
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Beyond Excited...I'm in a Magazine!!!

This summer has been very exciting for me! I've been featured in Homespun Magazine from Australia in their June and July issues. I never thought in a million years, when I started this blog, that I would ever be in a magazine.

The June issue shared a tip on my fabric filing system and the July issue was a 5 page feature on my sewing room. I still get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it being in print!

I love blogging and sharing the things I do in my craft room with all of you, so this is truly the icing on the cake!!

homespun magazine

This is the June issue.

homespun magazine

Shows my fabric filing HERE if you want to see that post.

homespun magazine

The July issue is the feature on my sewing room...

homespun magazine

homespun magazine

homespun magazine

homespun magazine

homespun magazine

I'm putting together a new post on my sewing room sharing all the new tips and tricks I've done over the last 2 years since my last sewing room post...look for it this week.

I want to thank Janai and Susan from Homespun Magazine for wanting to feature me in their magazine and all of you, my followers, for visiting my blog each day. I can't thank you enough!!

Have a great day,

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  1. Congratulations! You always have so many wonderful ideas to share! :0)

  2. Karen, I'm so excited for you. I visit your blog daily, okay, sometimes twice. You are so inspiring. You are one reason I starting blogging as well, and your blogging tip section is very helpful. Keep the hints coming.

  3. WOW - that is truly awesome and I must say well deserved! It's obvious that you work hard on your blog and are always sharing. I might not always comment, but I do always read :-) Congrats, Karen.

  4. Congratulations!!! How exciting to be featured in a magazine, next you will have a show on HGTV, we need a sewing show on there again!!

  5. Congrats and thanks for sharing! I love my early morning perusing of the blogs! I learn sew much!

  6. That is awesome! Not one but TWO issues!! Congratulations, very well deserved :)

  7. Oh, I am so happy for, and proud of, you! You certainly deserve the kudos, especially for your sewing room! I drool every time you show pictures of it.

    xo Linda

  8. How exciting!!! Congratulations!!
    xo Kris

  9. WOW!! So proud of you, all your hard work and all the effort that you put into your blog recognized in print, well done! Now you'll have so many views you'll crash the servers!

  10. Congratulations! (And can I say how jealous I am of your sewing room?!?)

  11. How exciting! Congratulations, Karen!

  12. Yahoo!! It's about time!! You DESERVE to write a monthly magazine of your own!! But we will start here!! haha deserve all the recognition that you can get!! Love your blog!!

  13. Wow what a thrill!! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great and well deserved, you are my "go to" place if I need help. Looking forward to the post. Pam

  15. Congratulations! And thank you for being you. I love your blog.

  16. You totally deserve it Karen! how exciting! You should be dubbed the 'sewing room queen' ~ LOL


  17. Congrats! You do have an amazing sewing room.

  18. Congratulations Karen, You have a wonderful, informative blog.

  19. Wowee! So exciting!!! Congrats!

  20. I've have been reading you Blog for a few years, I don't usualy leave a comment but I happened to pick up a copy of Homespun last week in my local newsagents and while glancing through your Sewing Room was the first thing I saw,Looks just as good in print as here on your Blog.
    Congrats from Australia

  21. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and I know exactly how you feel because it's my turn in November although not as detailed as yours I think. Your blog is wonderful and your sewing room is amazing. I've used many of your ideas for my own sewing room.

  22. Congratulations!! Love reading your blog and all your wonderful ideas and inspiration :)

  23. so cool Karen!!! Happy for YOU! :)

  24. Congratulations Karen, that's so wonderful and it is so merited.
    I want to thank you, you are giving us so much inspiration in every post.
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente in Germany

  25. Congratulations Karen, you really deserve this wonderful tribute. Each week you so generously share with us all your amazing tips. I love how you have created a lovely work space without spending too much money. You are so inspiring to all of us who read your blog.
    Best Wishes to you,

  26. Congratulations, Karen! You share so much inspiration to all of us who read your blog. And now International recognition!! So happy for you.

    Happy Sewing!

  27. Ha! I did not realize your last name was Way. Makes your blog title even more awesome.

    And I was just looking at the filing fabric posts last night, I need some organization around here.


