
Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Walk on the Beach...

My husband and I went for a walk on the beach yesterday. It was a beautiful day...a little warmer than we thought. I am so ready for the cooler weather of fall.
Doesn't this first picture look like our feet are popping out of the sand? I saw the impression of his foot in the sand as he walked along, so I pressed my foot in right next to his and snapped the picture.

The waves weren't too bad, but churning enough so that it brought up a lot of rocks to the shore. Great places to find sea glass.

Here's 6' 3" hubby walking and searching for glass. His stride is so much longer than mine, I am always trying to catch up, but always snapping pictures as I go!!

It was a good sea glass day...4 pieces and big ones too!

This is the view coming back over the dunes from the ocean side to the mini harbor side.

The people who visit here for the summer are from all over and some of the boats are so beautiful.

That big yacht in the back comes every summer. Even if I were that wealthy, I would still buy FABRIC over a boat!!!

I had to take a picture of the name on the boat to the left. Can you see it? It says "Tooth Ferry"!!! That is just the cutest name ever. I am a dental hygienist, so that's right up my alley. I love to play with names like that. We need to think of a cute name for a quilter's boat!! Even though I'm not a fan of boating, I think I would name a boat "Bobbin on the Water". What sewing name would you pick for a boat?

Hope you enjoyed the walk with us.
Don't forget I'm having a little give away that is ending Wednesday. See the post from yesterday for details. There were so many people who haven't seen or heard of the mini Clover iron, so I found a link for you on the Clover website. I have no affiliation with Clover at all. I already have a mini iron, so I wanted to share the extra brand new iron that I have with one of you!!! Just a little thank you for all the inspiration that you share.


  1. beautiful photo's! weird how the foot prints are raised and not sunk in!

  2. Wow Karen! What a beautiful location to live in! :-)

    As you are winding down for fall and cooler weather, Melbourne is gearing-up for spring and some warmer sunshine. :-)

    I LOVE that pic of yours and your hubby's feet! It's really amazing how it looks like it's popping up!

    Warm wishes!!!
    Vikki xoxo

  3. Well, when I lived in Florida there was a shop called Sandy Bobbins. It was right on the water. I always thought that was cute.

  4. I would call my boat "Sew Happy" and I have always said if I won the lottery I would still visit Thrift Shops.....and I would definitely buy fabric over a boat!!
    Thanks for the walk on the beach...loved the pics!

  5. You took us for a lovely walk! Thank you. Love the glass you found and what the sea has done to it! Have a lovely week.

  6. I love the pic with your footprints...fascinating. Thanks for a lovely walk. If I had a boat, it would be a little one that didn't cost to much, I would call it "Sew it goes"!! xo

  7. Lovely photographs!

    I agree with you about buying fabric rather than a boat! lol

  8. I LOVE sea glass but don't succeed in finding much. I have a friend with oodles of it....she's been collecting it since about the early 1950's. You are so lucky to find a blue piece. I don't have any blue.....I just have white (clear) and a couple of pieces of brown. I think one day you should say to yourself, "Today ANY sea glass I find is for my blogging friend, Pat." LOL I know I'd not buy a boat if I won the lottery....unless it was cruise-ship sized. BUT...I'm sure it would also have the word "SEW" in it......not very creative. I like YOUR name best so far.

  9. Your pictures are beautiful Karen...Especially the foot print one. I love finding sea glass and have since I was young.
    Thanks for the walk, I enjoyed it.

  10. Lovely beach photos! Wish I was there! I love the beach but haven't been to one in over 20 years. Love the bits of sea glass too! :0)

  11. A wonderful walk with your sweetie! Nice find that sea glass.

  12. Love the "feets", they sure do look as if they're popping out of the sand. You're luck to fing sea glass. I've never seen any in CA.

  13. Bobbin on the water - that's great! I don't know what quilting or sewing-related name I'd give to a boat. I'll have to think about that one for a while.

    The photo of the footprints is really neat. I was squinting to see if I could get it to look like they were indented but it didn't work.

  14. I love the water!
    I have never seen the Pacific ocean and it's just beautiful! You took some great pictures. We went for a walk this morning as well, not by the ocean, just around town and down by the river, I loved it!

    Have a great week!


  15. Lovely pictures. Thanks for the walk ;-)

  16. What a beautiful setting for a walk with hubby! Love the footprints in the sand, I'm still trying to figure out how they looked raised instead of sunken into the sand. Hmmmmmm, the mysteries of nature! Thanks for sharing your walk!

  17. love your pictures. It looks like Cape Cod? My husband and I live on Cape Cod and we're trying to figure out where the pictures were taken??


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