
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Zipper Bow

How many of you have a box or a bag of zippers some where in your sewing/craft room? You know those zippers from your mom, grandma or Great Aunt Mable ( I can say that, because I did have a Great Aunt Mable). Well, I have that box too. Don't get me wrong...I love zippers, but you can't sew a zipper in a quilt, so I won't be using a zipper any time soon. Plus, after this weekend's fiasco of sewing Kelsie's Halloween costume...I'm officially DONE with zippers...except for the way I used the zipper below. Now I love zippers again.
I think I mentioned before that Kelsie is going as Belle from Beauty and The Beast to her Senior Halloween party. She wants a short party dress rather than the full length ball gown. For some reason making this dress was like a Halloween nightmare in itself. It's not like I haven't sewn clothes before. I did it all the time...just not lately. It's like riding a bike right? WRONG!
Here's a list:
  • yellow satin frays like there is no tomorrow (right through a stitched seam) It disappeared right before my eyes into a pile of threads
  • try not to sew the front skirt into the zipper in the back it will leave a mark!
  • careful when you are snipping threads...try not to snip a triangular hole in the front of the skirt.
  • trying to hem a satin skirt that is fraying is like trying to hem the hair on your head
  • and sewing over a metal zipper will break your needle
Thankfully, I have Kelsie's comforting words of wisdom..."Mom, it's only a costume it doesn't have to be perfect". I love her!!
If I'm brave enough next week, I'll take a picture of her in full costume...maybe.
Now onto a very fast Tool Time Tuesday:
Take a zipper...
open it...

and make a bow for that special someone who likes to sew.

This was a little fat quarter gifty. I didn't have a ribbon to match the fabric, so this zipper was just perfect.

It's like a 2 for 1. It's a bow and then she can use the zipper after. Plus you're going green, so that's a 3 for 1.
Hope you like this one...I'm going to "zip" off to bed now.
Have a great Tuesday,


  1. Love tool time Tuesday. You crack me up girl, the things you think of....LOL

  2. You crack me up too Karen,
    Zip off to bed and sleep well!

  3. Only you could use a zipper for a ribbon and 'pull' it off or should I say "pull it up"! Ha Ha- Well I'm going to zip it up and go! Good night!

  4. Now that is clever...

    good luck with the costume!!

  5. Smart..very smart. I will never look at a zipper the same.


  6. Very very cute! I do have a really big bag of zippers - they just keep getting passed onto me. I've never sewn a zipper in my life and apparently no one else in my family has either. Now finally I have a use for them! For Christmas I should give them all a gift of a FQ and their zippers back! Thanks for the idea!

  7. I just found your wonderful blog. I'll enjoy reading back...
    Love the zipper bow.

  8. I use zippers a lot-but my bag full is always the wrong color or too short! I had an Auntie Mabel, too-she didn't sew, but she crocheted up a storm!
    Love your zipper bows!

  9. COOL! Can't wait to use this one! Thanks, Karen!

  10. What a cute idea, think I'll use that sometime. I know all about that satin sewing as well. I made a satin dress for my niece, she was in a wedding when she was little as a flower girl. Hmmm, that must be the reason I stopped sewing clothes. Can't wait to see a copy of the Belle costume.

  11. I am SEW glad I found your blog via another freind's blog a few weeks back. You are such fun and I SEW enjoy Tool Time Tuesday.

    And, yes, I have "those" boxed up, bagged up zippers...LOL And I LOVE how you've gone "green" to use some of them.

    Thank you SEW much for the fun you put into Tuesdays for me. You're an unexpected blessing.

    Sewing hugs and blessings...always.

  12. I had a Great Aunt Mable, too. Except we called her Aunt Sissy. She was my dear maternal grandfather's only sister and apparently had trouble saying her name. Sigh...she didn't sew, so no zippers from her.

  13. Oh Karen I LOVE IT! What a great idea!

  14. What a cool idea!! I linked to your post on Craft Gossip Sewing:


  15. I am with you....they are great for embellishments. I have even sewn them with the teeth facing outward on things just for the fun of it....they make nice handles on little bags....but putting in a zipper in slippery fabric is for experts!!!

  16. I agree it is not like riding a bike, but God love our children who put their trust in us and know somehow we will come through for them, because that is what Mom's do!
    Love the zipper idea!!

  17. Sew cute! and clever and fun. Love it!

  18. Very clever, Karen. Once again a cool TTT....have a great day!

  19. great tip! Having sewn a few satin princess costumes myself (one of them even yellow), you have my sympathy!

  20. I love the zipper idea!! I'm making a bag for my friend to keep her yo yo stash in and the zipper will be a great bow around a fabric wrap!!

  21. Love your Halloween costume story, too funny. But boy, I can see why you love zippers now, easy peasy. And they look terrific!

  22. Too cute!!

    I don't have a collection of zippers as I'm deathly afraid of any project that requires them. Perhaps I'll purchase some for bows!

  23. Cute zipper idea! Will have to keep that one in mind! 8-)

  24. I love this! I sewed clothing for many years and have a ton of left over zippers. This is a great, darling way to use them up.
    Thank you!


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