
Friday, September 25, 2009

Hello To All "No Replies"...

This is a quick tutorial for all my wonderful commenters who may have a blogging account, but there isn't an email address attached for replies.

One such blogger is SewLindAnn...First off I want to thank you for all your wonderful comments you have left on my blog...I really appreciate it. I am writing you here, hoping you will read this. You have left me comments and a question about the "I Spy Swap", but I can't reply back. Your blogger profile is set to "No Reply", which means there is no email communication allowed back to you.
I have felt so badly each time you (or anyone who has a "No Reply") have left a message. I really do try to answer all the questions that come in and I love your idea about the vintage suit case and my trash Tool Time!!!
Here's a quick way for anyone to check to see if you can receive email back through your blog comments.

  • first, go to your blogger dashboard
  • near your picture or logo on the left, click "Edit Profile"
  • go to the first section labeled "Privacy"
  • in this section, the third line down should say "Show Email Address"
  • make sure there IS a Check Mark in the "Show Email Address"
  • if you don't have an email address listed, you can fill it in in the "Identity" section
  • The MOST IMPORTANT part when you finish, is to go to the bottom of the page and click "Save Profile" on the bottom left side. If you do not click save it won't work.
That should do it. If you want to leave me a comment on this post, I will check to see if everything is ok. If it doesn't work, I'll meet you back here in another post!!
If anyone out there isn't receiving emails back from comments they leave, just take a peek at your "Edit Profile" section just to make sure.
Have a great day everyone and hope to reply back to you soon,


  1. That is so frustrating when there is no way to answer a question.

  2. How do I change the options when I have Wordpress? I don´t think I have problems, when I use a Open ID?

  3. Thank you Karen for quick ansaer at my blog, Patchworkstuen. I have also another blog, my english BOM project, and its a blogspot ;-)
    and have change the email settings, so will use this blog in the future, when I sign up for competitions or give aways. Thanks for the great tip.

  4. After being re-directed to your blog I checked my profile. Guess what? It popped to no-reply. Hopefully it's okay now. I hate Blogger hick-ups!

  5. A very good post....thank you....I hope 'lots' see it and check their
    profiles.....I have the same problems at my blog!!

  6. Thanks, I too am frustrated when I want to reply to someone and can't!!
    Great tip

  7. And doesn't it seem like all the "no replies" ask questions? Excpet me, of course.

  8. Karen, Thanks so much for this information..I changed my setting so maybe now I will get some replys. I just thought I wasn't very popular...LOL

  9. It was such a hoot to see "SewLindaAnn" in blogland. Thank you for taking the time to help. I went in changed it. I will send a picture of my suitcase table this week. I just love it. Linda Armenti

  10. Thank you Karen! I sure hope you answer her question about the suitcases on here so we can see what you do with them. I for one sure do appreciate all the time you're putting into your blog. It is sure helping me to get my sewing room organized!
    I thought about you yesterday while my daughter and I were watching the spotted canary on PBS. I've got to go check out their website to!

  11. Thanks ever so much for the heads up Karen? Could you possibly email me in response to this so I can see if it's working ok now? Cheers from Down Under! :)

  12. Karen, What if we don't have a blog? I want to do one but don't think I can do it justice. But I would like to get answers to my replies.

  13. hiya karen!
    just tried to fix my settings re:emails - when you get a chance can you please check them for me??
    thanks for the heads-up and for this post.
    cheryl xox.

  14. Hi Karen, thankyou for letting me know about the no reply. I am learning something new everyday about blogging. I hope my email is working now. Thankyou again.

  15. Thank you for checking on my email

  16. Thanks! I had no idea my account was set up to where people couldn't reply. Now they can, thanks to you! :)

    -Jess @ Thats Sew Crafty

  17. Thank you soooo much. I didn't realize I had it set up incorrectly. Very helpful.
    ~ robin

  18. Estoy empezando con el blog "mispuntosyotrascosas" y pierdo mas tiempo visitando que haciendo manualidades,pero siempre encuentras cosas interesantes como en este caso todo lo referente para mejoras y organizar un blog tan bonito como el tuyo, intentare aprendes tus lecciones.Gracias.

  19. Thanks for the tip and i did what you said and i think it worked :)

  20. Thank you Karen for this help. I have not had any spam so should I leave the word verification on

  21. Hi Karen,
    I've been browsing around looking for an answer to my problem and ended up here. But my problem is a little bit different. I have two blogs (both using blogspot) so in my dashboard I have two blogs instead of one. The problem is I had done what you suggested but now one of my blog still show noreply while the other one is fixed. Do you by chance have any idea no how to solve this?

    Thanks a lot!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!