
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tool Time Tuesday...Homemade Playing Cards

Happy Tuesday one and all. I want to say a great big thank you for all your wonderful comments about the Accuquilt Go cutter I received. I'm still working on things for the tutorial and the give away, so I'm thinking towards the end of the week. I think this thing called work is getting in my way of fabric cutting. Do you think my boss will give me time off to "GO!" cut some fabric?
In the meantime, how about making a card game for your children, grandchildren or family friends.
I know we all have a deck of cards and some decks that are missing some cards...and I know we all have some fabric, scraps or jelly rolls around. (jelly rolls are pre cut strips of fabric the are 2 1/2" wide and are the full width of fabric). Here is a picture of a jelly roll that my sister picked up for me. It's all great bright fabric for kids.

Here is one deck of many that we have hanging around the house that's not being used.

Did you know most cards are 2 1/2" wide...I see a jelly roll in this cards future!!

and the card is 3 1/2" high.

So here's a quick and easy tutorial for a little game booklet for kids.

Cut your fabric, jelly rolls or scraps to fit your card size. The Mod Podge is a glue and sealer all in one. Once it dries, it seals the fabric like a plastic coating.

These are cut at 2 1/2" x 3 1/2".

Cover the front of the card with a thin layer of Mod Podge.

While it's still wet, apply your fabric.

Once you have rubbed the fabric on the card, paint another layer of Mod Podge over the top to seal the fabric.

Do this to as many cards as you'd like. While they are drying, go to your favorite magazine to cut out pictures for the other side of the card.

How about a kitten.

or sneakers, ice cream sundae or a plant. These are all great "I SPY" game pictures. You can also use family photos of siblings, aunts, uncles, grand parents etc...

Cut the pictures to the same size as your fabric or cards.

Repeat the Mod Podge steps on the card...

and then on top of the picture. Let dry completely. It doesn't take too long 15-20 minutes. You can add several coats for added protection if you'd like. I just did one.

Now to assemble the game. You will need a hole punch and a large key ring that hinges open. Not the kind that you slide the keys all the way around the ring. That kind might rip the cards.

Take each card and in the same place on each card...

punch a hole in the corner.

Here's a close up.

Open up the ring and hook on all the cards you've made.

Here is the back side with the picture game.

There are several games you can play with this card set.
  • have them go through the pictures on the ring and have them "I Spy" something in the room or in the car or in the restaurant that "matches" that picture.
  • they could say what the picture is if they are just learning what objects are.
  • how about learning how to "spell" the word in the picture.
  • or learn their "colors" in the picture.
  • for older children, is the picture a noun or verb etc...
  • you could keep the cards off the ring, make 2 of the same picture and create a "matching" card game
  • you could play the Stare Game (my kids loved this one)...Have your child "Stare" at the card for a certain period of time (2-3 minutes). Then take the card from them and ask them as many questions as possible about the details of the card. Great for them to remember details about a picture.
  • You could also find pictures of the alphabet, numbers, food or sports.
  • don't forget family photos for the little ones who don't know family members yet or if they live too far away and don't see them very often.
  • I know there are more ideas that would fit things your child or grandchild make up a game and have fun!!

Have fun playing with your cards...whatever the game may be.
Thanks for always being means the world to me,


  1. Wow!! All fantastic ideas!! These are all pre-reading strategies!! Perfect for kids entering Kindergarten...only start with beginning sounds/ending sounds and then work up to spelling the words! Well done, Karen!

  2. That is such a neat idea!! I just bought a brand new bottle of mod podge and I think I am going to have to make a set of these...or more than a set. I do wish I had some magazines lying around. We just moved, so we don't have any :( I am sure I can find wonderful pictures on the internet. Thanks again!!

  3. Ohhhhh!!! It's a fantastic ideas!!!!
    Thanks... thanks to all!!!!



  4. What a great idea! I love those jelly rolls. I think that would be the best part of being a quilter, just accumulating all that cool fabric!

  5. As a retired teacher, I LOVE your idea and am here to say you would have made a WONDERFUL teacher...and not just based on today's post (although that surely makes a stronger case for it!!!)

  6. This is such a fun idea. And really, sky is the limit for games that can be played. :o) If my children were younger, I would so do this! :o)
    I hope you are having a great start to your week.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  7. I love this idea a lot, it's fantastic and I'm going to pass it on to my DD, she can make them for the kids. Notice I didn't say I would. I think Mod podge rocks and so do you. Thank you.

  8. Karen, you're just too amazing and creative.

  9. what a great idea! we're working on phonics in our house right now, putting letters on each card would be a great way to get some learning done in the car too!

  10. wheelerdfs@yahoo.comAugust 10, 2010 at 11:22 AM

    Genius idea to use old decks of cards, especially the ones with missing cards. Thanks for the idea. I'm gonna coppy it for my grandkids. Donna Wheeler

  11. Have never seen this, what a great idea!! Where do you get Mod Podge? My granddaughter is so crafty she would love this!!

  12. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  13. What a clever idea! I think I'll make a set for my granddaughter.

  14. I love your idea! This is a great Christmas gift idea.
    Thanks again Karen!

  15. What fun! I see a present for my young niece in the future. Thanks.

  16. Karen:
    I don't know if you get solicitations for credit cards that have a fake credit card enclosed. If so, would those credit cards possibly be a substitute for the playing cards?

  17. Karen that is the cutest idea and
    so simple too. That makes a great
    vacation game for kids.":O)

  18. You are brilliant, I tell ya! What a great idea. I just love your Tool Time Tuesday!

  19. That is a fun idea and great projects to keep the kids busy this summer.


  20. This is a wonderful idea!! I SPY is a great game :) (and all those other ideas too)

    Thank you!


  21. As you can see I've just discovered your blog. I'm adding you to my

    What a sweet idea with the cards ... perfect game for travel to the beach next summer. thanks.

  22. Wow, Karen, you never cease to amaze me with the ideas you come up with for Tool Time Tuesday! I think this would make a great brag book for Grandma too! So colorful. By the way, come check out my new blog, I finally got it up and running! And the tutorials went over real well during our grand opening! Thanks again.....Carol


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