
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Organized Quilting

Welcome to the first installment of "Tool Time Tuesday"
What is Tool Time Tuesday? Every Tuesday I will bring you a new tool, gadget or doodad that will somehow help you with your sewing and quilting. I have scoured Home Depot, local hardware stores and even office supply stores, looking for that special item that catches my eye. My goal is to find you something that might make your life easier and a little organized. Hope you enjoy it!!! The bonus with Tool Time Tuesday is that it might inspire you to search hardware stores too. Ladies...your husbands, boyfriends and significant others will be wondering why you want to go to Home Depot with them all the time...shhh...don't tell them your looking for quilting stuff.
For today, I'll be showing 2 items: a plastic cord storage wrap (96 cents Walmart hardware) and a plastic disposable paint tray liner (60 cents Home Depot).
This is the cord storage holder. If you were normal, you would wrap an electrical or extension cord around it.

Close up of label
This is what it looks like with the label off.

This is what it looks like when a quilter gets a hold of it. This one is about 2.5" wide. Just wide enough for me to wrap my binding around!! If you finish a quilt top, but won't get to the quilting right away, make your binding right when you finish the top. Wrap it on the cord holder, then store it with the quilt top, batting and backing. When you are ready to quilt it, all the items will be in one place, nice and neat with no wrinkled binding. See the next item below on where to store everything.

This is the plastic paint tray liner.

This is a quilt top begging to be quilted...sorry quilt top, no time...I'm addicted to blogging and shopping in hardware stores! I'll just store you in here for a while.

Don't forget the binding wrap!

Here's another hexagon project with my favorite Mistletoe Manor fabric from Moda. Sorry hexies your gonna have to wait to be worked on too.

See how nicely they stack up and can be stored away. There are 2 trays in this picture below.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this first "Tool Time Tuesday". I have many more ideas to come, so stay tuned!
Have a great day everyone,


  1. I love Tool Time Tuesday. Both are great ideas!! Can't wait for the next installment.

  2. I love non-traditional ways to use traditional items.

    Thanks for Tool Time Tuesdays. Another good reason to get my lazy butt outta bed on a Tuesday morning!!

    Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  3. Karen, you never cease to amaze me. Two super ideas and the best part is there's nothing to construct or put together. Just take those babies out of the bag and put them to use!

    I love the fabric that you used for the quilt. Hope it doesn't remain in the paint liner too long. It's just begging to be quilted!

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. How clever. I love it. I'm going to mention you in my blog today. Great idea.

  5. I may as well keep my shopping list by the computer! Both idea's are great. The paint tray liner will also work great when I transfer my freezer paper templates (for applique) to the ironing board. I always find a template or two on the floor, after the fact. Thank you! I look forward to next Tuesday. :)

  6. What a great idea, and so inexpensive to buy. I have too many projects started that are just all over the place and this idea would be a great way to keep them all organized.
    You are amazing with your ideas...Keep them coming.

  7. I love your way of thinking... I will keep these idea's and use them... Great time viewing you blog... Jean M. :)

  8. You really have some great ideas. Tool time Tuesday is great to look forward to each week.

  9. Great ideas! I'm off to Home Depot tomorrow in search of these items...just not sure how to explain it to the husband. lol

  10. Great ideas for both...I will be looking forward to tool time Tuesdays!

  11. You showed three great ideas. I like being able to store binding, I love the paint trays for UFOs and I adore Tooltime Tuesdays. My DH thinks I am the only one who shops for quilting things in hardware stores. LOL

  12. You rock Karen!!
    You are my Gadget Guru and I'm going to look forward to Tooltime Tuesday, every Wednesday...mwah ha ha ha ha!!!
    tee hee
    What great ideas!!
    Oh and thanks for popping by.......and thankyou, you're encouragement is always appreciated!

  13. Wonderful ideas! I love Tool Time Tuesday!

    I've recently discovered your blog - I'll be back to visit often!

  14. I love a person who can go to Home Depot and see it as a quilting adventure! I'm soooo with you! Love your disposable paint tray idea!

  15. Thank you for your visiting,Karen.
    I love your paint tray idea,that's great!
    I'm looking forward 'Tool Time Tuesday'.

  16. WOW what a fantastic idea. I love the paint tray idea, a good place to keep all the bits of a quilt together in one place.
    I've just discovered your blog, it's awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  17. LOL. Way clever! So impressed. I'm going to have to start a folder for Tool Time Tuesday's. Good Stuff. ooxx`jodi

  18. First time the blog. I will be back tomorrow!
    Have a great day.

  19. I love the cord storage idea for binding! great

  20. This is such a great idea. That quilt looks adorable too. Thanks for the advice on a craft room, you are so sweet. We actually do use that room for all of our meals and it's only big enough for out dining room table, but that's ok, I don't mind hauling the sewing machine back and forth, at least it has a handle on it. One of these days I really am going to get the courage up to make one of those hexagon quilts, do they take forever???

  21. Thanks for the great, practical ideas!

  22. I just discovered your blog .Looking forward to more tool time Tuesday.Thanks for sharing.

  23. I just found your blog and absolutely love the ideas in this post!!! Think I'll add the hardware store to my quilt store shop list.

  24. Wow - neat idea for the cord winder - I have been looking for some way to store the binding. Fun blog!

  25. You have amazing ideas! Thank you for sharing. It's tough being a crafter on a budget! But you make it fun and easy with all your organization ideas.


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