
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Just Want To Cry...

but I won't, because my story is insignificant compared to what other people are dealing with in their lives right now. People are dealing with sickness, grief, loss of a loved one, worrying about money and their jobs. I know that my story pales in comparison, but I still want to share with you my life these last 2 days...I know all the bloggers out there who sew or quilt will understand.
My sewing room is in our basement. I just recently re organized ALL of my things and I mean ALL of my things. Sewing, crafting, gift wrapping, books, magazines, everything. I even took a few pictures for a blog post. Above that section of our basement, on the first floor of our home is where my 85 year old father lives. He and my mom moved in with us 5 years ago, so I could take care of my mom who was at the end stage of Parkinson's disease. My dad has been by himself now for the past 2 years.
One of the rooms in my dad's apartment that is over my sewing room is his laundry room (do you see where I'm heading with this story?) Yes, some of you may have guessed it. His washing machine mal-functioned...didn't click over to the next cycle and kept on filling up and up and up and up and over and out of the drum of the washing machine and onto the floor. Just visualize this for a was RAINING in my sewing room...all over my Bernina, my serger, my laptop, my 8 foot long shelf of hundreds and hundreds of quilt books and magazines. My husband had to cut the carpet into sections and carry it out in a wheel barrow, because it was so saturated with water. Remember my large wall with the peg board system...well each little cup with pins in it or baggie with patterns in it was filled with water. Thankfully all of my fabric was on the other side of the room and not caught in the "storm". Woo Hoo!!
I am so thankful for my sister who just happened to stop by for a visit around 11:00 am. My husband and I don't get home from work until 5:30. If she didn't stop by that morning, I think you might have seen my Bernina floating down the street!! My sister, my brother-in-law and my husband (who came home from work for a little bit) worked so hard the whole day to get it all cleaned up before I came home from work, because they knew if I saw it the way they did, I would have cried.
Like I said in the beginning...this story is a minor one in comparison to other things that we have dealt with in our lives over the years. It's something that happened to the "things" that we have. "Things", and they are just that. We hung all my magazines and books on ropes to dry out with the wood stove that has been burning down there. The floor is dry, the furniture is back in's still a big mess, but we just take it one pile of stuff at a time.
Remember, I am the one who always sees the glass as half "full" and there is always a silver lining. Well guess what? I had just taken Kelsie's Halloween costume upstairs the night before. Yahoooo!! I think if I had to make that dress over again, I would have to be severely medicated or just fly down to Disney World and buy her a real Belle dress. Another saving grace...all of the I Spy swap fabric is upstairs in our office, safe and sound. Thank God.
I have pictures to share at some point, but they are still too disturbing for my to even look at...oh my gosh, the disorganization is killing me.
Sorry, I haven't replied to any comments these past 2 days, but I know you understand. I'll be back soon and ready to blog again in no time.

Take care,


  1. Goodness gracious girl! I got a tummy ache just reading it. I totally understand. ;o) Big HUGS!!!!

  2. Oh Karen, that IS bad. I for one, DO know wxactly how you feel. I have a drapery studio in my basement, and one day I had $260 a yard silk fabric laid out on the
    6' X 10' table. We had a pipe burst between the floors, and it rained right down over my table! Right on all that silk..........that belonged to a client................that I had to replace. I had to replace my carpet and some of the floorboards. I was out on a job all day and my husband was on a business trip. Imagine my surprise when I went into my workroom the next morning. Thank goodness all of my machines were in a seperate room.

    The bright side - if there is one - is that insurance paid for everything. They'll pay for you to replace your machines too. I currently manage a Bernina store, and I can tell you, techs will not even look at a machine that's been wet. Go ahead and get the cost to replace it from your dealer and have it ready for the insurance company. We've replaced several machines this year due to house fires, and all of the customers told me that their ins. companies paid for all of it.

    I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It IS a big deal, even in the scheme of bigger things.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your bad day! And, bless your heart for looking on the bright side! So, are the electronics-Bernina, laptop, etc. are they okay? Man, it's amazing when we begin to count up the $$$ involved in our sewing, isn't it? We'll be praying for things to run smoothly and not cost you too much. ps Neat how your sister just happened by at that time; think it's a "God" thing, huh? :-} pokey

  4. Oh Karen, my heart aches for you! How disturbing! And what a blessing that your sister stopped by when she did. So glad you're looking at the positive side, I'd be in a straight jacket by now!

  5. Doesn't matter what the upheaval is, it's still unsettling to deal with. Sorry that you had the big flood, I can imagine the damage, we've had water pipes burst. Hope insurance will cover the damage and lost items.

