
Friday, April 3, 2009

Friends on Friday...

Hi everyone... hope you're having a great day in your part of the world. I have a few friends from the last TTT for today's post about the phone cord. Kaaren thought it would also be good to keep track of her reading glasses and Erzebet said she is going to use it for quilt retreats, so she'll never lose her scissors while she's there! Kim also said it would make a good necklace with light weight scissors on it. Thanks ladies for these great tips.
I also have another friend I'd like to post about. Melissa from Mel's Own Place is having a wonderful auction to raise money for autism awareness in honor of her super great nephew Brock...he's a cutie. So go over and say hi and read all about it on her blog.
One more friend...guess who we're going to see pretty soon!!!

Our daughters, Courtney and Kelsie (a senior and a junior) are on the high school dance line team for the marching band. They dance during the half time shows of our football games in the fall. The band, dance line and flag team have been chosen to march in the Main Street Parade in Walt Disney World in Florida!! Woo Hoo! They are so excited.
The band is flying down, but we're leaving a few days before, because we're driving. Hubby and Kelsie don't like to fly at all. I don't mind flying, but with driving you get to see a different part of the country. Last time we drove down in the summer of 2007 we took route 95 straight from New England to Florida. This time we're trying something new...interstate 81. They say the scenery is just beautiful through the Shenandoah Valley and the Blue Ridge Mountains. If anyone out there knows of any quilt shops on interstate 81 through Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, let me know...I won't tell my husband you told me. (wink wink).

Talk to you soon,


  1. Yeah, that is just wonderful!!!! Congrats., give Cinderella a hug for me, will ya!!??

  2. Oh what fun! I was also in the dance line with our marching band and that was the BEST part of high school. So nice you can all go to enjoy Disney World - I hope you have a great time. I know a neat quilt shop in Charleston SC, but that would be off your route.

  3. What a wonderful trip you're going to have...I love to travel...but have never been to the northeast! Florida is wonderful...and what beautiful scenery you'll have all the way there!

  4. Great ideas for your phone cord! That is excellent that you are going to FLA. What an honor for the marching band and how fun for your family! You need to purchase "The Quilter's Travel Companion" before you go. It is a book that really defines all the quilt shops throughout the U.S. and gives addresses, phone numbers and info on each shop.

  5. Wow. What a great post. Have fun and I hope you get to see a few quilt shops along the way!

    Thanks so much for you TTT's. I have to confess to going along to the hardware store with the husband with new eyes... nothing is safe!


  6. Yes,it is beautiful along Skyline Dr in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Just a little heads up on the drive through. It is quite a long drive and you are only allowed to go about 25 miles an hour(if I remember correctly). Just thought I would let you know so that you could plan ahead time wise. Seems like it took us a couple of hours to complete the trip. It's been a while since I went.

    Love your blog...such great ideas!

  7. Not far off I-81 is Harrisonburg, VA, home of the Virginia Quilt Museum. If you like old quilts and if you like CW, you really should stop and visit. We had a nice time there.

  8. Karen, that's the route we used to take when we were returning home to south Florida after visiting with my parents in Canada. You're absolutely right. The scenery through the Shenandoah Mountains is spectacular. Make sure you bring your camera.

    Can't help you with quilt shops, though. That was before my quilting journey began. Now I feel homesick for south Florida. But that's okay because the daffs and tulips are coming up and I can smell Spring in the air.

  9. What a gorgeous route to drive -- have a ton of fun, all of you! Sounds like such a blast!

  10. Thanks for mentioning my fundraiser Karen!

    I am going to try to make some of my own sewing sets based on your tutorials!

    You are so creative and I love that its recyclable!

  11. How exciting for your girls and your family. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Boy I missed TTT when I was on vacation. What a great idea with the phone cord. Have a safe and wonderful trip.


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