
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sew Darn Crafty Linky Party...Week 118

Hi everyone...before we begin the linky fun, I want to thank all of you who visited Jeanna from yesterday's post. I am going to make it a regular feature to showcase a new blogger or a blogger who needs some visitors to their blog. I will feature them at the beginning of my Friday posts..."Find a Friend Friday" and "Ask the World a Question". I think it will be some much fun to meet a new blogging friend each week. More details to come!!

So let's start another great week of Sew Darn crafty...another week of wonderful projects, ideas, recipes and so much more.

As always, I want to thank everyone for sharing the links to their blogs...I couldn't do this without you!! I also want to thank all of you who visit the blogs that join in each week. Bloggers love sharing their ideas, but we love it more when friends stop by for a visit to see what we've been up to. Don't forget to leave a little comment when you visit the links below...they love to hear from you too!!

Come on in and join the fun!!!

I subscribe to a linking service, which provides the ability to link thumbnail pictures on my blog. The pictures below are links to other blogs and the projects the blog owner wants to share with us.

If you want to be inspired by all the great ideas...just click on any picture below!


Sew Darn Crafty is all about YOU!! Show off your projects, share a tutorial, show us your vacation pictures, share a family favorite recipe...share anything. Not only does linking inspire us all, it also brings lots of new people to your blog for a visit. Click here for past parties and lots of inspiration

Easy steps to join in on the fun...

  • link up to the specific project post, not your whole blog. Makes it easier to link right to that post and not search through all your entire blog. To find the http address to a specific post, just click on the Title of your post. Copy and paste the address that's at the top of your computer into the linky steps.
  • link as many projects as you'd like...old or new
  • anything, sewing, knitting, crafts, organizing, remodeling projects, vacations, parties etc...
  • visit other links to share some blogging love! You know we all love comments!
  • linking is open til Saturday night, so plenty of time to join in
  • below, you will click the blue phrase "click here to enter" which is at the very END...below all the other picture links that everyone has shared. Click and follow the easy steps

If you want to add the button to your blog's side bar or add it to your list of parties that you're in each week...Click HERE for a tutorial for adding a button

Have fun linking up! Don't forget to come back and take a look at all the great projects during the week

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  1. Hi Karen! I can't thank you enough for the encouragement and HUGE shout out yesterday. I am still responding to comments which I absolutely LOVE and will participate in a Linky Party soon.

    You have the best followers and they have been great to me! With kindest regards...Jeanna :)

  2. Happy Sunday Karen...Thanks for hosting!

  3. Thank you for hosting this party!!!! From here I'll going to visit Jeanna's blog. I'm catching up on posts!!!
    Have a nice week end.
    Marisa from

  4. Thanks for hosting again Karen,
    I love your parties, they are my favourite :)

    I am now following you on Blog Lovin', hope you van follow me back as well :)

    Hope you have had a great weekend.

  5. What a great idea! You are such a generous person!

  6. Once again thanks for hosting, I always look forward to seeing all the new things/people each week.

  7. Miss Karen,
    First of all, what you did for Miss Jenna was so sweet. I just found you through Pinterest & look forward to "catching up" on your posts. Especially your Blogging, Organizing, & Sewing/Craft Room posts. I will definitely be a regular. I can't explain (maybe later) how excited that I am about finding your blog. Have a blessed week.

  8. Thanks for hosting such an awesome party!!!!

  9. I think it's a GREAT idea to feature other bloggers as well. There are so many great ones out there. I try to subscribe to as many as possible here on blogger and face book. I HATE that google reader is going away very soon, BUT hopefully bloggers reading this will make the easy switch to either bloglovin, networkedblogs, or another one.

    I blog because I love it and love sewing/crafting--even if there are zero readers. :-). Thanks again for all that you do. :-)

  10. I would LOVE to be featured!..I've been blogging Since February , I get traffic but nobody sticks around to join ...Sad face with a Tear!
    Thanks for Hosting Karen!...
    If anyone has some ideas how i can "improve" my blog it would be appreciated!

    Kat : )

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Kat, I'm also a new blogger ( and have recently found a great series of blog posts geared to us newbies and how to make our blogs better. Thought I'd share it with you.

  11. Thank you so much for hosting! I checked out Jeanna last week and added her to my feed. I too am a new blogger and would also love to be featured!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!