
Friday, June 19, 2009

Friends on Friday...

Happy Friday Everyone!!!
I started my blog in January of this year...just 6 months ago. In that short time, I have met countless women who have touched my life in so many ways. It could have been a short comment about a post, a long email about family or a question about paper piecing hexagons. It has gone so far as to make a dear friend 3000 miles away. We send each other comments, long emails and joke that we were separated at birth (not sure how that worked, because she is younger than me. That's how we're explaining why we do everything alike). Even though we have never met, this is what blogging has done for me...a friendship I cherish.
All of you make me laugh, you make me cry, you share your families and you inspire me beyond belief. My "friends on Friday" post are about friends who have emailed pictures of their projects that they have made from the Tool Time Tuesday post or just friends that inspire me speechless. Popover to see these 3 great women and see what they have been up to!!

First is Cathy from Cabbage Quilts. I've blogged about her great Pringles can in the past, but you must go see her again. She has the most beautiful applique quilt in her recent post. I've pictured it below...isn't it wonderful.

and this hexagon quilt just blows me away. She sewed this on a machine!! For all of us paper piecers, this is a must do. Each hexagon is cut in half. Again, my "To Do" list is growing by the minute. Thanks Cathy...big hugs from the other side of the world.

Next, you must visit Sandy from Sandy's in Stitches. She made these adorable car caddies from one of my TTT posts. She made them for herself, her daughters and daughter-in-law when they travel for their vacation. Don't you just love the fabric. Take a peek at the rest of her blog too. She made these little matching dresses for her 3 cute!!

Last, but certainly not least is Diane from Grandma's Quilts. Look at the design wall she made in lightening speed from this post. This wall is fantastic...look how big it is. I still haven't put together the tutorial for the larger one yet and she has one twice the size. I love it!!! Not to mention the unbelievable blocks she has on that wall. I think we need to see a close up of those. Go visit and leave her some blogging love and maybe she'll post a picture of them.

I want to thank Cathy, Sandy and Diane so much for letting me post their pictures. I also want to thank all of you for all your visits and kind words and encouragement. You are all the best!!
Talk to you soon,


  1. Aren't you a sweetie to share these 3 gals creations ... they are lovely. TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. The blogging world is certainly amazing. And there are so many creative generous people out there. Thanks for being one of them.

  3. Wow Karen, thank you for such beautiful words, and a wonderful friendship, you have blown me away! I had no idea you could meet such lovely people in blogland...even from the other side of the world. And the encouragement and motivation and inspiration you find is incredible. Thank you too for linking to my blog, I am truly humbled xo

  4. What a great idea to do this on Fridays! I'll be looking forward to it each week as much as I do your tool-time Tuesdays! Blogland is great, isn't it??

  5. Blogging is definitely something that must experienced to appreciate all that comes from it. I've tried to tell my non-blogging friends about it but they just roll their eyes and look away. I, too, have made some connections with people that I would never have met were it not for blogging - yes,it must be experienced to be understood. You, too have been blessed! Enjoy!

  6. Thanks Karen for your including me on your blog. You are the inspiration and I look forward to Tuesdays!


  7. Thanks for "plugging" my blog, Karen. We are on vacation now at the Outer Banks and we have wifi in the house....yowhoo!!

  8. I completely agree with you about the wonderful things blogging brings! I've been blogging almost a year now and can't imagine not having all of this wonderful inspiration in my life!


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