
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thoughts on Thursday...

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It's been such a mild winter here in New England...pretty much all over the states. Some flowers are so confused, they are starting to come up in the yard. I'm hoping Spring isn't too far away.

I love flowers and tulips are my absolute favorite.

What's your favorite flower?

Have a wonderful Thursday,


  1. I just love peonies.....but everything that comes up in my garden is, at that moment, my favorite! :o)

  2. For cut flowers, tulips are my favorite but I absolutely love impatiens. Or, as Mammaw and Mom called them, Daily Bloomers. Red is my favorite but any color will do. I use them to fill in everywhere.

  3. As you, I love the tulips. You can see mine in my blog. They are pink.

  4. I love so many flowers, especially lily of the valley and peonies but then I'm partial to old fashioned roses too.

  5. I have 2 favorites: night blooming jasmine and gardenias.

  6. I love calla lilies...followed by yellow roses, peonies and echinacea.

  7. I, too, live in New England. After such a mild winter I wonder what our summer will bring.....My fav flower (today)is the sunflower.

  8. It has to be old fashioned roses for me - but we will have to wait a few months to see those! Daffodils are always cheerful and herald the spring...

  9. I love tulips, too. Such a fragile flower.

    But I also love whatever is in season...daisies for summer, and purple mums in the fall!

  10. Daffodils and crocus for the spring, zinnias for the summer.

  11. I like your blog, im follower now
    kisses for you from Argentina ♥

  12. Peonies are the best. They are so big and fragrant.

  13. I also love Daisies...the weather is definitely odd. We were 80 degrees yesterday.

  14. Cut flowers ~ I love daisies, flowers growing in the ground ~ I love moss roses (they remind me of my great-grandmother's house!)

  15. My favorites are lilacs, stargazer lilies, and anything yellow.

    What about flowers you don't see much any more? My mother's garden had forget-me-not, lily of the valley, calendula, purple geranium, cosmos, portulaca, gladiolus, poppy, nasturtium, phlox, bachelor's button, bergamot, pinks, Chinese lantern, money plant, snapdragon, 4 o'clock, sweet William, aster, sweet pea, tiger lily..... I miss those, and I don't have space to grow them. :(

  16. Wow,i'm a new follower!
    I love tulips!!

  17. Since you love tulips thought you might like this.
    Check it out.

  18. I love tulips, irises, crocuses, paperwhites, alliums, lilies... just about anything from a bulb. Except daffodils, because the poison all the other flowers around them.

  19. Fresias and old fashioned roses - I think the ones my grandmother had were tea roses (or possibly noisettes). The blooms were small - no more than 2 or 3 inches in diameter, tons of flowers on the bushes and the scent was heavenly.

  20. my early springtime favorite is russian squill ... (wood squill) ... (scilla siberica) ... they are such a vibrant true blue and they spread like crazy.

  21. I would have to choose iris and tiger lily.

  22. Daffodils..a host of golden daffodils:)

  23. Old fashion columbines. My Grandma gave me a love of flowers and her favorite was columbines. I love tree peonies too! Do I have to stop at two???

  24. Tulips! I have a March birthday and when I lived in the NW, the tulip festival is around that time. Nothing prettier than a field of tulips.

  25. Daffodils!!! So many different varieties, too! But many other beautiful flowers also...

  26. Lilac (not a flower ?) for the smell ... red poppies !!!

  27. I love tulips and daffodils. This is totally morbid, but I want to die (Not any time soon, but it is inevitable) in the spring so I can have them at my funeral.

  28. My absolute favorite is the Hydrangea...especially blue. After that tulips, daffodils, Stargazer Lily. We lived in Hawaii for 6 years, so the Hibiscus, Plumeria, and Pikake are among my favorites. Magnolia, Gardenia, and Rose round out my top 10.


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