
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Sewing Necklace With Nuts and Bolts

I'm nuts and you'd better bolt to the hardware store for these!!
These little beauties are called eye bolts. They range in price from 83 cents to $1.49...or free if you steal them from your husband or boyfriend!! Did I say steal, I mean borrow. If you do borrow theirs, wash them first! These are steel, zinc plated. That little fact is not important, it's just there were some chrome ones that were more money, don't buy those.
The eye bolts come in different lengths and different widths. For example, the first one on the left is 1/4" x 4" the middle is 3/16" x 2 1/2" and the one on the right is 1/4" x 2". They all come with one nut (no, not me) on the bottom.

Here is a picture with the nut removed.
This little doodad is called a fastener...I think. Bring this picture with you to the hardware store and tell them you want this thingamabob.

The loop slides off the metal stick with a spring like tension...nothing to unscrew. Why do you need all these things, well......

Tah dah! They all hold thread. Big deal you say, well look a little further.

They can hold three to four different colored bobbins if you're appliqueing different fabrics in one project.

or they can hold one little one too.

one long spool....

one long spool plus a bobbin.

But the cute part comes when you add an old sterling silver necklace!!! You are going to be the talk of the town. No seriously, the town will talk about you if they see you wearing this in public. This is for home use or at your guild. If you are a daring trend setter, well have at it.

Sorry for the dreaded self portrait in the mirror, but everyone was in school so I had to take the picture myself.
Isn't cute. You can sew til your heart's content without searching down the couch cushion for your thread or have it rolling across the floor as it falls off your lap when you stand up.

You won't find it in the Tiffany's catalog, but if we all band together, maybe one day we can go out in public wearing one of these.

If you tie one end of a ribbon to the eye bolt and the other end of the ribbon to your favorite little scissors, you have another great necklace.

I had to remove the ribbon from my shirt it was fighting for attention with the necklace ribbon. Don't forget to match the ribbon to your outfit!

So, ladies there you have the second edition of Tool Time Tuesdays. Go forth and conquer your fear of the hardware store. Walk in there with your heads high and say..."I would like a 4" eye bolt to make a necklace for my thread" If you say it with confidence, they won't give it a second thought. If your voice waivers even a little, they'll call security!!! Just to be on the safe side, take a copy of this last picture with you and blame this crazy idea on me!

Here are a couple tips:
  • bring your bobbin and spool of thread with you to make sure it fits over the bolt.
  • every once in a while as you're sewing, tighten the nut on the bottom of the bolt.
  • or even better, have the thread come off the spool in the same direction as the nut is being tightened so it won't unscrew.
Have a great Tuesday and Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Now that is pure genius...I was reading along thinking, "What could these possibly be used for???" Great idea!

  2. I'm really looking forward to my next trip with my husband to the hardware store. This time I'll have fun things to look for me too. Thanks for the inspiration...this is great! Can't wait til next Tuesday.

  3. Oh!These are soooo cute!! Great ideas,Karen. I will try to make one.

  4. Okay Karen, you've really started something with your TTT. Here it is 3:30 a.m. and I'm at the computer checking your blog for the second edition of TTT.

    I got up for a nature call (is there a more pleasant way to say this) and for a, not alcoholic, just juice because of the dryness in the house...and thought to myself, "Hey, it's Tuesday! I wonder if Karen posted yet?"

    No I really won't be able to get back to sleep because I'm going to have to add these eye bolt thingees to my ever growing shopping list for the next time we make the trek to the BIG city.

    Too cool, Karen. What a super idea and thanks for sharing!

  5. That`s a very original "necklace"!!! Next time I'll be going with DH to the hardware store for sure!


    I bow to the queen of invention. What a wonderful idea.

    I'm off to the hardware store this afternoon.


  7. Too funny! I would have never thought of these ideas although I've seen this kind of hardware. Thanks, and keep the ideas coming!

  8. You are a genius! Fantastic idea! How you come up with these, we'll never know!

  9. Such a clever are amazing. Keep them coming Karen.

  10. I love your tool time tuesdays. My family owns two hardware stores, and I'm always finding stuff in there to use in unique ways. thanks for adding your tips to my arsenal of hardware uses. Plus your shirt is super cute!

