
Friday, April 5, 2013

Ask the World a Question...

Hi everyone!! It's Friday and this day is all about you. Every other week, on Fridays, we have "Find a Friend Friday" and "Ask the World a Question".

This week is Question Day...

If you're new to the Question and Answer post it's very simple...ask a question (any question at all) and my wonderful readers from all over the world will answer it for you!! Another reason why I love many people willing to help and share their thoughts!! Thanks to everyone who asks and for all who answer. I LOVE IT!!

Here's How It Works...

Just ask a question in the comment section. Anyone who reads my blog from all over the world, can answer that question by clicking in the "REPLY " button under THAT question.

There are so many helpful people in the world who can share so much...some have blogs, and some do not. I thought this would be the perfect solution for everyone to ask any question and then we can all help!!

Just an FYI...when you are clicking "reply" in any blog comment format, you are not "replying" directly to that person's email address. You are just replying on my blog under the question, so everyone has to return here to see the answers.

Ask questions about cooking, recipes, crafting, sewing, blogging, photography, vacations in other countries or states, decorating, families, babies...anything goes.

Here's how it will work...
  • post your question in the comment section
  • everyone will read the question
  • if someone has a helpful answer, that person will click the "REPLY" button right under that particular question and post the answer!!
  • that way everyone can read the answer too!!
  • this is helpful for some who don't like to share their email address or who are "no replies" and there isn't an email address to respond to
  • just come back to this post to see if your question has been answered!!

If you'd like to read the other Q and A post we've had over the weeks, you can click the Q and A link in the labels section. Today's post will be the first one you'll see, but scroll down for the others.

Have a great day everyone,
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  1. How or where do/can you find out if something is patented,or copyrighted?

    1. It depends on the country ! Laws are not the same in the USA and in France, or in Australia, China aso.

  2. Patents office search online maybe?

  3. Patents office will tell you if it's patented. Copyright is different. If something is written or drawn - that is, if there's a physical "THING" - such as a piece of paper, with the art or writing on it - then it is automatically the copyrighted property of the designer/artist/writer/photographer. There is no comprehensive listing, and even if people don't put the little copyright sign on things - it's still their copyright. You don't have to apply for copyright. It just happens automatically when you write it down, draw it, photograph it, etc. If it's just an idea, there's no protection, as you can't copyright an idea until you turn it into a document, picture, or whatever. If it's an idea, get it patented.

    1. And if it appears online, it's automatically copyrighted. In this digital age, it pays to remember that.

  4. Если я по картинке сошью игрушку или сувенир (например, мягкие часы Сальвадора Дали), будет ли это считаться нарушением авторских прав?

    1. If you make those toys or souvenirs for your own personal use, and no profit will be made off of them then no, it is not.

  5. Great post - Julie and Becky seem to know that one - yea!

  6. Question: What's the easiest way to do a rolled hem with a serger? I have an old bog standard basic serger and all the tutorials on youtube seem to be with never more fancier models. Thanks in advance xxx

    1. I found the tension settings and what not for mine in my manual, do you still have that? If not you can sometimes download them.

    2. Have you tried playing with loopers thread tentions? Maybe turn the tention on the lower looper up?

    3. I also have an old serger, and rolled hems on mine require a different foot. You'd need to go to a sewing machine shop to see if the appropriate foot is available, and then adjust your machine to the 'R' settings, probably.

  7. Question: Is it just me or is everyone seeing a new ad bar across the top of their "blogger" blogs? It says "ad not by this site" below it. I don't know if Google added it recently or if I now have a virus.

    1. hmmm...I'm not seeing that on my blogger blog. Have you added any html lately?

    2. Thanks Jennifer! I hope that means that I am the only one seeing it and it isn't annoying everyone else that visits the site.

  8. Many of my blogging friends have inspired me to start quilting again, but I am looking to upgrade my 30-year old JC Penny sewing machine before I begin. (I know most new machines have automated needle threaders--my eyes are a bit older too!)
    I would use my new machine for quilting and some basic sewing. I would appreciate any suggestions for what brand or type to purchase. I was looking at Singer, since that seems to be highly recommended. Thanks for any input!
    (Karen, thanks for hosting this!)
    Enjoy your day! ~~Vickie

    1. I myself prefer the Brother machines. I almost bought a Singer, but the reviews I found on it were not good. I have been extremely happy with both of my Brother machines. Good luck and happy sewing!

    2. First of all I would say don't get rid of your JCPenny sewing machine because the newer sewing machines don't have the old metal gears. I bought a Singer 9960 last year and love it
      Yes, I got it from Amazon best price and speedy shipping! It is very different sewing than on my old Singer Featherweight but I do enjoy the auto threader and auto cutter! Just another learning curve. Best wishes with your search!

