
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Give Away Thursday...Home a la Mode

Hi Everyone. Before I talk about a fabulous give away I have for you, my husband and I want to say a great big thank you to everyone who wished us a Happy 25th Anniversary yesterday!! My husband and I loved all the comments...he read each and every one too. You made our day!!

Now onto a cute, cute, cute give away for you. Remember last week I did a post for one of my great sponsors...Home a la Mode? Well, they are celebrating an anniversary too...their 5th! Happy Anniversary to you!

In that post, I showed you a cute coaster set that looks like vintage milk bottle caps? Well, that's today's give away!!! Aren't they just the best?

I have a set too...and I love them!

Thick quilted muslin...

Perfect for that cup of tea while blogging...

and you can still have 5 friends over too!

Now for the give away part. I'll make this very easy for you...

  • just leave a comment on this post and tell me what favorite drink of yours would be on this coaster!

I know you all visited their site last week and saw all the great things they have, but click HERE if you want to browse through the catalog again. I just love it.

I also want to share with you their blog. Kristin is having an anniversary celebration give away each day, so pop over there and enter their give aways too!! Click here to visit.

Thanks again and good luck,

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  1. Hi Karen! My favorite drink on these darling coasters would likely be hot cocoa. The coasters are so cute. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks :)

  2. Yes, and I actually dreamed about those coasters after you shared them in that post. :) They have the cutest hings in that catalog and you are a dear to offer such a wonderful giveaway! Thank you - as for what I put on that coaster. Well it's been over 100° here so a big, cold glass of water is the only thing anyone is drinking around here. Those are so cute that I might even want to frame them! :)

  3. Right now...the only thing on the coaster would be a tall glass of sweet's too hot for anything else....but soon enough it will be time for hot cider and cocoa.........I can't wait.......and those coasters and everything in the catalog are just awesome....thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Why my Cafe Mocha, that I'm almost finished with right now would sit upon those adorable coasters.

  5. Coffee in the a.m., the only way to get throught, then ice tea the rest of the day. The coasters are tooo cute, please enter me.

  6. Hot Chocolate! I'm not much on hot tea. Thanks

  7. About all I drink is diet Dr. Pepper, so that's what you'd find.

  8. Wishes for a belated Happy Anniversary and wishes for many more to come!

    I see my morning cup of Hazelnut coffee with cream being graced by the coasters.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  9. What great little coasters to hold my glass of Mango iced tea! Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. I would love to win these darling coasters and I would give them to a friend! (and make some for me)

  11. What cute coasters! Me likey big time!

    Odds are that a glass of iced tea (with Splenda and lemon) would end up on the coaster since that is what I drink most.... followed by a cuppa coffee or hot tea depending on the time of day and year.


  12. I love the vintage look of those coasters. I would use them for a nice cup of tea.

  13. These are some great vintage coasters! I would have to say that I would use them for a nice cold glass of iced tea!


  14. Cute! If I won them, my coaster would be sportin some Diet Coke

  15. These would be perfect to set my cups of tea on!!!

  16. Adorable! Mine would sit under a tall glass of ice tea with lots and lots of ice. The only way to cool down in 103 degree heat! Thank you for sharing :)

  17. My drink of choice is Diet Pepsi! lol I'd have a frosty can of Diet Pepsi sittin' on my coaster. :)


  18. Coffee, coffee and more coffee!!

  19. Here in Hot Arizona I would be putting a big old glass of Sweet Ice Tea on one of them! They look perfect to collect all the water that drips down the side of the glass!

  20. I've been making iced-tea - mixing an herbal tea with peach/ginger tea - with no sugar added. I swore off sweetened drinks a month ago! Yummy!

  21. Why, sweet iced tea of course down here in Texas! Thanks for the opportunity! These are fabulous!

  22. Coffee, tea, or wine ..... depending on the time of day, lol. The coasters are adorable.

  23. We love our Sweet Iced Tea! With a splash of Lemonade really adds some pop to the cool refreshing beverage :-)

  24. I'm with Melody on this one-- lots of coffee! I would soooo prefer theses over the hard Harley Davidson coasters my husband has spread out and stacked up all over the family room, lol!

  25. Nothing like a strong cup of coffee!

  26. Very cute! In hot weather, it would be iced coffee and in cold weather it would be hot french vanilla...yum either way!