  28. WAY to rock-it Karen! You are an amazing inspiration to me!

  29. WOW! You are FAMOUS! Congrats. After following you for a few years now I know there will be more to come.

  30. Congratulations! THat's really exciting. :)

    ~Susan @

  31. Exciting isn't it Karen! :) My Sugar & spice bag pattern was in the same June issue as your fabric filing system! Partners in fame! LOLLL

  32. Congrats! Well deserved, time to write a book!

  33. Huge congratulations, Karen. :o)

  34. Congrats! Looking forward to your new sewing room tips!

  35. Way cool, congratulations! Do we see a book in your future?!

  36. Way cool, congratulations! Do we see a book in your future?!

  37. Congratulations! Can't wait to see you new sewing room tips!

  38. Hi Karen, I am from Australia and have my local newsagency put away Homespun for me each month. I read the articles on you and your sewing room and was very impressed and inspired. Funnily enough, it was only by chance that I found your blog a few days later, and am equally impressed and inspired. You are so generous with your knowledge and inspiration, and I am very glad to have found you. Congratulations on being featured in this wonderful magazine - you deserve it!!! With warmest regards x

  39. Congrats from down under Karen...I'll check it out at the newsagency..

  40. Congratulations Karen! How exciting for you. I personally agree with the women at Homespun that your sewing room is worthy of a beautiful magazine spread!

  41. YAY! Congratulations Karen. You deserve this recognition for so many reasons but mostly because you share so much and help others. I will forever be grateful for your help with blogging.

    I look forward to getting my own copies of the magazine.

  42. So exciting Karen, huge Congrats I'm rushing out to buy now! xo

  43. Congratulations! Another big tick on the bucket list :-)

  44. Wow, so wonderful for you! Congratulations!

  45. Big kudos to you and your great tips. I will be looking for those magazines at the newsagent even though I've been following you for ages. It doesn't actually help me keep my room from chaos, but one can dream...

  46. Karen
    I am a regular reader of your blog and live in Australia - now you will get a lot more "Aussie's" following your wonderful blog
    Congratulations, well deserved

  47. Hi Karen, Congrats!!!Well done!!!But honestly,I'm not surprised!!!Week after week you come up with these totally brilliant ideas!!!And your workroom is completely awesome and totally inspiring!!!Well done and I'm sure this is only the beginning!!!Have a super weekend!!!

  48. Congratulations Karen !
    What an honor !
    Your ideas are clever and worthy of being showcased.
    So happy for you. ;)

  49. Congratulations Karen! It's wonderful they are featuring you in their magazine. Those of us in Blogland already know how great your tips are. Now, even MORE people will know!

  50. That's great! You must be so excited. What a honor and so deserving.
    I read your blog every day and look forward to "what is she going to have for helping us" today. I'll put lots of your tips to use in my craft room, too.
    Patty V

  51. Wow congratulations Karen! So well deserved for you to finally be in a magazine! Did they contact you or did you submit something to them? I'm thrilled for you. Now if they just had that magazine here in the US...looked it up and way too pricey for a subscription to the US, darn!

  52. That is wonderful!! Congratulations!! :)

  53. Excellent! I discovered you looking on the Internet for ways to organize a sewing/craft area. You had just posted the blog that day about what you did to your space. I fell in love. My husband chuckles because I have accused him of a variety of "bro-mances" over the 30+ years we've been together; now he says I have a "blog-mance" with you, your blog, your crafting/tips/organization...We both love your site. Thank you for the ideas. I share them ALL the time!

  54. Congratulations Karen.. your blog is so helpful and such an inspiration. I am glad you were featured in the Homespun magazine and your latest ideas with the mail slots and dentist cabinet are perfect for all the "little" stuff we accumulate.

  55. Congratulations! Glad you have made it into a magazine I can buy at my local store.. I'll be getting a copy.



  56. Congratulations! Your blog was one of the first I started reading in blogland and it has so many tips that I find helpful! Your sewing room is simply a-mazing!

  57. How fantabulous is that?! YAY for you! Hope those are the first to many magazine articles for you!

  58. Congratulations I have just started to subscribe to the digital version of Homespun and its a great magazine.

  59. Congratulations! I check your blog everyday for inspiration. You ideas are awesome.

  60. Well done you I am not surprised, you share so many useful and crafty ideas.
    best wishes Julie

  61. Congratulations!! How exciting. You look great by the way. I have always loved your black and white colors!!

  62. I just read this post (I've been extra busy for a few months and haven't kept up with blogs as much as I would like) and am excited to realise that we are in the same magazine. That is my quilt on the front of the June issue of Homespun. Very exciting for both of us. I love the ideas on your blog. Vicki vickilorraine at hotmail dot com


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