
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog Buddy...The First Picture Means So Much

If you're new to Sew Many Ways, I have a feature called Blog Buddy. Click HERE to read all of those posts. There you will find helpful tips and tricks for your blog.

I have one more tip to add to that list...

Pictures, photos or those captured moments in time.

The "first" picture actually.

Did you know the first picture you add to your blog post is the first picture that shows up on your reader's blog roll, their reading list, their google reader etc. The first picture you post is also that little picture on their blog side bar if you are on their blog list.

If you want to "grab" someone's attention to click on your blog post, in that first second they are scrolling through their list, that first picture can do it. All your pictures in that post might be great, but pick the one that best represents the post itself.

That is particularly important when doing a tutorial. I always start a tutorial post with a picture of the finished item. This helps because it not only shows up as the feature picture, but it's a visual draw for what the item is. It helps your readers see what to look forward to.

It's not crucial that you have a certain picture "first" in your just a little extra touch that can help!!

Hope this Blog Buddy tip helps,

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  1. Hi Karen!

    I was wondering if you upload your pic to your blog host or if you do it some other way. I seem to be getting a lot of "broken" pics. Ya know... The little blue box with the ? Inside. Is that because I am uploading to wordpress? Is there a better way? Thank you for the link parties. I think they are great!

  2. Hi Karen....I love your blogging tips, even added pages recently. A question about the photo showing up. I've noticed that my signature button is usually the picture that shows up on the side bar. I usually have a picture early in my post but when I see my blog on someones side bar it is the signature that shows up....not sure what I am doing wrong, do you have any ideas???
    Thanks for all the helpful tips and ideas you share on your blog....Pauline

  3. Thank you Karen. I have just found your blog recently and going through all the helpful tips - they are all extremely helpful.

  4. Hi Karen! I appreciate all you offer to us!
    I still haven't found the answer to numbering my comments, I know there is add on code, but I screw it up with the cutting, pasting and inserting into the code!
    Your designs are great and your ideas to bring us together are always wonderful!
    Thank you!
    Take care, Leslie

  5. thank you for the tip! nice to know.

  6. Hi Karen! I am a new follower to your amazing blog! I was googling ideas for craft room and your blog came up and I have spent like the last hour here. I had to become a follower. Just your organizing ideas have floored me! I will be sharing your blog with my followers - hope you don't mind. I am beginning a "craft room cleanse" and though I actually do more paper crafts and painting than sewing these days, so many of your ideas will work for me that I can't wait to try some of them! I do love fabric too and though I have not used it much, I have boxes of fabric, but my craft room is totally dysfunctional at the moment so I can't really do anything. So thank you for having this lovely blog where I have already found so much inspiration! I will be back a lot!

  7. I would love to see this be a weekly adventure!! I so enjoy it.

  8. Karen, thank you again for such informative posts! I have a blog, but I'm not really computer savvy, and I learn so much from you! Thank you for all your tips! =:)


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