  6. Oh you poor poor thing!!!
    I weep for your hardware!!
    But at least your software (all that delicious fabric) is OK.
    Be strong!!
    Andi :-)

  7. Oh, Karen; I'm so sorry this happened to you! Your family is so wonderful trying to clean up before you came home. I hope you can soon replace what is replaceable.

  8. I think that is a big thing.. you most certainly can cry. I am so sorry that happened to you.

  9. I just have to add my condolences. Sure, its just things that got ruined, but lovely, precious, beloved things. Wish I was there to help you sort it all out.

  10. It's ok to be upset about it, I know there are worse things but this was a flood. I really admire your fortitude. I hope you get things sorted soon and that any damage is covered, good for you keeping that chin of yours up.

  11. I'm sorry to hear about your happen. I hope all things run smoothly.

  12. Oh Karen, I could see where your story was going, and I didn't want it to go there!! I'm really feeling for you, but oh how blessed are you with your sister, her husband and your husband, to think of you and to help clean it up as much as they could for you. You are wonderful to see the positives out of this soggy mess, I hope more blessings come out of it for you too xo

  13. You go right ahead and cry and complain. TOTALLY valid. IT'S A BIG DEAL!!! We had our basement flood twice this summer...which is where our kids toy room is...and it was a complete disaster. We lost so much stuff--ours WASN'T covered by insurance...and it was such a draining emotional sadness to have to sort through everything and through away so many sentimental things. So I GET it being upsetting...

    Hoping you get everything back on track really soon!!!

  14. Oh, how awful! Sending you happy thoughts. I would have sent you a Belle dress from Orlando too!

  15. Oh, Karen...I feel really bad for you. I can truly understand your being upset to look at the photos. When the tree crashed into our house during the summer, it was very hard for me to go outside and SEE that tree on the house....extremely upsetting to me. Even though the tree didn't come INTO the house and damage our "things" nor did we get hurt, it did do $30,000 worth of damage to the house and it is a terrible feeling to feel so vulnerable by some kind of accident. I hope you are able to get everything salvaged. Are your machines going to be okay????

  16. Karen, A Mom has little that is truly hers in the house.. and to have your stuff involved in this situation is devastating. I find this type of event - that you do think is minor compared to the woes of the world - does put you into the place of all bad things that have happened. Glad you are an optimist... this is one of those times that the distance of the internet is frustrating - would be on the way to help with the clean-up.

  17. I just had to add a "cyber-hug" Karen! Your creative space is almost sacred and it is a big deal! I live in Clear Lake Texas and when Ike came through last year....we experienced that sort of mess! You are right to look on the bright side! It will get sorted out right and I am believing for you that it will end up BETTER then before!

  18. Dear Karen, I'm so so sorry for you. You give so much pleasure and tips with your blog. I totally understand and it's 100% okay to be very upset about this. I hope you will be organised in a little while. I wish you all the best and a big hug from the Netherlands. Love, Anita.

  19. Oh my!!! Not the Bernina! Hopefully most everything will dry out ok if not a little wrinkly. I understand 100% how you feel and How nice of everyone to clean up the mess before you got home. Good luck.

  20. Wonderful of you to care for your parents and put the situation in perspective. We all have the right to wallow when things go wrong Karen, be kind to yourself. Comments aren't always necessary, your blog is great communication.

  21. That would make me cry too. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I do like your outlook, it could have been worse. The visual of a Bernina floating down the street made me smile though. Thankfully it wasn't the case.
    I wish you lots of luck cleaning up the mess. Maybe dad needs a new rule of no laundry while everyone is away.

  22. Oh, that's awful. Your heart must have sank (mine did for you). Good for you to find the silver linings and show the edges of your humor through it all. I hope the recovery comes together quickly and the losses are minimal. (On a sidenote, if it happened to me I'd be a little worried about it happening again. I like to watch those home improvement shows and they showed something that can be hooked up that will detect if there is a leak and shut off the water immediately. Something like this:, if you're interested.) Best wishes!

  23. Oh, Karen....and you just cleaned out and purged the sewing room. And I am sure your dad is beside himself. I hope he is okay with everything. Good luck getting it all back together. If you need anything (like Debbie Mumm Christmas patterns!), let us know.

  24. I know it is totally wrong to have a little chuckle, but I did, along with a glad it's not me. But it is me sometimes. We do indeed have these little disasters from time to time and while we tell ourselves it's only 'things' it still hurts. If I could send you a big hug I would, and I would come and help clean up if I could. Just know we are with you in spirit and feel your pain. No go and have a glass of wine and think about filling in that insurance form!
    Hugs - Shari

  25. Good luck!!! Remember, your homeowners insurance might help if it gets too pricey. You might get new machines out of it!

