
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tool Time Tuesday...Ring Pincushion

Happy Tool Time!! Today is another pincushion idea...a ring pincushion!! 

We all love pincushions and we all use them in different our sewing machine, on the cutting table, on the ironing board, by our favorite chair when we do a little hand sewing or even in the car.

This is the best pincushion, because we'll never lose's on our finger!!

pincushion ring

The tools for this project are easy.

  • a ring form. I bought mine at Hobby Lobby for $1.99
  • scrap fabric
  • stuffing 
  • hot glue gun or another adhesive

This is the ring form. 

pincushion ring

Adjustable too.

pincushion ring

The top of this ring looks like a little cake pan. It has an edge. There are other ring forms that have a flat platform...that will work too.

pincushion ring

pincushion ring

This type of ring would be for a large gem stone or bead, but not for us!!

pincushion ring

Scrap fabric and circle to trace.

pincushion ring

This square of fabric is 2 1/2 inches, just as a guide to the size of my circle.

pincushion ring

pincushion ring
To gather the edge of the circle, you can hand sew a running stitch around the outer edge or I just sewed a loose stitch around the edge.

It's the largest stitch on your machine.

pincushion ring

To gather, just pull either the 2 top threads or the 2 bottom threads.

pincushion ring

Fill with fiber fill and pull threads. I also stitched it closed a little.

pincushion ring

pincushion ring

pincushion ring

Fill in the ring bottom with hot glue and quickly add the cushion.

pincushion ring

Cute, cute!!

pincushion ring

The best kind of ring for me.

pincushion ring

You can use it on any finger.

pincushion ring

pincushion ring

This ring will be perfect for you, but also great as a gift for a sewing friend.

If you want other pincushion ideas...Click HERE. This post will show first, but you can scroll for all the other ideas. You can also go to the "labels"action and click "Pincushion" and scroll through all the ideas.

Happy Tuesday,

Pin It


  1. What a neat idea, I don't think it would work the best for me bacause A. I have huge, fat fingers and B. I don't wear any rigns and it might get in the way. However, it has gotten me thinking about alterative/creative pincushions. How about a necklace, or something attached to a shirt or work apron (I'm always outting my pins in my mouth as I remove them so something in that viscinity would probably be the most used). Maybe buy a button making kit and do the same thing, then pin it to your shirt like a lapel pin?


  2. I love this pincushion and think it will be really useful when I'm pinning my dress patterns. Thanks for sharing another wonderful idea.
    Ali x

  3. Oh, that is darn right cute as can be.
    Thanks 4 the tutorial

  4. So cute!!!! It is lovely, and easy, thanks for share the tutorial.

    Costa Rica

  5. That is a cute little pincushion! Thanks for sharing with us. :)

  6. so cute! but I'd just wear it like a giant cocktail ring or accent ring with some really fun fabric...

  7. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. :o)

  8. I've made these before using liter pop bottle caps - nothing to buy! If you're interested, see my tute (on a page tab) on my blog.

  9. Hi Karen! I was wondering if you could do a post some time on pinning from an iPad -- I have the Pinterest app but can't figure out how to pin from web sites I'm browsing on my iPad. Thanks!


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