
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Red and White Fabric Swap Detail Info...

The following information is for participants of the Red and White fabric Swap. This swap is closed to any new additions.

Please read all info to the end of the post!

Here are the details for the swap...We have a lot of first time swappers, so I'll be very detailed
  • 125 swappers
  • 5 inch squares
  • you need to cut 125...5 inch squares. This is about 2 1/2 yards of fabric.
  • I have a post coming up on how to cut the squares if any one needs a little help
  • red and white fabric only...if at all possible just red and white
  • 100% cotton
  • quilt shop can tell the quality of the fabric by the feel
  • any print, pattern or design in the fabric
  • can cut from all of the same fabric or if you are cutting from your stash, different fabrics are fine too. Just need 125 red and white 5 inch squares
  • you will mail all blocks to me with another envelope addressed back to you with postage on the envelope. I will do a separate post about mailing, packaging and postage.
  • once I receive all the squares, I divide them all up and then mail them back to you
  • you will then have 125 different red and white fabric squares to make a beautiful quilt!!
  • DEADLINE to mail them to me is JUNE 15th...lots of international swappers, so they need shipping time
Here are a few examples of some red and white fabric that I had in my stash.

Selvedge Issues...
  • If there is a selvedge edge on your fabric that is not in the same print, please remove before cutting your squares. Not fun to receive some blocks with the white edge outside your seam allowance.
  • my thought was to have everyone add the cut strip of selvedge in the envelope and then I will have a drawing among all the swappers for one lucky winner to receive all the selvedges
  • what do you think??

Here are a few close ups of some of the designs or patterns in my red and white fabrics.

Look for posts on cutting and shipping coming up. All posts pertaining to this swap can be accessed by clicking the Swap Button at the top of my side bar.

I would greatly appreciate all swappers from all countries outside the US to email me with the name of their country, so I can determine postage for you!! Thanks so much.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me...sewmanyways@

Take care,


  1. Oh I think the salvage deal would be cool! I'd love to add them to my stash!
    (sorry I hope I didn't rush you on the details)

  2. The selvage strip sounds great!! When is the deadline to have our squares turned in by? Thank You for all your hard work in putting this swap together! Looking forward in seeing some of the quilts people come up with.

  3. I like the idea of everyone including the selvedge edges and giving them away, they would be fun to make something with. This is great, I'm glad to be one of the swappers.

  4. I am from British Columbia Canada.
    I am thrilled to be included! Thanks, kathy

  5. This is going to be great!! Thank you so much for hosting this, Karen!! Seems like it's going to be a lot of work for you, bless your heart!!

  6. What does one do with selvedges? I will be sending mine from Australia if that helps with the postage calculating, I really need to start shopping lol

  7. The salvage idea is great!! If nothing else but to see all the different fabric lines that were used!

  8. I'm super excited! :D Off to start shopping right now. :)

  9. Oh can't wait to get started! You've got some real beauties in your stash!! Can't wait to see what all we get back. Thanks for hosting Karen! I'll email my addy info now. Jenn

  10. Hi Karen,

    Love the selveges being included. Great response to the swap!


  11. OHHH!!! this is going to be a great quilt! selvage starts great! Thanks for the swap.

  12. Great idea for the selvages! I'll be heading to my local quilt shop Saturday to pick out my fabric!

    Fun fun fun! Thanks Karen!


  13. I love the idea of someone winning the selvedges! I saw an awesome stuffie made entirely of selvedges - it was highlighted on a fabric designer's blog.

  14. Here it is!

  15. Thanks for the tutorial for cutting the squares. I never thought about ironing in the creases!! That makes so much sense for keeping the fabric in place!! I've wanted to try a selvage project and have been saving them from my other sewing projects for a while... this could be the kickstart that finally gets me going!!

  16. I like the selvedge idea, what fun it would be to design something with them!
    I can`t wait to go shopping for some new red and white fabric, my favorite color combo in the whole world! So glad I got in.
    Thanks for doing this.

  17. So glad I can get in on this swap, even though I missed the initial sign up!


    I love the idea of the selvage extra!

    I'm headed to my quilt shop on Saturday to buy a beautiful red fabric...(think I'll get an extra parcel for myself, too!)

    Thanks so much for taking on this labor of love, Karen. We all appreciate it so much!

  18. oh darn, i'm bummed i missed this! i just found your blog thru mamabyrd (she linked up on a post today) and i LOOOOOVE red (you can tell from my blog and logo).

    what a great swap idea!
    i did a scrap swap back in feb and i will do one again this summer ... please join! :)

  19. I think at least one of those prints is from JoAnns -- is that considered "quilt shop quality?" Just checking since I do have some from JoAnns.

    I think this sounds like a lot of fun!

  20. Argh! I take it I missed the sign ups. Aw...

  21. love love love! red & white! 5 inch squares, ohh goodnes the ideas are already turning lol

  22. Mailed my package today in the new padded flat rate envelope. Included my unfortunately uninteresting selvage... but I'm really looking forward to this wonderful swap!!!

  23. I haven't seen any posts recently and was just wondering how the swap is going. Excited to see all of the different fabrics.

  24. Just wondering who was the lucky winner for the salvage edges?????



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