  26. it is very upsetting when something like that happens. Good thing your sister stopped by.

  27. I wish you the best and hope everything can be dyed out and saved.I like the fact that you look for the positive side.Hope your Dad is not blaming himself for what happen.

  28. Oh Karen! I did see something that you could put your wet cell phone into and it would dry out. Wonder if they can do the same for your Bernina? I wish I was there to help you mop up...

  29. Oh dear Karen,

    I would have cried, but It's a good thing someone came to the rescue before is worse! I hope everything works fine once is dried!


  30. Oh I feel so bad for you and your Dad, he must feel awful too! You are right, it is things, but to be honest I would have cried!

  31. That is totally worth crying over. I hope your insurance company can help you out with replacing some fo the stuff that was damanged.

  32. Karen - Your sewing/craft space is your heaven away from reality, and having it sent into such a tizzy would be terribly upsetting. Don't apologize for venting! We all feel for you as you go through this clean up and recovery process. Hang in there! The glass is still half full. . . . You are just looking at it now from another angle!

  33. i can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said.

    so i'll sent you a big {{{{{HUG}}}}}

  34. How I admire your ability to look at the bright side of all this. And there is a bright side! Hang in there Karen, it will be a distant memory someday.

  35. Oh wow what a week you've had!! That really isn't fun to deal with, but it sounds like you have a great attitude about it all! Last year our washer did just the same thing - I had put a load in at 1am and happened to go back down to the basement because I forgot something. I went down to an inch of sewer water all over the basement! There was a big storm happening and I guess turning on the washer opened the floodgates so to speak! Hubby went down to Walmart, the only place open at that time and got the very last wet vac. We were up all night sucking the water out.

    So really, I do feel your pain! Just think, you will be able to laugh about this a few months down the road, and it will always be a great story to tell!

    And yay for your fabric and the halloween dress!!

  36. Oh my! What a horrible experience. My heart goes out to you. I've been there before with the flood in my basement...not sewing stuff but at Christmas time and the tree and gifts. Years later it's a fun story to tell but I wouldn't want to relive it. Sounds like you already have the positive outlook on things. I admire that.

  37. You have every right to be upset and every right to cry! Go ahead girl scream and cry. Then get back to work and make it pretty and organized again! Send us the photos in progress.


  38. I know exactly how you feel... my son was 6 when he decided to take a bath by himself...left the water running (cause he was 6 and got distracted) and of course the bathroom was right over my sewing room. Hubby and son cleaned it all up before I got home, but hubby made him "fess up" to me.... he was so sorry, he was crying. Even at 6 he knew it was bad...LOL Now we laugh about it... Nothing got ruined...


  39. Oh my gosh, Karen. I really feel for you! Such a disaster...hope your machines are ok and will be running soon.
    I hate disorganization and the older I get have a certain lack of patience also. One pile at a time is a good start....take care.

  40. Oh no, that is terrible! Will your insurance cover it?

  41. Hang in there with that positive attitude Karen, and you will get through this!

  42. Karen, I'm sorry I don't live close to help you sort through the chaos, pass along my extras and just give you a {{{hug}}}. From reading your post, I see a strong spirit who WILL see her way through this experience and flourish! Looking forward to your future posts to see the butterfly emerge!

  43. Oh My, you do carry a load, and do not feel bad complaining. I think it's what keeps us going sometimes. We have to let it all out! I would have been frantic over that stuff! Rest up and good luck with recovering your sewing area!!! God bless you for caring for your parents like that!

  44. Oh dear... what else can I say?
    I wonder how your machine and laptop are too. They are such a big part of what we do, especially our sewing machines...
    Good on you for sharing...
    Yes there are others facing far worse...BUT...this is still prett take care and get cleaned up and come back when you're done.
    What a wonderful thoughtful family!!
    hugs to you,
    Robyn xx

  45. That has happened to me and it was devistating. It can be paralizing. So is not the stuff per se....but the emotions tied to having something so familiar taken without warning. We all know things are replaceable....but we also know that the emotions tied to the event are real and deserve as much recognition as any other loss.

    Post some of the books that went down in the flood. I'll check to see what I have and I'll send you some. If we all send you a'll have new happy packages to open and the pain won't feel so great.

    Kelly squares are coming I promise....I guess I'll have to overnight them tomorrow. Kids have been sick since I got home from Houston and now I have it.

  46. While your troubles may not have been life or death they are stressful just the same! So sorry to hear about all that is indeed heartbreaking when you have to deal with it!

