
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Scissor Cord

E.T. can't phone home...because I stole the phone cord!!
This may look silly, but I really do use this. It prevents little sticky fingers from stealing my scissors, because they are always attached to my ironing board. If it's a hassle for anyone to remove it, they'll pass it by.
Sometimes I use my ironing board as a work surface...not just ironing. I always have a pair of scissors there, ready and waiting. Now if I had the necklace on with the scissors attached or the apron with the scissors in one of the pockets, this phone cord wouldn't be necessary. However, I need scissors everywhere!
In this era of cell phones and cordless phones, I'm sure a lot of you still have a couple corded phones stored somewhere in the house. As a little side note: did you know you really should have one corded phone hooked up somewhere in your house. If you lose your power, cordless phones need the power at the base unit so there won't be any service. If the power goes out for an extended time, you won't have the power to recharge your cell phone. Ok, sorry I was side tracked with that public service announcement!
Back to phone cords...steal one from one of your old phones or you can also buy just the phone cord at the hardware store for a few dollars. You will also need 2 large key rings that open up, not the ones that you have to twist the keys around.

Here is the cord. At this point you can decide whether or not to cut the little plastic plugs on the ends. If this is the cord you'll be using when the power goes out, don't cut it, because your husband will be some ticked at me for these crazy Tool Time Tuesdays. If you do cut it, then he can't call me, so I'm safe!

Open up the rings...

and thread part of the cord onto the ring.

Do that to both ends.

Hook one end onto the handle of your scissors and close the key ring.

Take the other end and attach it to your ironing board. I have one of those metal things that holds your iron and water bottles, so it hooks on there. If you don't have one, it will hook somewhere underneath on one of the legs.

This picture is of the metal rack that I have at the end of the board. I had to drag this up from the basement where my sewing room is. It was a little brighter upstairs for the pictures. It was gray and raining this morning, so the pictures aren't that great. See those cute little boxes on the floor...see the next picture for a close-up pic.

These boxes are from Harry & David. If you've never had anything from Harry & David, order something,'s delicious. Their fruits are amazing and the food and candies are yummy. It can be pricey, but thankfully my sister-in-law sends them to my dad for all the holidays. (My dad lives with us and he has Celiac Sprue disease, which is a wheat and gluten no foods containing any type of flour.) When she sends him fresh or dried fruits, candies, soup mixes etc, they come in the cutest gift towers. Different sized boxes from smallest to largest that are great for stacking, storing and decorating. They don't have any writing on them and they are decorated for each holiday. I have the prettiest set for autumn...great patterns and colors. These big boxes below had the biggest, sweetest fruit you'll ever have. I just love the vintage colors and design of these boxes and they match my bedroom. They fill in this little nook next to a small desk. Ok, side tracked again.

One more off topic...This is Annie, our 9 year old yellow lab. She is the sweetest dog ever and follows me around all day. She went with me to the basement to get the ironing board and up 2 flights of stairs to the bedroom to get these pictures. She was resting at my feet, so I thought I would snap a picture of her. We also have a tortoise-shell cat named Hallie, no picture of her yet, because that's like trying to take a picture of the wind. Someday I'll try and get a good one her.

Well, I hope this Tool Time Tuesday didn't bore's simple but effective. You could probably hook the scissors or any other thing you want to keep it handy. So let me know your thoughts ladies, because remember...I'll post your ideas on "Friends on Friday".
I also want to let you know that I try and answer all comments that I have received. The problem last week was I had a give away along with a TTT. It may take me a while, but I'll respond to you I promise!! I really appreciate every visit to this blog, they mean a lot to me...more than you'll know!
Have a great Tuesday,


  1. I like to hook everything,but I've never noticed using PHONE CORD!!!!
    Cute Annie, say hello to Annie&Hallie.

  2. This idea is really fantastic! Scissors do have a way of wandering away. Harry and David is absolutely wonderful!! Your dog is adorable, I would love to see your kitty too!

  3. Once again Karen, you've come up with a winner. I have a pair of "cheater" reading glasses at every place I "park" my toosch because I'm always losing them. Maybe I can use the telephone cord thingee for my glasses. Hmmm.

    I think you're also going to have to start a PSA day as well. Let me see...Public Service Announcement Saturdays. Has a nice ring to it, huh? I didn't know that about those old phones. Great tip again.

    You continue to amaze me. Keep em coming!

  4. That is so very clever! You come up with the neatest ideas!
    And usable too.
    Your dog is so very cute. Yes, my westie follows me around too. so loyal they are.

  5. good ideas - I do wish I had room to leave my ironing board out - no such luck - small room

  6. I understand the need to have scissors everywhere! It's awful I'm always losing them, but I love your TTT great ideas! Thanks!

  7. Another neat idea...I just love your Annie, our Sadie loves to curl up at our feet whenever we are doing something. Plus she follows us around everywhere we go too, must be a "lab" thing.

  8. Excellent idea Karen! I love the boxes and Annie too.

  9. Great idea for the scissors...and now I have one more reason to try out Harry and David...the boxes!

  10. Nothing boring about this great idea! You could use this same sort of idea to make a hang around your neck scissor holder using a lighter weight pair of scissors.

  11. Awesome idea! I think I could use this to prevent my husband from using my fabric scissors to cut paper. ARGH!

  12. Good Idea...I'm always looking where I set it last! Also, love the way you decorated the little two pocket apron. I've seen plain ones at Wal-Mart for a buck and know that it would be handy for my longarm days but wanted to snazzy it up a bit! Woo Hoo....that was the ticket!

  13. A phone cord! That is a funny idea! I really like the boxes from Harry and David, they look just right for keeping some sewing goodies inside!
    Have a lovely day!

  14. so very clever you are. so very clever. ;o) ooxx`jod (p.s. did you know that i live within driving distance of the "land" where Harry & David fruit comes from?)

  15. Very cool idea Karen. I hate looking around for my scissors. I am pretty new to this wonderful world of quilting, thanks to Sherri, my friend...

  16. hiyall,
    wowowow! great tooltime tuesday tip! I will have to set one of those up next time I go to a quilt retreat.....let one of those light fingered biddies take off with my scissors agin! (mauh) Liz

  17. Wonderful idea with I will put to good use immediately! Thanks for sharing.

  18. This is a great idea. I have used so many of your creative inspirations.
    We also have a tortoise-shell cat named Hallie. We named her that because she is the colors of Halloween.


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