
Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Spy Swap Update and Rules...

Space space
Update: this swap is now closed. Thanks for your interest and look for another one soon!!!
Hi everyone! What a wonderful turn out for this swap. There are 29 of us already. I'm thinking maybe a few more will be manageable for me, as this is my first swap...a total of 32 is good.
It seems that it's the first time for a swap for a lot of us, so this is going to be exciting. I have this Friday off, so I will be emailing everyone directly tomorrow. I just wanted to answer and clear up a few questions that some of you have and post it for all to read here.
  • this is a centralized swap: which means one person is the host (me), so there will not be swap partners. This way everyone is guaranteed to receive a package back. All the squares will be sent to me. I organize all the fabric so we each receive the same kinds of squares and the same amount of squares. I will then return all the organize squares to you in the return envelope that you send with postage on it.
  • you will be receiving 5" squares only (not a quilt or sewn blocks). This way you can do what you want with the squares.
  • all fabric should be pre washed to avoid different shrinkage problems.
  • I want to include everyone, including overseas and Canada. I'm going to the post office tomorrow to figure out the return postage issue. I did weigh some 5 inch squares (about 130) and the 2 envelopes. It weighs approximately 10-11 ounces.
  • We have swappers from Canada so postage is about $3.83 (US) to send and $3.83 to return.
  • We also have swappers from Holland, Japan and Australia. The first class international will be $8.84 (US) to send to me and $8.84 (US) to return.
  • I just need to figure out how you will put the postage on the return envelope back to you , because it will be leaving the states and needs to have US postage on it. I will be speaking to someone tomorrow. I really want to figure this part out, because I so want to include everyone.
  • if we have 32 swappers, each of us will send in 32 squares of 3 different fabrics. That means we will each get 96 different I Spy fabrics from all over the world!!

So here are the official rules for the 5 inch I Spy Squares

  1. Purchase 3 different I Spy fabrics about 3/4 of a yard or 27 inches of each one. Pre wash fabric. Cut 32 (thirty two) 5 inch squares out of each of the 3 different fabrics.
  2. Place the 96 squares in a plastic bag with your name and address on the bag. This will help if the outside envelope is torn in delivery. Your name will still be on the inside. It will also help protect it if the envelope gets wet.
  3. Buy 2 envelopes. Address the outside envelope to me (I will email you all my address). Take the second envelope and address it to yourself.
  4. Swappers in the states: bring everything to the post office and have it weighed with the second envelope inside the first with the squares. Whatever the amount of the outside envelope is, place the same amount of postage on the inside envelope with stamps only. DO NOT USE METERED MAIL. Metered mail will have your state on it, but the package will be coming from me.
  5. Overseas and Canada hold off on postage until I email you.
  6. Have all fabric squares mailed to me by October 31st. That's 6 weeks. If I get them all sooner, I will return them sooner.
  7. I will organize and return all the squares in hopefully 2 weeks or less after the deadline

I hope this is all ok with every one. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. I will always post the question and answer on a post for all to read.

If anyone needs to drop out for any reason, please let me know and we can work things out.

Good luck shopping for all the different novelty fabrics that are out there and have fun with.



  1. Thank you for adding me,karen. Thank you for your everything.I'm so excited!!!

  2. Hi Karen... I would love to participate in your swap...Am I still in time??
    Have a good day and God bless,


  3. Ditto Angel... I would love to participate if there is still room. No working blog yet...

  4. It's exciting! I have to start looking for fabric!


  5. Sounds perfectly clear to me. Thanks.

  6. I'm not participating in this swap, but I would be interested in seeing the finished quilts. Can you set a "deadline" where everyone tries to return a photo to you and you post them? It would be interesting to see how different the quilts made with the same fabrics will be....


  7. Hi, I would be interested in doing this swap, am I too late.

  8. Your directions are very clear. Can't wait to hear from you. I'm already shopping for my fabric.
    (I signed up yesterday).

  9. Not sure if you got my comment from yesterdays post. So one more time just incase.

    I would love to join in if there is room left.


  10. I thought I'd signed up.. but then again, I think I skipped a beat there and didn't do it. If I'm not on your list for the swap I sure want to be! Please include me.

    Thank you!

  11. I'm not participating, but wanted to congratulated you on the swap. What a great undertaking. I think your organizational skills are tops.

  12. Please, please, please let me join. I really want to be in this swap. I never dreamed it would close this quickly.

  13. Thanks for doing this Karen!! It is going to be a lot of work for you...wish we could help....Anyways I look forward to going shopping this weekend!
    Take care!

  14. Can't wait to go shopping for great fabric!!
    My email is


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