
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Corn Bread and Pantry Soup Recipes...

Hi Everyone!! I'm feeling a little crispness in the air these past 2 days and I'm loving it. Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year...the colors, the clothes, the food and the smells. LOVE IT ALL!!

Last Wednesday was my day off from work. It was dark, rainy and just plain dreary. What better day for soup and corn bread. My car was in the shop for an oil change that day, so I had my husband's car. I drove him to work early in the morning, but didn't leave the house for the rest of the day.

Later in the day, he called for a ride home. I said we're having soup and corn bread for dinner!! Soup? he asked. When I walked out the door to go get him, it was literally like walking into a wall of humidity. It was so hot and sticky, I couldn't believe it...LOL I cranked up the a/c in the house and went to get him. Gray and rainy outside and cool inside, so it worked for me!!

Here are 2 easy recipes for when it's cool and crisp in your part of the world...or hot and you still want to eat soup.

Pantry Soup and Easy Corn Bread...

Easy Corn Bread Recipe...

You have 2 choices for the easy corn bread recipe.

My mom was famous for her Jiffy Mix recipes, so these bring back lots of memories for me!!

First recipe is one small box of Jiffy Yellow Cake Mix "AND" one small box Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix. That's one cake and one corn.

Mix both boxes together and all the ingredients that are called for on both boxes. Mix and pour into 8"x8" or 9"x9" greased pan. Baked at the time and temp called for on the box. May take a little longer because there is extra batter. Just bake until golden brown and tooth pick comes out clean.

Second "Large" Yellow Cake Mix (any brand) and 2 small Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix.

Mix together all boxes and ALL the ingredients called for on each box. Pour batter into 13"x9" greased pan. Bake at 350*.  I made this large batch and I think I baked it for about 4o minutes or so. Definitely use a tooth pick in the center, because it's gets high in the middle.

It was's that crooked edge that needed to be cleaned up, remember...LOL Click HERE if you have no idea what I'm talking about!!

Now onto the soup.

Pantry Soup Recipe...

What is pantry soup, you ask? Well, for me, it's anything I have in my pantry. Maybe I should call it Lazy Soup, because I didn't feel like going out to the store to buy ingredients for chicken soup!!

Here are the ingredients I used. You can definitely mix it up for what you have in "your" pantry and refrigerator!!

I browned one pound of ground beef in a stock pot. 
Drain some of the fat. 
Add one chopped onion, 2 stalks chopped celery and one finely chopped carrot. Cook til tender.
Pour in...
one jar of prepared spaghetti sauce
one box OR 2 cans beef stock
one can drained corn
one can drained black beans
1/2 cup (measured dry) of your favorite small pasta. I used the little stars. You can cooked them separately, so they don't soak up all your broth.

Simmer until warmed through.  Great for crock pot too!!

I couldn't resist adding a little dollop of sour cream to mine! It was delicious.

Here's to cooler days ahead and lots of yummy soup recipes.

Take care,

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  1. I never would have thought to mix cake mix and cornbread mix together! I will definitely have to give this a try.

  2. I love soups. I don't have a lot of followers so I am going to suggest to you that you have a soup recipe linking party. I make a taco soup that is quick and easy and I bet you would love. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  3. I eat soups year round even on HOT days. The cake mix & cornbread mix together sound interesting. I'm going to try that. Thanks!

  4. Soup looks wonderful!! Trying this soon! But I will stick with the traditional cornbread recipe, as a number of us are gluten-free people! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. Never thought of mixing the corn bread and cake mixes together - whoda thunk?? Gotta try it!! Thanks for the idea!

    And the pantry soup idea...have done something similar but I have never added the spaghetti sauce..another good idea. Thanks for such great suggestions!


  6. I was going to make corn bread after the other post and I forgot. Guess I know what I'll be making tonight. I love Jiffy corn bread but I've never thought to combine it with a cake mix. I don't have one in the pantry so I'll just make the corn bread from meal. Tomato soup and cornbread. Hugely satisfying supper. Thanks for the idea. :)

  7. I have made my cornbread this way for many years. But in the past few, it is impossible to find the Jiffy yellow cake mix!!!!!! GRRRR!!!

  8. I love cornbread on cold days and a pot of hot soup goes perfect with it.
    I make mine from scratch, the only cornmeal I use is Kenyons, love the flavor it adds to the bread.


  9. I was getting a bit envious reading about your fall weather, until you mentioned your husband's reaction to the idea of soup for dinner. I am looking forward to soup later this year, but tonight will be a salad night for us.

    I'd never heard about combining the cake mix with the cornbread mix. I bet the texture is wonderful!

  10. Thanks for posting this. We love cornbread and soups.

  11. I'll be trying the soup! Hubby wants to try lots of different soups this Fall and this will definitely be on the list. Thanks!

  12. I was in the same kind of mood last weekend I made a big batch of turkey chili! Have been walking each evening after work again because it does cool down in the evenings a bit.

  13. You are my kind of cook! I love to make soup and cornbread. I have tried the cake mix and corn muffin mix combo, and it is good, but I usually just whip up a scratch cornbread. It is really easy.

  14. That is the exact corn bread recipe I make, the first one that is. And today I made goulash with some of the last tomatoes and green peppers in the garden. Should have made the cornbread too.

  15. I love soup and especially love black beans, so this is on my "to try" short list.

  16. Last winter I had all my guild out for supper. They brought dessert and I served 3 different soups and bread. Love your recipe for corn bread and cake mixed.

  17. Definitely 2 recipes that I will be trying as the colder weather hits here in Ohio....thank you so much!

  18. Sound yummy and perfect for rainy season here. i will give it a try
    tomorrow.Oh my! It's raining again and I feel starving after reading your post.

  19. Could I add jalapeƱos and cheese to this recipe?


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