
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tool Time Tuesday...Shower Curtain Redo

Happy Tuesday...Happy Tool Time Tuesday. No tools from the hardware store today, just your scissors and sewing machine.

Our daughters' bathroom had a brightly colored striped shower curtain. I wanted a new lighter look, but didn't want to spend the money. I had this white waffle iron cotton shower curtain, but I wished it were a bit also had to match the rugs. The picture below is the after...forgot the before.

I found the rugs at Walmart, so I went back to see what I could find.

I found this towel for $3.00!

Lay the towel lengthwise...

and fold in half.

Cut along the fold, the length of the towel.

Now a beach towel would be longer, but I really wanted the polka dot, so I needed to add a little at the end.

I just used a section of the second piece of towel. I made sure the finished edge of the towel was on the bottom for the new finished edge of the shower curtain. The raw cut edge of the towel is what I sewed to the bottom of the shower curtain.

I like the longer shower curtain, rather than how short the white curtain was.

and the polka dots are my favorite!!

You can also use the remainder of the towel pieces to make a hand towel for the sink or cut it up to edge plain towels to match.

If you have a window in the bathroom that left over piece could work as a small valence too.

Nothing like stretching that $3.00!!!...LOL

Have a great Tuesday,

Don't forget to look at all the great projects on this past Sunday's Sew Darn Crafty Linking Party...add your own project too. Click here to take a look.


  1. GREAT idea! I'm gonna have to try this!


  2. And hopefully the towelling will absorb drips and keep the floor dry! Bonus. Very clever idea!

  3. That looks great, what a fantastic idea! x

  4. love this idea!
    really changes the look I bet for hardly any money and an hour or two of your time
    a win/win situation!

  5. Very creative! I am actually planning to get that same rug for my daughters bathroom! Now I have an idea for the shower curtain as well. Thanks!
    I would love if you would share this at my link party!
    Thanks! Chris

  6. That is a great idea! I am starting to grow tired of our shower curtain but I cannot find anything I like. This is a great idea, thanks for sharing

  7. Wonderful solution! Thank you so much- I too LOVE polka dots! Your bathroom makes me want to get polka dots going in my home!

  8. Wow, looks great, and I love the polka dots!

  9. What a great idea! I am very fond of polka dots myself!

  10. Another great idea! What better "fabric" than toweling to use in a bathroom ?

  11. What a great idea. Just today the shower door got stuck and was trying to get it unstuck and it shaddered all over the tub and bathroom floor got a few sliver in foot and leg. so off to Wal-Mart I go to get a new shower curtin,until we can get a new door.

  12. Now that's a cute and ship shape bathroom. Good idea!!! When I move to my smaller home, I'm keeping in mind several of your TTT ideas. Thanks.

  13. Great job Karen. We used to make the curtains out of towels back in the early 70's. I just made a shower curtain for my daughter's bath at her house. It had to
    be extra long. I made the valance for the window to match. I do love your solution to your problem.

  14. The Tuesday shower curtain redo is wonderful have a look at it



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