
Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Went on a Trip...

UP THE STAIRS!!! My flip flop tripped me when I was jogging up the stairs. I tried to brace myself, but the only thing that hit the corner of the moulding was my middle finger. All of my weight on that one finger. Well, I about dropped to my knees. It's bruised and even my arm and shoulder ache, because of how fast I was going. I bought one of these little braces just to keep it from bending to much. This happened on Wednesday and it's getting much better.
The reason why I'm blogging about this is because I am a "Glass is Always Half Full" type of person. Always look for the positive in something. Well look at these next few pictures...
Ok, this first one is not so great...makes my hand look funny!

But this picture is a different story. Is this a Tool Time Tuesday or what?!?! That blue foam cushion is perfect for a pincushion. Just be careful when you replace the pins and needles back in there. At first I was joking about this with my husband, but then I got to thinking...

This is how I hold my hexagons when I'm sewing them together, not using that middle finger anyway. So why not have a pincushion there!!! You may think this one is crazy, but you know me, always thinking out of the box. Maybe I hit my head when I tripped and didn't know it!!!

This is Annie our yellow lab wondering why I'm taking a picture of my finger outside!! This picture looks cloudy, because we've had rain and gray skies here in the northeast for weeks. Heavy rain tonight and rain all the way into next Thursday. We need summer.

Have a great day...hope you have a little sun where you are.


  1. We will trade some overcast clouds and rain for 100 degree, very sunny skies here in Georgia. We ususally don't have this weather until August.
    Great idea on the foam finger pin cushion! Hope the finger feels better soon.

  2. First I have to say OUCHIE! Nice idea but I would prick myself every time - yes everytime. I'll just stand on the sidelines and cheer you on. :-)

  3. OOOOOO...broken fingers and toes are SO painful. I do like the idea of that for a pincushion, though...right there when you need it....very convenient. We are having this lousy weather in southern Delaware, too. *sigh*

  4. That's turning a lemon into something sweet! Who would have thought of the new style pincushion??

  5. LOL - only you would come up with a tool when you have your finger strapped up :) pretty neat - watch out so you don't poke you finger hope it heals quickly.

  6. Ouchie! Did it have to be the middle one? But I have to say, leave it to you to find a good use for the splint. you never miss a beat! I hope it heals really fast, but in the meantime you will be getting lots of hexies done!

  7. Just making the best of a bad situation, lol, I like this idea for holding pins ~ I think you are on to something!! You should probably market that idea. :) Hope your gray skies are soon gone. We have sunshine and 81 degrees here in Northern Minnesota. A fabulous day...

  8. HAHAHA! I love that!! Seriously looking for the bright side and you've found it! This is going in a classic Tool Time Tuesday File I think! Great thinking Karen! Oh and I hope your finger feels better soon :)

  9. That is a nifty idea ...with a laugh to go along with it. Not that you injured your finger (ouch!), but the pincushion idea gave made me smile. I love your glass half full outlook. You are awesome!

  10. Oh, that must have hurt so much..
    the pincushion idea gave made me smile....just be careful you don't stick the pins in your finger..good to be postitive..
    Julia ♥

  11. I have to say you are the clever one!! Who would've ever thought of the many uses for a finger braces, as have you. Chuckle! Hope it mends quickly. TTFN ~Marydon

  12. Yikes! Sorry about the finger, but i LOVE the idea of the pincushion :O)

  13. Not funny about your finger but the pincushion made me smile, ok, laugh. That was a seriously good idea.

  14. Leave it to you, Karen for finding a way to turn a mishap into a tip!

    Now when your finger is back to 'normal', hopefully we'll see the splint in your TTT with a new and unexpected function.

    I hope you're not in too much pain and that it heals quickly.

  15. That's the best tool time ever! I'm glad you're starting to feel better already. The weather channel this morning shows rain in our forecast for the entire week! Blah!

  16. I am sorry to hear you hurt your finger. I sure did have a laugh though when I saw your improvised pincushion!! It is aways better to see the glass half full instead of half empty!! :^)

  17. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your finger...but the pincushion. Are you planning to use it even after your finger is healed?
    Annie looks like she would like to be outside with you. Happy Summer ~Natalie

  18. Ouch....I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I'm glad you could find some good out of that. That is a very clever pincushion.
    I love your Annie...Our Sadie is shedding so much right now that we have to brush her many times a day.

  19. I love the way you used your cushioned finger brace as a pincushion: good thinking.

  20. Ok now I dont mean to laugh but that's hysterical that you are using that for a pincushion. lolol
    And those flip flops..........I fell flat on my butt a few days ago too. My flip flop turned sideways and down I went. Maybe you and I should try to go barefoot????
    Hope your finger is better soon.
    Annis is adorable. Love your red geraniums too by the way.

  21. Glad to hear I'm not the only one to trip going UP the stairs. Can't tell you how many times I've done that and a few falls DOWN the stairs. I feel your pain. Hope your finger is better soon and love your new pincushion.

  22. Leave it to a quilter!!! Must be that New England ingenuity we always hear about. Hope yor finger is feeling better. I live in MA and am sick of the rain too. Where is the summer? The only good thing about this weather is that it gives me an excuse to stay in and quilt!

  23. Oh my goodness, Karen! Ha. Even tho the finger mishap is not a good thing -- your ingenuity (once again) has come through. Love the pincushion!

    And here's hoping summer finally comes your way!

  24. Only you could take a hurt finger and make something good from it. You are such a "see the glass full gal" I hope it feels better soon!

  25. I must say you do come up with great ideas and nothing keeps you down. I love your finger "pin protector" LOL I see you are working on your hexies..

  26. Oh man...I almost spit out my water when I saw those pins! :D You're glass in so full, it's spilling out!!!


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