
Friday, February 24, 2012

Spring To Winter In One Day...

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It was 60 degrees here yesterday, but I had to work. Today my husband and I both have the day off together, so I was lying in bed early this morning thinking...maybe a nice walk on the beach since it was so nice yesterday.

This is what we woke up to earlier this morning.

In yesterday's post, I talked about flowers trying to come up, how it's been such a mild winter and today we're shoveling. Hope those poor little flower buds went back underground.

That's New England for you.

I hope it's warmer where you are.

Have a great day,


  1. The snow looks so lovely and peacefull! I'm in AZ and currently it's been 74. Awesome weather!

  2. I had no idea this was even coming! I'm glad it will be gone by tomorrow. I haven't missed the snow at all.

  3. It truly has been a weird winter!! I walked to our mailbox in just a sweater the other day...and thought THIS is February????? I am cringing on the inside just waiting to get hammered with snow...hopefully not!!
    Have a great day!

  4. It's the same here in Michigan. Above freezing yesterday and no snow on the ground. Right now it is a blizzard outside. Gads!

  5. It seems that the best weather is almost always when we are at work.
    The snow is pretty, but I am glad that I can enjoy it in photos only. Like Carla, I am in Arizona. The weather is perfect right now and amazingly it is on a day I have off.

  6. It's been a crazy winter for sure. But I'm in North Florida (near Jacksonville) so we don't ever get snow. Today it's hot with a high of 84. But the front must be moving down because tomorrow's the high is over 20 degrees cooler. Try to stay warm!

  7. It's much the same here in Nashville but without the actual snow. Beautiful and 70+ yesterday and rainy, windy & cold today. Good day to stay in and sew!!! Keep warm! =^..^=

  8. Its been a mild winter here in the Pacific Northwest as well, but now the prediction is for some winter. Really? Really? At the end of February. Just noticed yesterday all the buds on the trees and bushes and the rhubarb popping up out of the ground!

  9. This weather is driving me nuts, lol. I went for a walk yesterday, it was so nice. I got new CC skis and I knew it wouldn't snow, haha. We are getting rain now, so the snow will be mush.


  10. Brrrr. I saw that CO got the same type of weather. It was 80* for us.

  11. We didn't have the same effect as you here in TX - yesterday was 80, today the high is supposed to be 52. Your snow looks very pretty we don't get to see that very often. I would much rather have this weather than what we will see this summer in the 100's. Have a great weekend!

  12. Not a whole lot different here. It seems to come and go. We had sun yesterday with a temp of about 40. Not bad. Snow just a few day ago.
    Your place looks so lovely but I get that it can be hard to

  13. Crazy weather here also. Yesterday we got up to 82, today it was in the 40's when I woke up. Mother Nature can't make up her mind.

  14. From one day to the next...amazing!! By the way, love the tip about highlighting the Pinterest great!!!

  15. Here is NJ ...yesterday was 65 and sunny I walked out of work to discover I'd missed the whole thing. It's rainy an cold today and tomorrow for my day off 50 mile an hour winds are predicted! Guess I'll stay in and my daffodils are ready to bloom any day the blooms with probably blow off tomorrow!!LOL

  16. The same thing here in Texas. Yesterday it was 80, and this morning I woke up to the north winds howling and the temp at 50.

  17. We've got mixed rain and snow here this morning on BC's west coast. Bleck is all I have to say!

  18. We don't have snow but it is much colder today. I think this crazy winter is to keep us on our toes!

  19. LOL! Unbelievable. It rained a bit here today, but the snow didn't come down that far.

  20. always 85 degrees here in maui... :)

  21. Same thing happened here in Chicago. Ahh winter.

  22. I appreciate snow from December through March. Before or beyond that, I allow myself to grumble. Also, I would rather have snow anytime over ice. Living in the Tip-of-the-Mitt of Michigan, I have learned that snow will come--it is a guarantee! Having said this, I HATE driving in bad weather of any kind. Enjoy the snow; it will be 98 with 80% humidity before you know it.

  23. It's so beautiful though. We looked like that about this time last year which is so unusual for our area. We've hardly had a winter at all.

  24. I'd love to wake up to that at least once. White around here usually means ice. ;-)


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