
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Last Chocolate Spray Painting Project...I Promise

I know...more chocolate spray painting, but it's Easter this Sunday and I'm trying to sneak in this one last project. You can click HERE and HERE for the other 2 posts if you missed them.

Chocolate anyone?

This is the before...for $1.00

Takes 2 thin coats of paint. Just spray the front...

the back and then each side for total coverage. I sprayed 2 thin coats.

So cute!

Great plastic eggs to hold money.

My 2 daughters in college love the money eggs!!

You can add candy too, but make sure the paint smell is completely gone.

Great for small toys and then package them in the egg carton.

You can also decorate with them too. A little nest with a confused chick..."did I come from a chocolate egg?"

Fun Easter grass...

Don't forget all the projects together!!

There's still time to HOP to it!! Lol

Have a great day,

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  1. Karen what a fab project they look so scrummy , I am a chocoholic big time !!!.
    Fabulous work Hugs Elaine

  2. This will not be your last chocolate project, I am convinced. Maybe for THIS year. But that is OK. The inspiration is great! I actually had a can of spray paint in my hands yesterday at the store. All of the things I could make "chocolate" ran through my mind. I didn't buy it.

  3. The money eggs are a great idea for the older ones! And they look delicious.

  4. i love these! i get so tired of the obnoxious bright eggs! thanks for sharing!

  5. You always post quick and clever ideas. Thanks!

  6. So cute! All of your chocolate paint items have been just adorable. They look so amazingly real!

  7. you are too funny!
    is there a way for you to add a comment button to the posts sent in emails?
    i read you every day but dont take the time to click thru to post a comment as i am lazzzzy

  8. so cute. they look good enough to eat. thanks for sharing all your ideas.

  9. Very cute idea and love anything chocolate--or looks like chocolate :)

  10. MMMM, almost looks yummy to eat :)

  11. Love it! I like the idea of putting them into an egg carton.

  12. Please post all the spray painting projects you want! Especially when they're chocolate!

  13. wow, it looks like milk chocolate. i checked out your other 2 posts also.

    Krylon Outdoor Tierra color spray paint will be on my list -- i'll start saving things to chocolatize.

    thanks for sharing!

  14. I really like this idea, I'm going to try it. Thank you!

  15. Awesome!This post has inspired me. Thanks.I'm gonna spray paint something :)


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