  47. I honestly know how you feel. I've been through a flood too! Don't forget to inquire with your homeowner's insurance to see what is covered. That check made a huge difference in how I felt after it was all over. Being a quilter I know some things are not replaceable.

  48. So sorry! I don't have anything to add..Just glad your sis stopped by!

  49. Oh Karen, everyone else has already shared what I am feeling. I am SO sorry this happened. You have been such a delight and encouragement to me. And how wonderful that you are honoring your parents by taking care of them. Yes there are other things going on that can be considered worse, but this is a hard pill to swallow. I do hope that your machine can be replaced. I certainly would not want to sew on a machine that had water damage. Thank you for looking on the brighter side of things. It made for a Thankful Thursday :-) Sending quilty hugs........

  50. I, too, can feel your pain. You didn't say how your machines are doing. I hope they, too, can be dried out and be in working order. My mother has had a similar experience in her house, twice. Hope all will be back in working order soon.

  51. I absolutely feel your pain. And I am so sorry to hear about it. A couple of weeks ago, the furnace guy came to do our yearly maintenance on our heating system...the old style hot water radiators. He was bleeding the air out of them and forgot to completely turn off the one in my DD's room, which is right above, you guessed it, my craft room.

    Well, now both floors have to be refinished and my craft room has to be repainted and papered.

    But the good part is that my Bernina was on the other side of the room and was not affected.

    So I know it is hard, but look at the bright side, it was stopped before it was completely filled and now maybe you can pick a better carpet! :)

    I hope things get back to normal for you soon!


  52. Oh, Karen! I am so sorry this happened. I will be praying things get back to normal quickly.


  53. Oh my gosh Karen I would be upset too. Good thing your sister came over before the damage was worse. Is your Bernina ok? At least like you said the costume wasn't there. Let us know what happens with your sewing room.

  54. Oh how dreadful!! What a disaster...and I do hope that your things are not too damaged. You have every right to go on about it as its terrible! Hugs Karen and I am thinking of you.

  55. I truly am sorry this happened. May you find some things to keep smiling about - think of your "Belle" in her costume and SMILE. You're right - that's a bright side to this disaster.

  56. Oh dear but as you say it could have been worse. My homeowners insurance would cover this type of accident, so perhaps yours or your Dad`s will as well. At least to replace the books, carpeting etc....

  57. Oh my awful. You say that there are worse things that could happen, and that have happened to others, but you know what? It's "your" awful right now. And as insignificant as it might be in the grand scheme of things, it's a biggie in the present. I'm glad you found things to smile about still... Hope things are looking up for you. -Andrea

  58. That is one of the worst things...just like the commenter said above. I am sorry and hopefully, you can get things back to normal. Are the machines totally ruined?

  59. I'm so sorry Karen...I was just sick reading all about it. I don't even know what to say. You sure are an inspiration of positive thinking...I'm just amazed at your wonderful outlook!

  60. Karen,
    How horrible for you - Water can really create such a terrible mess- you have every reason to be upset. I hope things are beginning to dry out and that if your machines are damaged that they can be replaced by insurance.
    Sorry to hear about your challenging situation.
    Hang in there- you are going to get through it.
    Warmest regards,

  61. OH NO....NOT Ms. Bernie!!! I have
    'torn' my sleeve...put on a black
    arm band and covered the all the mirrors in the house in grief over
    your disaster.....AND all your books and magazines...Oh, I don't
    think I could take it!!

  62. Oh Karen, you poor thing! Thinking of you,

    Anne from Australia

  63. Oh Karen, you poor dear! What a terrible situation! As so many have already said, you have every right to be upset and complain if you like. Your positive attitude is highly commendable. I don't think I could be that upbeat in a similar situation. I hope that you get everything dried out or replaced, and all put back in place very soon. If I were nearby, I would come help. Sending BIG HUGS, Jay

  64. What an awful thing to have happen!! I hope you don't get too overwhelmed at setting things straight.

    Take your time, and lean on us when you need to 'talk'!

  65. I too, am sorry about your accident. Your positive attitude is a gret inspiration to the rest of us. Good luck with your endeavour.

  66. Wow, what a thing to have happen. I hope your machines are all right. It seems I'm pretty busy lately to visit blogs as much as I used to. I hope every thing is getting back to normal.

  67. I know, there are more devastating things like illness, but I can understand why you would like to cry and you better do! This is a disaster worth crying for! Even if it are just things...

  68. that is just awful sending {{{HUGS}}

    Gill in Canada

  69. Karen, I am so sorry to learn of your water accident! I read about it on Kelly's Ihaveanotionblogspot. I sent you a package today, but didn't have time to put a note in. Hope you like the books!
    Diane G.
    toledo, OH


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