
Monday, September 19, 2011

The Nester's Club...Make A Wish List

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No matter what kind of nest you live in...

  • almost empty (older kids at home, but don't need so much of your time)
  • semi empty (kids sharing homes between parents or your elderly parents live with you and need just a little bit of your time)
  • or a nice quiet empty

...there are ways to make your "different life" a little easier when it's so empty.

One thing you can do is make a wish list of things you'd like to do, now that you may have a little more free time. It can be something as easy as learn to sew or knit...or maybe take a class or start an herb garden

My wish list...
  • work on my hand sewn hexagons more
  • paint a set of chairs stored in the basement (I don't know if this is a "wish" or a "to do" list...I do "wish" I had painted chairs though
  • organize old photos

How about you? If you're a Nester, what might be on your wish list now that you have a little more time.

Take care,


  1. I'm painting my kitchen cabinets...with only a senior in high school at home, I have a lot of time on my hands.

  2. I have a huge to do list but it's also a wish list since my son will be coming back home in December after being gone two long years. I'll be painting his room, sort of redecorating it with the things people have given him of a Hawaiian nature. For me personally I'd like to learn how to alter clothing and make my own patterns. I'm not good at all in those areas. I still work though so I don't have a ton of extra time but since my husband goes to bed at 6:00 p.m. almost every night my night's get pretty long and when I'm awake enough I'd love to learn to be a better seamstress all around, not just piecing and quilting.

  3. Gosh I think I fit in all three of your "nesters" list. LOL I just might join you :) My list is quite long but my first wish is to take a class this winter. I don't know which one yet but I really want to get out there and learn something!

  4. Our youngest just moved away to college this summer. I'm trying to get a business started. I tend to do everything in baby steps, so it's taking me a little longer than most. I started before he left since I knew I was going to have even more time on my hands.

    About Me

  5. First on my list is to quit my job, let's just say I have a boss that is really negative. My one consolation is it is not just me, she b@¥€$£ at everyone...
    I would love to devote my self to my business, baby clothes, quilts, and babysit my granddaughters!!!!

  6. 1.I wish I can get the umph up and start cleaning out closets
    2.I wish someone would tidy up my quilting room
    3.I wish to start walking again, I realy need to

  7. I had hoped to travel more with my hubby. Last year when I had a fall and back injury it looked like that wasn't going to happen. But I have been able to go with DH on a business trip this month all the way to Kansas. I also am determined to practice more free motion quilting ;-)

  8. I consider myself a 'pre-nester' with 2 kids who have flown the nest, but their youngest brother who is still a non-driving high schooler. I am giving myself permission to do more for myself. I'm starting a long arm quilting business and taking two classes online (one paper organization and the other a Photo shop class). Sonja, wish we lived closer..I would walk with you!

  9. My youngest goes back to OSU tomorrow, and after he leaves, I hope to make a yo yo quilt, go on a diet, and start exercising again.


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