  27. Those are adorable! I would use them for my favorite refreshment - a tall glass of Coke.

  28. I have multiple cups of tea in the morning while reading blogs and planning my day. I grew up on a dairy and these coasters bring back some wonderful memories.

  29. These days I've given up everything but water.. in an attempt to loose weight. BUT, I have been drinking that said water for over a year now, and havn't lost even one pound. What is up with that? I gave up soda for that? Well, I do suppose it is healthier, so I will stick with the water.

  30. We love Cheerwine at our house so that would be my choice. Thanks Karen for this giveaway! I love your site!

  31. Coffee, Coffee, and more Coffee! Thanks for the opportunity!

  32. my nice hot decaf coffee would be on those coaters

  33. I live in the crazy heat of Oklahoma, so right now I'd have to say a very COLD cup of iced sweet tea would be perfect on those coasters :)

  34. Hello Karen, and thanks for the chance to win the coasters! My favorite drink would be a cuppa Earl Grey tea!

  35. If it's cold outside I would put a Skinny Latte on that sweet mug rug and if it's hot out an icy, yummy fruit smoothie! Yes, hot or cold outside I would definitely give those sweet mug mats a run for their money!! Thanks for the chance and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

  36. I would have diet Coke on my coaster BUT....every Wednesday nightwhen my great grand daughter comes to visit we would have hot chocolate!!! She is two and loves hot chocolate with Nana even when it is 100 degrees outside! I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance and Happy Anniversary!! We are celebrating 47 years in December.

  37. If i won these coasters my favorite drind to set on them would be a home made frappicino.

  38. Oh my, I would have to say my iced coffee. I drink it all day long.
    I commented yesterday but I do believe I forgot the "Happy Anniversay"!
    25 years is a milestone these days. Congratulations!

  39. My favorite drink would be a steaming cup of Stash tea. I love it, and usually drink it while blogging. These coasters are adorable. Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I come from Home a la Mode, they say to tell you that you are wonderful!

    As to what drink I would put on those would probably be a tall glass of Iced Tea.....but given the theme on the coasters perhaps I would go for a milk shake instead.

  41. Oh, mine would be coffee. Home ground Dunkin Donuts coffe!

  42. Strong fresh coffee in the morning - proper British Tea from a Proper British Teapot in the afternoon!
    blessings x

  43. It would be tea for me, too, Karen! Earl Grey is my favorite and I drink it nearly every day--has to be Bigelow brand. Thanks for the chance to win some fun and vintage looking coasters!

  44. I would have to put a Coke on them. Kristen from Home ala Mode says, "Hi!"

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. It would be coffee in the morning and diet coke in the afternoon. Thanks for the chance.

  47. A wonderful strong cup of coffee with a splash of hazelnut cream.....heaven!


  48. What a wonderful giveaway!! These are absolutely adorable. Working from home in the mornings absolutely REQUIRES a cup of tea (sometimes sweetened, sometimes not), so there would likely be a cute mug of tea sitting next to me on these coasters. :)

  49. Hi Karen, If I were to win those adorable coasters I would have my coffee on one and my granddaughters hot chocolate on another. Thanks for sharing and also having a giveaway.

  50. Thanks for the chance! Tea of course lol

  51. Definitely...without a doubt..I would put my most favorite refreshing summer drink... the "June Bug" {ginger ale, grenadine, orange juice, sherbet} on these coasters...The taste and color of the drink would blend right into the vintage feel of these coasters...

  52. Perfect for my morning coffee :) These are so cute!

  53. A relaxing cup of herbal tea or hot lemon water would look great on one of those coasters.

  54. How cute! Great for coffee in the morning and tea at night. Thanks!

  55. These coasters are just too cute to cover up so my drink would have to be (especially on a hot day) a nice tall (clear) glass of water on the rocks!

  56. Those coasters are wonderful! My drink of choice would be a tall glass of water.. Im always thirsty when crafting and nothing quenches my thirst better :)

  57. A nice cold Diet Coke in the morning at work!

  58. How cute! I wouls have to say Coffee for those cuties!

  59. I'd love to enter the giveaway, my diet coke would look so great on those coasters! Although I almost think they would need a cool glass of milk from my local dairy!