    3. Thanks Robyn and Sandy!
      I am keeping my old machine, and I am aware that most of the newer ones are made with plastic. I will check out the Singer! ~Vickie

    4. Bernina machines have metal innards and come with a great warranty. The dealers I've met are great, too.

    5. I just sold an older straight stitch sewing machine to a lady with a new expensive sewing machine. She said 95% of the time she is just sewing straight stitch anyway. It was cheaper for her to buy a vintage machine than to have her machine serviced one time. Is there any such thing as a magnified needle threader? I suppose if I had one it would run off with the stitch ripper anyway.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I own a Bernina, and even though it's more expensive than other brands, it was well worth it. I also own a Janome 3160DC that I use for classes and it has been a great machine too. You might want to check out this blog hop called Meet My Machine hosted by The Titled Quilt at You'll find lots of reviews on sewing machines and mostly by quilters!
      Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  9. question: I like to sew by hand, I find it relaxing. Some folks knit, I like to stitch! Is there anyone else out there who does that too?

    1. I love to hand quilt... am about to start a project for my daughter to have a quilt I have had quilted :) Kathi

    2. I don't think I have the patience to hand stitch a quilt, but I do love embroidery (though not very good at it) and cross stitch.
      And of course knit :)

    3. I absolutely love it. I do a lot of English Paper Piecing, and embroidery and find it so relaxing. I still try and always use the LQS quality fabric, cause all that hand work I don't want it to just to fall apart in the washer. I love that I can go to the LQS and just touch the fabric when I've had a bad day and all my worries just seem to float away. Your welcome to contact me if you ever want to share patterns, or ask anything I will try and help. : )

    4. i love hand sewing!!! I do lots of stitcheries

    5. I love hand sewing and hand quilting too. It is relaxing and I can accomplish something while "watching" TV.

    6. I love sttiching - counted thread embroidery, but I can't sew (people often find this odd) so when it comes time to "finish" it into an ornament or something, I only hand-sew it. Hand sewing, like stitching, takes me back to a simpler time, and makes me feel connected to people from long ago. To me, it's all one unbroken thread.


  10. English isn't my first language. And I know only so little sewing terms, material names, clothing part names and etc. Is there maybe a dictionary for seamstresses/tailors out there? Maybe one that has helpful pictures inside ... :D

    1. Reader's Digest Complete Sewing Guide has always been my mainstay for learning something new.

  11. Question... I may have the opportunity to get an embroidery sewing machine (a Brother) for about $175... what do you do with embroidery yourself... and is it hard to learn??? I am new to this idea! Thanks :)

    1. I love my embroidery machine (it's an attachment arm to my regular machine) for doing special projects. Haven't used it terribly often, but right now am in an embroidery mode and have been doing some every month. It's easy to learn, but I'd suggest contacting a shop that offers lessons so you are confident in how your machine works. BTW, my machine is a Brother, and I love the work it produces!

    2. KC, I embroider onesies and bibs for babies with my Brother, T-shirts for grandkids, and embroidery makes nice embellishment on quilts, pillows. For me, the hardest thing to learn was proper stabilizing in order to get a nice result. It helps to have someone show you- I'm not good at deciphering the manual, and I think the Brother manual leaves a lot to be desired. There are embroidery groups online and I've found help with every question from these sewing sisters. The Martha Pullen/Sew Beautiful online community has very experienced and helpful members.

    3. thanks for the feedback so far! I am excited to see if she will sell it to me now :) Kathi

    4. I love my embroidery machine! I've made pillows, wall hangings, quilts. Done logos on my husbands shirts. It is endless what one can do.
      There are some great lessons at my favorite site, "
      Embroidery Library". go check it out.

    5. has some good resources and ideas, etc for people with embroidery machines. I bought one a couple of years ago for a good price as well. Haven't used it yet, but someday.....!!

  12. Question: I want to decoupage fabric onto some clear plates. My problem is, would they be washable after? Or would the medium wash off....and, no, I don't want to put them in the dishwasher, but just in case they got a little dirty, would like to be able to wipe them off.

    1. Normally the decoupage is done on the underside of the plate, so it shows through. You can of course then wipe the "business side" of the plate.

  13. I inherited an old singer sewing machine with lots of cool presser feet. Unfortunately, several of the feet have rust spots. How do I clean them up?

    1. I read only last week something about Coca Cola being used to clear up corrosion in car engines or something, so you could try to soak them in a bit of coke...?

    2. I would try steel wool first. I've also heard that a baking soda paste would work. I would suspect it would depend on how deep the rust goes.

  14. I am interested in participating in a pin cushion swap not sure where to find one any ideas?? I only have 2 followers so i cant host one myself:(


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