
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Recycled Furniture For Your Craft Room...

I love old things that can be transformed into useful pieces of furniture for my craft room or home. Sometimes I find things in thrifts store, yard sales or flea markets and other times they unwanted item that friends just give me for free.

Here are 2 such freebies that found a new home in my craft room.

An office employee mail slot...

recycled furniture

and an old dental cabinet...

recycled furniture

My sister gave this employee mail slot cabinet to me when she closed her office down. I wanted to paint it, but thought once I fill it up and put stuff on top you won't see it...besides, I hate painting!!

recycled furniture

I did clean it up and had to remove all the name sticker on each mail slot.

recycled furniture

I love Goof Off for anything sticky. Worked great!!

recycled furniture

The cabinet now sits behind my cutting table and is filled with all kinds of paper, file folders, card stock, clear page protectors etc.

recycled furniture

The top is the perfect size for my Go Daddy quilt cutter.

recycled furniture

I also found wall mount letter files in a thrift store.

recycled furniture

Great for the Go Daddy templates on one side...

recycled furniture

and mailing supplies on the other.

recycled furniture

The second "freebie" is an old dental cabinet my boss gave me. I am a dental hygienist, so this one is my favorite. He bought a second practice that had older equipment. He threw everything out and started new, but I rescued this cabinet.

I cleaned it up and sterilized the whole thing. I just love all the smaller individual draws.

recycled furniture

Perfect for a stationary, note cards, stationary etc.

recycled furniture

Now, when the family is looking for a special occasion card, it's right there were they can find it.

recycled furniture

recycled furniture

Organizing and a piece of my profession all in one!!

recycled furniture

Remember, when you are out thrifting or yard sailing, don't pass things by.

Look twice at something and think...

  • style
  • function
  • size (if it will fit in your space)
Things can always be cleaned up, fixed and painted, so don't let a good thing pass you by.

Have a great day,

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  1. Love your organisation ideas! I really need one of those mail sort shelves! X

  2. You are so inspiring - who needs to fork out loads of money on new stuff? But you do have an exceptional eye for a bargain :)

  3. My sister has quite the eye for "seeing" how something designed for one thing can be turned into something else. Alas, I do not have that ability! I thought I was brilliant when I turned my baby's wicker changing table into a cutting station in my studio! You have a great eye!!

  4. Hi Karen, Great ideas!!! Love the dental cabinet for cards and stationery!!! It's just perfect!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  5. Love the dental cabinet. Did you know olive oil works good for removing sticky residue from stickers? No more goo gone or wd40 for me!

  6. What a fabulous cabinet !
    Perfect for so many uses.

  7. You're so clever. I love all these ideas.

  8. I LOVE re-purposing old furniture for the quilt I just need a bigger quilt cave, LOL! I just love your ideas!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  9. Two great pieces that you have added. Both great for organization!

  10. I love the dental cabinet ~ nice to know that treasure was rescued. I love things with little drawers ~ and what's not to love with the mail sorter ~ you were lucky to get them both and it must feel great having things organized so nicely! Judi

  11. Great ideas Karen. Love your uses for both the mail slots and dental cabinet.

  12. Like I need to write a book!! BUT then we wouldn't be getting all these wonderful ideas for FREE!! Love them all!

  13. I wish my house was as organised as yours!

  14. You are always so organized! Wish I had the room for all of the stuff you show us. :)

  15. Karen thanks for sharing all your great ideas.

  16. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas. Every time I have to ask myself, "why didn't I think of that?" haha

  17. Thanks for sharing! Inspired me to keep my eyes open and thinking or repurposing!

  18. Those old dental cabinets go for big bucks at antique malls, what a great find. And I love the mail slots. I, however, would need a much bigger room(s) cuz there is no floor space left in mine. :-)

  19. Good to see that you are still using the old stuff for different means.
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