  60. I love the vintage looking coasters. of course my choice of drink would be hot tea.. Love hot tea in the morning and mid afternoon.
    Thanks for the chance to win

  61. Cute coasters! And they would look fabulous under a cup of hot chocolate!

  62. A big cold glass of sweet tea. In fact I think I'll go and get one now LOL.

  63. iced cold press coffee!! these coasters are beyond adorable

  64. My morning coffee (or tea on the day off)! Now I just need 5 friends over. I love their site so thanks Karen.

  65. coffee with cream and truvia for me please!

  66. Iced tea for me. Or maybe a glass of wine? :-) I visited their site last week and fell in love with everything! :-o Thanks for the chance!

  67. A big glass of sweet tea would be my choice! Thanks for the chance to win

  68. Oh these are adorable. I would have a mug of carmel hot tea.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  69. My Go-To Cuppa is most assuredly Red Zinger. It's the original Celestial Seasoning's Herbal tea and I love it! (and I do not like coffee)...

    Thank you for all you do, Karen.

  70. So cute! I would have my morning hazelnut coffee on there for sure. Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on your anniversary!!

  71. Every morning I would enjoy what I call my poor man's mocha: a package of no sugar added hot chocolate made with a good strong Kcup of coffee topped with some french vanilla creamer. Yum! It costs pennies to make at home and has a lot less calories than coming from a coffee shop!
    Occasionally in the evenings I would enjoy a Mai Tai and dream of returning to Hawaii!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win these darling coasters!

  72. Those are darling! Even if I don't win I may have to go buy a set. My favorite drink is water but in a cup and hot it would be either Hot Apple Pie (contains alcohol) or Dove's Spiced White Sipping Chocolate.

    Both are bad for me but if I am going to indulge I should enjoy, right?

    Happy Anniversary and thanks for the chance to win!

  73. Those coasters are SO cute! My favorite drink lately has been black silk coffee with hazelnut creamer...yummy!

  74. Thank you for this give away! I am a tea drinker from way back. My mom gave me some tea & toast when I was younger b/c I was ill & needed something in my tummy. To this day, if you're feeling 'not so great', tea & toast works wonders.

  75. I would love a freshly squeezed lemonade - none of that powdered stuff!

  76. i LOVE these! so perfect for my used-to-be dairy town :)
    and i would be drinking coffee, Coffee, COFFEE!
    or water, LOL!

  77. Morning coffee, mid-day coffee, after dinner coffee ... love my coffee.

  78. I'm a dairy farmers daughter so I'd have to say a glass of cold milk!

  79. Irish Breakfast Tea - my favorite drink while I'm reading quilt blog posts in the morning. Thanks for the chance to win the cute coasters.

  80. Sweet tea in the summer and hot tea in the winter. Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. Coffee milk? Or is it cwaffee?

  82. Half hot milk, half flavored coffee, topped with whipped cream!

  83. Hi Karen, Happy Anniversary, we celebrate our 25th next year! Love the coasters. If I had them I would have a mug of Earl Grey Tea which is what I drink all day, coffee gives me a headache!!! Thanks for the Giveaway. Susie x

  84. It would be my favorite Good Earth Sweet&Spicy tea or a hot cup of coffee!! Just love the coasters. Thanks for a chance to win them. :0)

  85. My favorite drink would be a cup of Eight O'clock colombian coffee. Adorable coasters, I have some old glass milk jars that these remind me of, would be so neat to win some.

  86. Coke Zero is what I drink the most. When that is not available, then diet coke. Those coasters are so adorable!! thanks for the chance to win!!

  87. My favorite drink on those coasters would be Madagascar Vanilla tea by Celestial Seasonings. I love that tea. Of course, I love hot cocoa, too, but for counting calories, I'll go with my favorite herbal tea.
    Your coasters are adorable!!! It's so nice of you to offer them as a give away. What a sweetie you are!!!

  88. Ohhh, that would have to be chocolate milk.....these are so cute!

  89. I'm a big chocolate milk drinker - nothings better for dessert than a nice, big glass!

  90. A cup of tea or a glass of water. Nice idea for a give away. By the way Happy Anniversary.

  91. As hot as it is right now, a big glass of iced tea would be a perfect fit for these cute coasters. I would use them for everything. Thanks for the give away.

