you just sooooooooooooooo clever!!

  2. Great ideas for re-using those containers. I will now think twice before putting them in the recycle bin.

  3. Yes, you are clever - I often look at containers like that and think 'that could come in handy!' - then quickly throw it into the rubbish bin, lol ... - too much clutter as it is for this minimalist!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  4. I don't think I'll ever look at my trash the same way again! LOL What great ideas! :0)

  5. You are too funny and very clever!! I had the same kind of eating day yesterday too. And low and behold, found out this morning why. Hmmm... definitely a girl thing.

  6. love the ideas! I like to refer to that monthly binge as 'mooncycle grazing'. Im ok the rest of the month.....but watch out 2 days before...(mauh) Liz

  7. I look at trash and toss it - you look at trash are inspired - I'm not sure how you think of these ideas :) When I see what you do with all these things I wonder why I didn't think of it too. I guess I need to start looking at things as I toss them and wonder if there is anything I can use if for instead.
    I love coming to your page to see what you have next.

  8. Once again you solved another problem for me. One of my hobbies is knitting and I have looked for knitting containers in speciality shops, only to find they cost more than I am willing to pay. Now I can get them for free. Thank-you.

  9. You are so smart! Great ideas again!

    Happy sewing!

    p.s. I crave sweets too especially at that time of the month!

  10. Great trashy ideas!! We are taking a car trip next week...may have to get one of those containers for my "stuff" to stitch while on the road! Hubby loves sweets, so he will be happy too. I also like savory or salty things better...once in awhile mixed with a sweet!
    Cute comment about today....don't you just love it??

  11. I am totally going to the grocery store and buying cupcakes....I really NEED a container like that for my Hexies you know! :-)

  12. Don't worry Karen, you are not the only one!

    Clever ideas for those bakery and drink containers! I especially love the one with the yarn and knitting needles. Very smart!


  13. Your tool time Tuesdays are so cool, Karen!
    I have just started cleaning out my sewing room, and definatly have room for some more trays and boxes. Husband and grandson would probably not mind eating some cookies...

  14. great ideas as usual! i use something similar of what shows in the fourth pic for growing the seeds in the early stages of my mini farm. cheers

  15. The great thing about your ideas is that you are not only conserving on waste, but you can easily see what is being stored. Great idea!

  16. Love the way you think Karen.
    Keep Stitchen,

  17. Hi Karen!
    I have now updated my profile, and saved the changes, thank you so much for yur help!

  18. Karen, I love your Tool Time Tuesdays and these ideas are awesome! I will be saving my cupcake boxes from now on lol!!

  19. I thought I'd add to your idea if I may. I made a end table out of the bottom of a large sturdy vintage suitcase bottom that I painted/distressed and lined with loved fabric scraps. Put it on top of an old t.v. tray with legs shortened. Perfect for holding all my evening television hand projects and notions. They used to be in lots of little baskets everywhere. The point is, the recycled containers, decopauged in fabric will fit right in...

  20. You crazy girl! I made a couple of suggestions to my sweetie about some of your stuff...."where did you get that crazy idea?" I blame you all the time for even stuff you don't do! Too too funny.

  21. Love the ideas! I am going to share your blog with my daughter-in-law. My son and DIL are major recyclers, she will love these! I love them. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day!

  22. I've been using various cookie containers for a few years now and they really do work well for keeping me organized. I like the one about the yarn .. that is clever.

  23. These are SUCH great ideas! Thank you so much! I am going to use them and pass the great ideas along to friends... Have a great day!

  24. what a great idea for putting your hexagons in......I just love it. I have some hexagon projects I will be showing tomorrow (Monday)on my blog.

    Gill in Canada

  25. LOVE these ideas! The last one is such a cute gift idea for someone that knits.... like my grandmother.


  26. I love upcycling & repurposing!

  27. I almost think it can also be used to store ornaments inside a larger tub. I know I could definitely benefit from those. I might wander to the store for cupcakes.

  28. Hello Karen.
    Once more time you hit the target, I love this idea.

    Karen one day, I went to the hardware store, and I try to find those things that I can use to my crafts, as you do, but fail .
    As fail to do so, I got very sad

    I hope someday to be able to have that ability that you have to detect the things that we can use.

    Thanks one more time for all these tips.


  29. Hi, I have been following you for some time now. Really enjoy all the things you come up with. I don't post often, just want you to know how much I enjoy your Blog.
    Dian in Twin Oaks

  30. What store has that size cup and cover?

  31. You are genius :) this is awesome :) great ideas! :D

  32. I feel bad throwing out my cereal boxes, crisco containers, and take out cups! I won't be throwing them out anymore! Thank you for these wonderful ideas! I am so inspired!


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