
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Need Your Help With Google Plus...No Replies

Ahhh...the ever changing world of social media, computers and the internet. Just when I think I kind of know what I'm doing, something new pops up and puts a kink in things.

You know from past posts that I am trying to rid the blogging world of "No Replies" (no email address attached to your blogger account). Click here to read that post. Email addresses keep the blogging communication open, so friends and connections can be made

Well, Google Plus or Google + or G+ has put another bump in my blogging world.

Here is a link to Google's description of Google Plus. Click Here

I haven't joined and probably won't...too many sites to control already!! Lol

Here is my dilemma...

Mostly ALL of the people who comment on my blog using Google Plus are NO email address attached to the comment. I know there must be a way to add one, because I have had a few in the past where the email address shows up...3 people maybe!! Should have contacted those few and asked them, now that I think about it.

Here is the main purpose of this post...a question for you

  • Can anyone share the way to add an email address to the Google Plus profile account so it shows on the comments people leave on any blog?

Thank you so much in advance if anyone can help with this!!

Have a great day,

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  1. I can ....:0)
    Hope its still working and that I'm not noreply... Just recently fixed this... Found this link :

    If I don't get an answer from you which I hope I know it ain't working...:0(

  2. I don't know how to make the email visible in your comment, but I do know how to add the "send an email to me" option to my google plus profile:

    click edit profile
    at the top of your "about" page there is a button that says "change contact settings". you can then select if you want a button for people to send you an email (second option).
    your email address isn't visible, but if someone wants to send me an email, they can click the "Send Laura Jane an email" button.

    Hope that helps somewhat :)

  3. Ok, I did not realize that when I switched to Google+ my email was no longer shown. I have tried doing what Stina's link did. I hope it works. I switched to Google+ because of posting pictures. Now I wonder if I will still be able to post pictures on my blog. (Big Sigh) I just think I am getting the hang of this computer thing, and they go and changed things.

  4. I had my box checked (Stina's site) before converting to Google Plus and then yesterday someone told me I was a no reply. I googled and really found nothing so I unconnected my blog from Google +. Why can't this be easier???

  5. Google really does drive me around the bend at times, when their constant "improvements" to blogger really seem to be making people's lives difficult. When I encounter a problem with blogger, I go to Blogger Help, but because I find Blogger Help to be pretty useless, I click on the link in the upper right hand corner called Blogger Product Forum. This is where you can post questions that will be answered by other bloggers. Far more helpful.
    I ended up solving most of my problems. Using a free program called Ad This, which would not solve this particular problem, but I found out about this program on the Blogger Product Forum. Good Luck!

  6. The reason I myself am a "no reply" is because in today's world it is not safe to have one's email address visible to the world. Using a free comment form/contact form that auto sends the mail to my email without revealing my email address to the world is what I do. This way, I am protected. About Blogger Forum and Current Issues, you are correct- I used to report about GFC and Followers not working properly but after several months just gave up. It did seem to be a useless effort. Happy blogging :)

  7. I am going to assume that I, also, was no-reply. I've reverted back to my old profile. Can you reply to me now!

  8. Karen,I recently had a two blog owners from blogs I comment on all the time inform me that I was showing up as a no reply blogger. Having added the google+ recently I figured it must be the culprit,it was! Here is a link to how I fixed this problem

  9. Karen,

    I use regular google reader..and I cannot even figure out how to reply without going directly to that site. I can read the feed fine, but there is not a button or anything to direct me to post a comment. I think I better not upgrade to Google+...I might not even be able to find my subscriptions! lol

  10. I hate google anything. I was trying to add a header to my blog, had to download Google Chrome, and it screwed up everything. I have installed and unistalled several times, thinking eventually I'd figrue out what was going on, but gave up (for now).

  11. Thanks for the heads up.
    Is this any better?

  12. I always come to your blog to comment, too, so I can't help much with the G+ issue.


    I always read your posts in Google Reader. Each post begins with the title, then is followed by
    From Sew Many Ways... by (Karen from Sew Many Ways...)

    To be honest I smile a little and think of the irony, but that was before I knew it was your mission to rid the world of No Replies. I have no idea where you should start, but I guess you probably want to know about this. :-)

  13. Stina's link works. I was sent it a few days ago and it fixed that problem for me.

  14. THANK YOU! Because you posted this it led me to one of your commentor's solutions.

  15. FYI Stina's link does not work. I did all that and converted back to google+ like that lady said and it went back to no reply. I guess the only solution is ridding yourself of google+.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!