  92. A cup of hot tea during cooler weather or a tall cold glass of ice tea when it's hot.

  93. My favorite drink would be Dunkin Donuts orignal blend coffee in my favorite coffee cup!!

  94. Such cute coasters. In my cup on one of those coasters would be a blend of Hazelnut/creme coffee -- with a pastry or cookie that has cinnamon in it!

  95. Iced coffee is my drink of choice right now. Thanks for a chance

  96. I would have a cup of Constant Comment by Bigelow - my favorite tea! Really neat coasters-thank you so much.

  97. Oh, my! These are the best! I'd park a cup of ginger peach tea on this coaster - so pretty! thanks for a great giveaway...

  98. I love these coasters and almost everything else on the website as well. It is pretty warm out today so I think I would use these coasters under a glass of ice tea. Thank you!

  99. Those coasters are so cute. I'd have a coffee on mine, for sure. Thanks for the chance to win.

  100. LOVE the coasters and LOVE your blog! It is my morning ritual to read what you are up to! Ice tea would sit on top of the coasters if they were mine.

  101. We have been using CD covers as coasters, so some "real" coasters for my hot chocolate or water would be awesome!

  102. Yep....definitely coffee! Always coffee! lol

  103. Mine would have a nice glass of dry white on it.

  104. I would be using them for my coffee cup. They are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway and for the chance.

  105. Sweet tea with a thin slice of lemon.

  106. Would be perfect under my afternoon glass of iced coffee! I'm a newbie here on the blog and lovin' it! Thanks for your generosity in these giveaways!

  107. I love Raspberry Tea over lots of ice.

  108. Hot chocolate with plenty of whipped cream and water

  109. My drink of choice would be sweet tea or white wine, depending on the time of day.

  110. A nice cup of hot tea with cream and sugar. Or a nice hot cup on coffee with sweet cream coffee creamer. Hummmm choices. Those are dang cute!

  111. For me it would be a cup of tea - these coasters are so adorable! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  112. A nice cup of tea any day thanks. Sharyn

  113. these coaster are to cute to say the least love them! a nice tall glass of ice tea sweetened even a cold glass of lemonade would be great on top of these cute little coasters. when its hot out and man has it been hot out lately in the triple digits here my favorite summer time drink would be two sweetened ice tea and lemonade nice and cold and refreshing on a hot summer day reading a book or of course blogging thanks for the chance to win

  114. These are darling. I'd love to set down an icy cold Coca Cola in a little glass bottle on one of them. A perfect fit, don't you think?

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  115. Coffee in the am, bourbon in the pm :)

  116. Karen, as I am right now while reading your blog, a cup of dunkin' donuts coffee - brewed at home. A great accompaniment to my minutes (sometimes hours) of surfing! Thanks for the opportunity!

  117. New follower here! Love your blog Karen and thanks for this giveaway!
    I prefer coffee :)

  118. Hi Karen, Please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would have a cup of Vanilla Black tea - Yum!

  119. Hello Karen, love your blog, please enter me in the giveaway. My favorite drink to have on your coaster would be Twinings Prince of Wales tea.

    Have a great day!

  120. I think I'd like a nice cup of tea, brewed with star anise and vanilla. Mmmmm. So comforting!

  121. I remember having milk delivered to our door which makes me vintage too ! These nostalgic coasters would be perfect with coffee at our house. And a belated Happy Anniversary!

  122. Love to drink my coffee in the morning while reading blogs.

  123. What a great giveaway. I would definitely use them for my ice cold diet coke. Happy Anniversary!!

  124. Hot coffee in the morning, sweet tea in the afternoon and a glass of wine in the evening would sit pretty on these coasters!

  125. I would be drinking either hot or cold tea, or iced water. They are adorable, and perfect for a dairy farm girl like me. :o)

  126. Those are adorable! Thanks for the opportunity to win a set. Send those my way and I will have a place to sit my soda while working away at my computer!

  127. Those are darling! I'm a coffee-with-a-splash-of-milk lover...and sadly my mug often rests on my wooden coffee side table by my chair, as I'm on my laptop. I really am in need of these cute coasters!

  128. Hope I'm not too late! Couldn't comment earlier. I loved their store & these coasters are so cute. Also, a belated Happy Anniversary!

  129. These would look so cute under my iced tea glass!

  130. Hi Karen,

    I love your blog. I'd use those coasters for a nice, tall Cuba Libre!


  131. Love the coasters! A nice cold glass of lemonade!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!