  11. Home Depot here I come! I love these ideas. I keep sewing on the couch and my spools are always falling off the table and I can never find my scissors. Thanks for the great tips!

  12. That is great Karen! I just placed a spool of thread and a bobbin in my purse and after lunch I will head to the hardware store. Now, how many project boxes do I have? I should get at least one for each box. :)

  13. You are the clever one - Wowzer!

  14. Love your ideas Karen! I'm headed to the hardware store.

  15. Girlfriend you have got it going on!!!! And I mean big time got it going on!!!!! Love it!!! I'm off to find me a piece of that bling!!!! I mean off to the garage to find me some bling. shhhh dont tell hunka.

  16. What a great idea! You're so creative! :0)

  17. There was a booth with these at Mid-Atlantic...I remember a man was cutting fabric in the booth but for the life of me can't remember which one! UGH!! I thought it a fun idea when I first saw it too!

  18. I've filed this in my Tutorials, thanks Karen!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  19. You are AMAZING! Oh my gosh. My husband is going to crack up when I show him this post. Seriously girl, you ROCK !

  20. P.S. you should totally open an etsy store.

  21. Since we are on a slightly tight budget right now I can't think of better gifts for my friends. My husband could easily make these. Thank you so much for the idea. I think I'll ask him to make me some for Mother's Day. He'd enjoy having something to give me. This is amazing.

  22. Okay, this is just a fantastic idea, to wear these around your neck. I'm going to put this to use right away on my long flight. I' had planned on bringing something to work on while in the air and this is just perfect, even if it does set the security buzzer off. Thanks so much!!!

  23. How very clever! I am thinking I could use a few of these...

  24. Wow you are amazing!!! This is such a great idea. Now off to the hardware store!

  25. What a crazy idea, I never would have thought of it. I think I'll need to visit the hardware store.

  26. This is fabulous! I so need to create some of these... I think they'll make great wall art. :) Thanks so much for sharing!

  27. Now that is just so clever....I don't know if they have these particular nuts and bolts in Australia, but I'm sure going to find out. Thanks for a fabulous tip. Cathy


  29. Karen I am cruising/browsing/drooling through your blog. WONDERFUL!!! I saw the fastner and thought... what a great way to suspend holographic thread from a thread stand so it doesn't twist when running it through a sewing machine!!! I can't wait to get to a hardware store to find out if these come in different sizes!!!
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Christina in Cleveland

  30. Wow you really are the queen of invention. I work part time at a farm supply store with a nice hardware department. Now I have awesome reasons to use my employee discount. YAY! I will never look at hardware the same again.

  31. Es la primera vez que leo tu blog, estoy que muero de risa, la idea es genial, pero creo que no estoy lista para salir a la calle con ese collar tan Ăștil. Thanks for the idea is SO clever!

  32. What a great idea, another reason to raid my dads bits and bobs box!

  33. I am going to be busy with idea for my next swap what a cute little extra thanks for sharing

  34. I'm one for using items for other uses than they were intended and I love this idea, big time! Thank you for sharing.

  35. Just discovered you through Pinterest: what a fabulous idea. I wonder what's lurking in the "extra screws and fasteners" bin in our utility closet...

  36. Very fun and clever ideas!


  37. LOL I have never see the horse-shoe shaped one before--and my husband WORKS in a hardware store!!!! Must hit those bins again--I LOVE hardware. I can see many ideas from just that one fastener---both curved side up and down---and with many other things than thread on there-----thanks you are such an inspiration!

    I think you should raffle off a chance to go to the hardware store with you!!!!

  38. Hey do you have any other ideas as to what to call that fastener? I went to Home Depot and Lowes today and the guys looked at me like I was from Mars. LOL I want one, NOOOOOOO I need one. I love all the great ideas you come up with. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.

  39. Just brilliant
    hardware store here I come

  40. Super cute and useful. I probably will make one or two or three!!


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