
Friday, March 30, 2012

Find A Friend Friday...

Hello everyone and welcome to another Find a Friend Friday...a great place to share your blog and maybe find other great blogs to follow.

Just need your opinion on you think I should still make this a weekly feature or switch it to the first Friday of each month? 

What do you think?

Sew Many Ways

If you are new to FaFF, it's a simple linking party to share your blog with everyone. Once everyone links up throughout the week, come back and browse through all the wonderful might "find a friend".

If you tell your blogging friends about the linking party more will join in too!

Welcome to "Find a Friend Friday...FaFF

This is an easy one to are just linking to your own blog. No projects to sew, furniture to paint or cookies to bake and take a picture off. You are just sharing your blog and then friends will stop by for a looksy.
  • click on "click here to enter"
  • copy and paste or just type in your blog address
  • enter title of link...your blog name or phrase to grab attention
  • add a photo of you, your profile picture or your blog button or whatever you think will grab some one's attention...(I'm thinking a picture of a big piece of strawberry cheese cake, but that just me LOL)

That's it...super easy. Just think of the possibilities of finding some wonderful blogs.

Thanks for participating,

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  1. Whoops, I wasn't finished, and the picture didn't load properly! You have a great idea, and I guess it depends on the response whether you do this weekly or monthly.

  2. Sorry that I am listed two times but I have got an error message and so I did it twice. It is not because I think I am sooooo important :-)

  3. Weekly or monthly - both would be fine - but please don´t stop it! :-)

  4. Would vote for making this a monthly feature rather than weekly, as there is the likelihood of more posts between the showcase for small bloggers who may not blog regularly.

    Whatever you decide it is a great way to meet new blogs, thanks for hosting!

  5. I like weekly. It's a win-win for everyone. The smaller bloggers like me only have to post when they want/can, and the more popular or busier bloggers can post weekly. I love it whatever you decide.

  6. Such a fantastic idea and I am looking forward to discovering lots of gorgeous blogs

  7. Hi! I like the meeting new friends monthly program. Gives something new to look at, with starting the new month!
    Thanks for all you do...
    Take care, Leslie

  8. Thank you so much for running this ... I have met so many wonderful bloggers.

  9. I would vote for monthly. It is a great feature.

  10. Thanks for hosting this FAFF! I can go either way - weekly or monthly!

  11. I don't know if you can help, Karen, but Paula @"52. Please help me with my Blog!" (this is her link here on your post) has no where to comment or email her on her blog. How in the world do we get ahold of her??

    robin :-)

  12. I would say that I vote for the first Friday of each month. I am not able to participate weekly since I don't have much to share... monthly would be more reasonable for me. Thanks for hosting!!

  13. I vote for weekly. Blogs change and it's fun to revisit them. We don't have to link up every week but I really enjoy seeing who does.

  14. I think weekly would be o.k., but there should be some parameters - such as no one can share the same blog in the same month. I feel like some of us smaller bloggers get lost in the volume of participants.

    Personally I find it easier to look through a shorter list once a week rather than a really long list once a month. I do appreciate you hosting this and it's a wonderful idea.

  15. For the winter months, weekly would be ideal. For the summer months, monthly would be preferable.

  16. Hi Karen, thanks again for FAFF...I love looking through new blogs and today I followed another 3 that I found here. I hope someone drops into mine. Since you have quite a few links, I am thinking like Julie C above that weekly would be easier to sift through them all. It has taken me 2 hours this morning (Aussie time).
    Bits 'n Bobs

  17. I like the idea of weekly. It gives me a chance to visit more of them rather than just seeing them once a month. Whatever you decide though is great. Thanks for hosting this! I think it is wonderful!

  18. Hello Karen,
    I think weekly is nice, if it not to much work to you.
    Since it not at MUST to participate every weeek, everybody can do as she/he want to.
    Wish you a nice sunday!
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente - Germany

  19. I think I did the link right. It went to my blog! Thanks for this opportunity!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!