
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...You "Can" Do It

Tool Time Tuesdays started out with tools and gadgets that I would find another use for. Seems I've gone from the hardware store to the grocery store...more like the recycling bin. This project uses up all the metal cans in your garbage. You can uses big coffee cans, veggie cans or cans from crushed tomatoes...anything will work.
Most cans now seem to have a smooth edge after you open them, but just check for sharp spots before you start.

Just a few tools for this project: Drill (or screw driver), hammer, awl and metal screws. The screws have a point on the tip and mine are about 3/4" long.

Now that I'm looking at this next picture after it was posted, it sure does look weird. You're probably saying what the heck is she doing with this combo of chains and leather belts. They are actually the choice of handles you can choose. If you pick the store bought handle, pictured on the bottom left, make sure it is not a cabinet handle. It has to be a handle that can be screwed in from the top, not from the back like the ones on a kitchen cabinet...see the little holes on the ends.

This tutorial is more of a description rather than exact measurements for things. You will pick the can size and how many cans you will need for your carrier. You can just uses 4 cans, 2 on each side. I actually made my can carrier 15 years ago for my husband. He used it first for all his desk supplies in his office. There was very little drawer space in his desk, so he needed to keep it all on a shelf. He has also used it for tools. It was first painted navy blue, but I spray painted it all black for this project.
So for this project, you will need a piece of wood to attach the cans to. I picked a 2"x4" piece of wood that is long enough for 4 coffee cans on each side of the board. You can make your carrier any size. Spray your cans and the wood to your desired color.

Take the point of the awl and your hammer and tap a hole at the same spot on all the cans, probably 1/4" - 1/2" down from the top. It's best to do the hammering on a scrap piece of wood or outside on the driveway. In this picture, it looks like I was doing it on the wood floor!!

Here is a close up of the hole.

Evenly space your number of cans on the piece of wood and screw into place. Because of the size in the can, you might have to drill the screws in on an angle.

Here are all 8 of my cans screwed into the wood block.

Now for the handles. Remember, I made this one 15 years ago, so I am using the same screw holes just as an example for the handles. This one is a piece of chain. If I were to use chain, I would spread it out a little wider, I just didn't want to make new holes.

This handle example is an old black leather belt. Really cute with the black cans and the galvanized look of the buckle. You would just cut the belt to desired length and screw right through the leather.

Here is my original handle which I am sticking with.

Now onto a few ideas for what to put in your Can Carrier:
  • arts and craft supplies
  • office supplies

Ideas for you or your daughters:
  • hair supplies
  • make-up
  • manicure and pedicure supplies

In the kitchen:
  • utensils
  • silverware
  • condiments for picnics or BBQ

You can also use it as a decorative item. Fill with plants for a center piece for a rustic look. Aren't these plants cute? They are from Ikea for $3.00. Really cute when it's all filled up!! You can also use fresh cut flowers or an herb garden.

Don't forget:
  • gardening tools
  • quilting supplies
  • tools
  • artist's paint supplies
Thanks for always stopping by and leaving such nice comments. I so appreciate each and everyone.
Have a great Tuesday,


  1. What a great idea this is! So many uses -- think I'll show this one to DH!

  2. Karen! :-)

    As always, your ideas are AWESOME!!!! How do you do it?! I love how your brain works!!!!

    Thank you for your inspiration sweetie!

    Hugs! Vikki x

  3. Seriously. I am constantly amazed! Miss ya too! ooxx`jod

  4. Very clever... like the idea! I think I am going to make one or two....

  5. Just wanted to let you know, that I am always looking forward to your shared ideas. They are so cute and useful. Thanks a lot for all your sharing!

  6. I'm so glad I found your blog :) Your ideas are great! Hope to put some of them to use one day ;>
    Thank you !

  7. Very nice tutorial! Looks cool in black.

  8. you are simply amazing.... i have my little ice cream container to do you last post....

  9. Great idea...think I will let hubby do this as a cool-weather project!

  10. Well, I just bought 10 cans of beans (on sale) so I will make this as soon as we eat them all. Do you think DH will mind beans every day? Nah....

  11. What a great 'Green' recycling project!

  12. You are so clever. What a great idea!! I love and look forward to your posts.

  13. So cute, Karen! I can see a bunch of these at Christmas for the Grandkids and all of their "stuff". Thanks again for a great TTT.

  14. Industrial, yet a bit prim looking at the same time. I like this idea! Now I can go organize hubbies shop, lol...

  15. Oh are so clever!! A great idea and it looks so good! hugs Vicki

  16. Another awesome tool for us! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day.

  17. WOW what a great idea!

    You are so creative Karen!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great week!


  18. Another great idea! Your just too clever!! (side daughters here) I laughed at that one!

  19. You took the words right out of my mouth as I was reading your blog!!! LOLOLOL. I was thinking "What the Heck is she doing"..... And the next words I read were just that!! I sat here laughing for a couple of minutes!!
    Great idea Karen!!

  20. I could see that with the cans covered with nice padded quilting cloth...

  21. OMG! The only thing you didn't do was make more holes for candles! I absolutely love this one and it's a definite maker!
    Too funny do go off a bit when you get these ideas in your head....I am really grinning over this one!

  22. Very creative and I especially like the recycled belt handle idea. Totally cool project!

  23. Oh Karen I love this idea. I especially love it using the belt with a nice big silver buckle!!! You are amazing! xo

  24. This is great! And you could cover the cans with fabric too! I like it!

  25. What a great idea! Awesome! :))) You have an amazing blog! :)

  26. I was looking for ideals for my sewing room and your room is what i call a work of art. What is the size of your room? I have a12ft quilting machine to unclutter

  27. One word to describe you...awesome! You're ideas are so inspiring!

  28. The best part of reading here is the generation of new ideas! I looked at the can carrier, and thought of putting a few (2-3) holes around the bottoms, inserting a coffee filter, filling 2/3 full of potting soil, and planting a portable herb garden! I may have to make one, as soon as I figure out a spot to set it down where the cats wouldn't get to it!


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