
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Accuquilt Go Tumbler Tutorial...Halloween Bag

Hello, hello! I can't believe how many comments I have already for the Accuquilt Go cutter give away. This is such a wonderful system, I'm not surprised. Don't must leave comments to enter on the Give Away Post.
Click HERE to enter.
But wait, don't forget to come back for the tutorials too. These instructional posts were too long to do with the give away.
Here is the tumbler die that I picked with my Go! cutter. It's 6 1/2" on the longest horizontal edge and 6 1/2" high.

Here's what the die looks like. Foam padding protects the blade that is embedded inside. You can just see the outline of the shape.

The bottom edge, where I've placed the ruler, is 6 1/2" long.

I cut a piece of fabric 7 inches square. Mine happens to have a folded edge, which helps with scraps (you'll see that in a minute) Place fabric over die shape. The most layers I've put through is 6 so far. It all depends on the thickness of your fabric. I wouldn't force too much.

Then cover with cutting mat (You need this cutting mat so the blade has something to press up against as it goes through the rollers)

This is the order. Die (foam up), fabric then cutting mat.

Put the die up against the rollers on either side...doesn't matter which end, the rollers turn either way.

Turn handle to start the rollers moving. Keep turning until the die is completely through.

Seconds are done!

Perfect tumblers all set to sew or should I say...All Set To Go!

Here are the scraps left over from my folded edge...don't throw them away though .

I put them on my hexagon die, the medium size.

Tah dah...I see an I Spy Hexagon quilt in my future. Way in my future, but at least it will be cut out.

Here is the other MUST HAVE die. The 2 1/2" strip cutter. Not only is the strip cutter great for jelly rolls, bindings and about bag handles for all your purses you're making. This is also great for making nine patches and strips for braiding fabric for rugs. This die is a big one...24" long by 10" wide.

For this Halloween project, I placed 3 different scrap fabrics on the die at the same time (only 4 layers thick for each).

Cover with die cutting mat and send it through the rollers...

and here you have all the strips needed for my candy corn tumblers.

Sew the three strips together and iron seams in one direction.

When I'm sewing long strips together, I always sew a Scant 1/4" seam. A scant means a little bit less than. See the close up of my machine mark for 1/4"? I sew a little less than that. This way when you sew multiple strips, you don't take up a big seam allowance and then the sewn strips aren't the right size. It's always better to have too much to trim away, than not enough to sew with.

Now I folded the striped fabric and placed it over the tumbler die. Make sure you put the white fabric up on the smaller end of the tumbler die.

Instant candy corn!!

Now you can take your Halloween fabric tumblers and your candy corn tumblers and sew them in rows. Then sew the rows together for a quick Halloween Quilt or wall hanging.

Or you can take 2 candy corn tumblers and sew them right sides together. Then take 2 Halloween fabric tumblers and sew them right side together. Sew down the side, across the small bottom and up the next side. Leave the large top edge open. On the black fabric, I left a small opening on one of the sides for turning.

Sew with a 1/4" seam allowance.

Don't forget, you're leaving the wide top open on both.

Here's a close up of the opening on one of the sides of the black fabric.

Now turn the lining fabric right side out (which is the black one for me).

Place the black (lining) fabric inside the candy corn, right side together. Match side seams, pin and sew the top edge together.

I placed it on the arm of my sewing machine and sewed a 1/4" seam.

Now, through that little opening in the black fabric, turn the whole thing right side out.

Poke out the corners and iron flat.

Sew opening closed.

Now take lining fabric and push it into the candy corn.

and here you have a little candy bag for your special Trick or Treaters. You can also add a little ribbon for handles at this point or when you were sewing the top seam.

Perfect size for all the candy and goodies you are handing out.

Like big Hershey chocolate bars!!

Fast, easy and oh soooo cute.

and reversible too!

I'll be back with more tutorials...maybe tonight or tomorrow...probably tonight...I love this machine. I have to catch up on laundry. The only negative about this machine is you will be using it so much your laundry backs up, dust collects and your poor dog begs you to feed her. Actually your family might beg you too, so get out the crock pot!!
spaceSee you soon,
Remember to click HERE to enter the give away for a chance to win your own Accuquilt Go Fabric cutter


  1. I think she made a good choice when she selected you to receive one. The tutorial is wonderful, nice photos and shows me what I can do with one and ways to save money by using the scraps too. I have piles of scraps and would be nice to cut them into usable pieces that I can store and use in the future.

  2. Sew fun!!!! I see you are having a blast!!

  3. I love the candy corns!!whata great tutorial..Makes me wnat a Go Cutter even more!!Thanks for sharing,Amy

  4. What a cute snack sack!
    Thanks for sharing the tutorial, too.

    I especially liked that you used the leftover from the tumbler cuts to cut the hexagon as I had heard there was a lot of waste with the GO! Very creative!


  5. What a great tutorial Karen!! Now if I only had a GO to practice on!

  6. That is sooo cute!! I now need a candy bar!!!

  7. Love it! It sounds so much fun!! Thanks for the tutorial. I can picture in my head my own kids playing with the accuquilt. They would probably end up cutting even the bed sheets!! Lots of fun for the entire family!! haha!!!
    I look forward to seeing the next tutorials.

  8. Cute little Halloween party favor or trick or treat candy bag. I can tell you are having fun with this too.

  9. Great tutorial Karen. I can tell you why you have so many comments on your giveaway. It's because you are making this a very easy giveaway. I mean some of the other GO giveaways had a lot of hoops to jump through. I do not do facebook, and a lot of GO giveaways required facebook :-( But we all would love to win one, that is for sure! Thanks!

  10. Karen you do wonderful tutorials and I always enjoy reading your posts :)

  11. Ok THAT looked way too cool and way too easy! Thank you for sharing. This will be a must do project to give the other kids at preschool this year.

  12. Excellent tutorial. This definitely will go into my list of favorite tutorials. I can't wait to give it a try. Certainly makes cute Halloween quilts and projects, but I also see it applied for many other projects.

    Thanks for sharing your insights. Love it!


  13. Very cute idea! Ihave the GO cutter (I got it for Christmas last year) but you know what... I HAVE YET TO USE IT!! I know! I'm crazy. Well, I bought one die and it wasn't cutting the right size. Long story short, I was (and still am) very disappointed in the system but I think I'm slowly getting over it. I may have to get a few more dies and just bite the bullet and start GO cutting!

  14. love all the things you can cut with the Go Cutter. Life has to e much easier with it. YOur blog is so informative to all who wants to learn it. Hugs, Marie

  15. love all the things you can cut with the Go Cutter. Life has to e much easier with it. YOur blog is so informative to all who wants to learn it. Hugs, Marie

  16. certainly looks like you are having a great time with this. Awesome tutorial!!!

  17. I love the way this went together and in plenty of time for the fall season!


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