
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tool Time Tuesday...Magnetic Business Card To Bookmark

Happy Tuesday everyone!! You all know Tuesday's projects can use just about anything from anywhere. Well, today is no exception. You know those magnetic business cards you receive in the mail or from businesses around your town...we're recycling those into this cute bookmark!!

All you need is...
  • one square of fabric 5" x 5". Great for charm packs. You can also use left over jelly roll fabric
  • one magnetic business card
  • sewing machine

If you don't have any magnetic business cards, you can buy a box of them in office supply stores or online.

They are sticky on one side to attach your business cards to. We won't be using the stick feature today, but you could use it as a short cut with just ribbon and no sewing.

I'm cutting the magnet in half, but you could use 2 whole ones. Just adjust your fabric needs for that.

Cuts easily with scissors.

To start, fold the 5 inch square in half, right sides together.

Pin. Lay magnets on top just to make sure they fit on your fabric.

Make sure there is about 1/4 inch of space between the 2 magnets and enough seam allowance all the way around.

 Sew with 1/4 inch seam on the 3 sides, not the fold. Turn and pivot at the corners.

Leave opening big enough for magnets to fit.

Turn right side out.

Poke out corners.

Iron flat and then insert first magnet piece. Push to the top.

Add the second magnet. ****Make sure you have the magnets going in with the same side up so they attract to each other.****

Whip stitch or machine stitch the opening closed.

Fold in half and pin to find the center.

Push the magnets to either side to give you stitching room in the center.

Sew down the middle. Keeps each magnet on each side.

All Done!! Clip the magnet over the page. Grabs onto the other magnet through the paper.

Make sure you have the magnets facing the same way though!

Great little gift...

I know with the popularity of electronic books, bookmarks are becoming extinct (Lol), but this is perfect for...
  • book club friends
  • quilting bee friends for quilt book and magazines...make the fabric match a gift basket you give them with sewing goodies.
  • people who love to cook...for their cookbooks
  • great teacher's gift
  • religious groups for bible study

I'm sure there are so many more great ideas to give this quick and easy project...

Happy sewing,

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  1. Obrigada por compartilhar uma ideia tão simples de fazer,e tão útil para ser usado.FELIZ PÁSCOA!

  2. What a cute idea! I am definately going to make some, thanks for the idea :)

  3. I have a pile of those magnetic cards sitting around collecting dust and a small daughter, on holiday and desperate for a simple sewing project - superb timing - thank you.

  4. Absolutely fabulous idea - I have been trying to make a magnetic bookmark for ages (with no success) I think I can do this, and recycling into the bargain. Thank you - hope you do not mind if I pin this on Pinterest - let me know if you do, and I will remove it immediately

  5. I've seen these around. Thanks for the reminder. They will make great little gifts and thank yous!

  6. Very clever! Would make a great gift for those readers in your life.

  7. Just pinned this! :-) Great idea!

  8. Gracias es una idea excelente


  9. Great idea. Thanks for sharing and doing a tutorial.

  10. Great idea. Thanks for sharing. I will always have books.

  11. That is such a great idea. I have several saved up cause I just can't stand to throw them away. I knew an idea would come up some time.

    Until next time,

  12. Great idea -- your tut is very clear. I'd say that's a gift! Thanks for sharing it.

  13. What a great idea. I am a kindle reader but this bookmark would make a nice tuck-in gift.

  14. Karen,
    Clever little gift! Thanks.

  15. Karen what a great idea well done Hugs Elaine

  16. what a great idea. thanks for the great toots.will be making some of always love your tool time tuesday.

  17. Aswesome idea!! My brain is listing some friends for this cute gifty idea!!


  18. Can't wait to try this! Pinned it, too. ;) I've got lots of book lovers in my life... I think I know what they'll be getting for Christmas! And, I have plenty of scrap fabric, and a stack of those sticky magnets (that were given to me) so it will be a no cost gift as well... bonus!!

  19. You are so clever! Your ideas are inspirational! Thanks so much for sharing.

  20. This is a fantasic idea. I have been wanting to make some for a while but never thought to use business cards. Thank you for sharing. Take care.

  21. Love, love, love this!! I've bought those magnetic book-marks at the big chain bookstores and they've Never been this cute!

    Although I use my Ebook daily, I will always have the need for bookmarks and I can't wait to sew a bunch of these up ;)

    Thank you for yet another great idea. You totally rock!!


  22. This is the greatest little project! You are so smart! I will have to try this!

  23. That is so cool! I'd love to make something like this for my book club friends for Christmas!

  24. Great idea! I have some magnets like this from and old calender which would work great!

  25. Wonderful idea - I always feel guilty throwing away the magnets I get in the mail, from insurance, realtors, etc. This is perfect - thanks so much!

  26. I have some magnet strips (not as wide as the cards) and I bet that would work too! Great idea.

  27. I absolutely love this!

  28. What a superb idea! This will be the perfect gift for women in my Bible study group. I even have some fabric with wee Bibles and crosses on it! Perfect! Your ideas are inspirational. What a gift for creativity you've been blessed with! Thank you for sharing.

  29. Oh my word that is a fantastic idea!! I cant WAIT until I get another magnetic business card in the mail - I am so going to be making one of these.

  30. Just found your blog but its on my favorites list now! I'm in the process of overhauling my sewing/craft room and I've been hunting for some inspiration and things I can incorporate with the ideas I already have. Its a very small room so organization is key for me. I love you find things at Home Depot - I do the same thing. Great Blog - thanks for the inspiration!

  31. I am always buying bookmarks....but now I will try to make one instead.... well written tutorial!!!

    Plastic Card

  32. I am always buying bookmarks....but now I will try to make one instead.... well written tutorial!!!

    Plastic Card

  33. Thank you for introducing me to the magnetic business cards. I have been wondering where to get thin sheet magnets. I love going to Staples, Office Depot, etc, so many things that I know one could use to make things, sort of like going to the hardware store.

  34. I appreciate to your blog content.Your content is relevant to will bring more traffic for your blog.
    Magnetic Card Reader

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This is a great idea thank-you for the tutorial I have a drawer with some of these magnetic cards I saved I saw your site on Quilters Quartes newsletter and I'm glad I did now I have a new site to enjoy and learn from.Thank-you.Becky

  37. Cheap business charge cards also provide the permanence along with longevity of which efficiently brand the Plastic business cards individuality along with concept throughout brand new along with exciting approaches.

  38. Tried it but magnet was not strong enough once there was fabric between them


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