
Monday, February 18, 2013

Blogging Tip...How to Search a Blog

Hi everyone! Today's blogging tip is how to search a blog for a particular post or topic and how to add a search box to your side bar.

We've all been remember seeing a great post on a blog, a tutorial or a recipe, but can't find it anywhere. Well, there's hope!

The Search Box...

Every Blogger blog has a navibar at the top of the blog. There are lots of helpful things in the navibar, but the best is the search box in the upper left corner

Just type in anything you'd like to find and all the posts with those words in it will appear.

In this example, I typed in brownies in that upper left box...

Then the post on "How To Cut Brownies The Easy Way" popped up!!

Even the post where I described an ice flavor that had brownies in it was there too!!

Another great tool or gadget is the "Search Box" you can add to the side bar of your blog.

Red arrow is pointing to it on my blog in the picture below.

To add this "Search Box", just go to your dashboard and click LAYOUT.


Scroll until you see the "Search Box" and add it. Drag and drop to the desired spot on your side bar.

It's so easy to find anything on blogs with the Label Gadget, Archives and now the Search bars.

Have fun searching through all your favorite blogs!!

Happy Blogging,

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  1. I enjoy your tips. I was talking to a friend who is also a blogger and told her about your tips. She said she "knew all that". Well I "know" a lot of stuff too and I thank you for reminding me with your tips.
    No matter how easy something is...sometimes we need a reminder.
    Thank you for your tips.

  2. Done! Thank you, Karen! (As Marianne says, I "know" these things, LOL, just need you to give the push.)

  3. Some blogs actually don't have a navbar. There's a hack to get rid of it on blogger (I've done it before but I have a navbar now) and people who don't use blogger don't usually have a navbar and many don't have search features. On those I use google site search to find things.

  4. Thanks Karen I'm still wearing my L plates where blogging is concerned, so when ever I want to know how to improve my ways of blogging I go to your blog for tips. So a big thank you from

  5. This is so exciting!!!!! I always wondered what that box up top was for!!! Really a cool tip. Thanks so much.

  6. Thanks for this, though unfortunately I have recently seen someone following several hundred blogs and searching for the word giveaway! They have no blog themselves....

  7. I've never tried that search box before! I'll definetely try it soon ^_^ again another useful tip! Thanks Karen <3

  8. Wish I had known this a few weeks ago when I was looking for your cornbread recipe! Thanks. (by the way, the cornbread was very good & I had a lot of requests for the recipe. Gave you & your mom total credit.)

  9. Wish I had known this a few weeks ago when I was looking for your cornbread recipe! Thanks. (by the way, the cornbread was very good & I had a lot of requests for the recipe. Gave you & your mom total credit.)

  10. Your site is wonderful and I have used so many of your tips to help me start my own blog. I just launched it yesterday at and would love for you to check it out.



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