
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Spy Swap is a Go...Sign Up Here!

Update: This swap is now closed. Thanks so much for your interest. Look for another one soon!
Ok ladies, here we go. I am so excited to be hosting this I Spy fabric swap. I think this will be so much fun and just think of all the different fabrics we will be receiving. As of right now there were 26 comments for the poll, so including me that's 27. I'm thinking as the sign up goes along, there might be more. space

These are not the official rules, but just an explanation of how it will work. Once we get the set number of participants, I will re-post the specifics. Some people weren't sure if they would join until they knew how it

This is what I was thinking:

  • each person will purchase 2-4 different I Spy fabrics ( if there are a few people we'll do 4, if there are a lot of swappers, we can do 2)

  • block size will be 5 inches square (remove selvage before cutting so there won't be a white edge on some of the blocks

  • you will then mail me the blocks in a large envelope. Also in the package will be another envelope that is addressed to YOU and will have the appropriate postage already on it. (I'll explain this in detail later)

  • there will be a deadline for when the squares are due

  • once I receive them all, I will separate all the blocks so that each of us will get one square of every one's fabric.

  • I will place all the squares in your pre-stamped envelope and mail them back to you.

  • you can get 8 squares out of a 5 inch strip of fabric that is 42 inches wide.

  • so just say we have 32 people in the swap. You will need to cut 4 strips of fabric (selvage to selvage) that are 5 inches wide. From each strip cut the 8 squares at 5 inches. This will give you 32 squares. 4 strips at 5 inches wide is 20 inches of fabric that you need.

  • I always over estimate, so if you buy 3/4 of a yard of each that should be plenty.

  • if we decide to do 4 different fabrics with 32 people, each of us will get back 128 squares

  • I have noticed the issue of fabric quality seems to come up in other swaps. During this economic time period , I won't say "only quilt shop fabric". However, I think we all know when some fabrics are just not up to par. Just go by how the fabric "feels" and remember, what would you like to get in return.

  • Some people asked...what exactly is I Spy fabric. It is also called novelty fabric. It's usually an all over print of foods, animals, bugs, holiday motifs, sports, trucks, leaves, musical notes etc. Just make sure the design is close enough together so you can see what the object is in the 5 inch square.

  • sometimes the pattern is spread out wider on the fabric, you would have to fussy cut that so it showed up on the square. No one will want to fussy that many, so the closer the print the better. Look at the give away post to see some of the examples.

  • one more thing about the fabric: no trade marked fabrics. An example of that would be, it's fine to have fabric with footballs all over it, but not fabric with The Patriots football team. It's fine for baseballs or bats all over, but not The Red Sox logo. I'm thinking that someone in Texas really wouldn't want a New England team. Once you get all your squares, you can always add your favorite sports team from your area.

  • the only other issue is duplicates, but not sure how to avoid this. Maybe send me a picture of them as you buy them, so I can post it so every one can see before they shop.

Yikes, that was wordy...sorry about that. I'll be better next time. If anyone out there who has been is swaps feels I have left something out, please let me know.

Let's get started.

Sign up here on this post. Make sure I have your name and email address too.

Thanks to everyone for joining me on this adventure!!! I will post often to keep every one updated.



  1. Hi Karen!
    I would like to be included in the swap! I didn't sign up before as I wanted to read the rules...I live in Canada - is that a problem? Thank you for doing this!

  2. I will join in, thanks! (Wish I could find some people to do this with Hawaiian prints.... maybe next time) pokey

  3. This sounds like so much fun. i would love to participate.

  4. Add my name to the list please.

  5. Count me in please! This sounds like too much fun.

    P.S. a note to Pokey - I can send Hawaiian prints (I shipped home lots from my last trip)or if she wants to do a private exchange just send me a note.

  6. I would love to participate. Don't have a Google (or whatever account). Email is I don't have any American stamps and I am in Australia. Can I still participate? Sam (Sandra)

  7. Another Australian! I would love to participate too.

  8. I Spy's are so much fun to make! Have fun with it!! But I am NOT signing up - have too much fabric already...


  9. I would like to partcipate. I am stash building for the I-spy quilts. they make such great gifts. No blog but here is an

  10. Yay! I'd love to participate - this will be my first ever swap!
    Thanks for hosting!

  11. Sounds like a blast. Thank you for hosting! Please sign me up! E-mail:

  12. Please count me in. I'm always looking for a good swap and this sounds perfect for me.

  13. Hi Karen,
    I'm interested and I'd like to participaite....but I'm in Japan.Can I participaite?

  14. Can you clarify whether the fabric should be pre-washed or not? Thanks!

  15. This will be my first swap...count me in!!!

    Kelly Jackson

  16. Count me in. Just make sure you give us time to cut and ship. I can't wait.

  17. This will be a first for me, but I would like to participate in this swap.

  18. Count me in! This is my first swap!

    Have a great week Karen!


  19. This will be a first for me, but I'd like to try it -- sign me up!

  20. This will be fun. Perhaps it will renew interest in the I Spy quilts.

  21. I'm in! Another great excuse to make a trip to the fabric store! I'll be waiting for the official details!

    BTW, I have a hard time believing that everyone in the whole world wouldn't LOVE to have Red Sox or Patriots fabrics in their quilts! We know they are the best. The rest of the world must just be in denial if they don't agree :)


  22. I think I'd like to do this! I've never done a fabric swap, and I think this sounds fun! I don't mind shipping overseas, if that helps make matches!

    I'm excited!

    PS. I don't mind New England sports teams, as I am from NH ;)

  23. PS. Are there going to be some sort of stipulations on what sort of quilt should be made with the squares we receive in this swap?

  24. I'd love to join in! So cool to send and recieve I spy fabrics!
    But I'm from Holland and don't have a blog. Is that ok? Kim

  25. I want to play!!


  26. I'd love to join the swap!

    benjean90 (at) comcast (dot)net

    Thank you!

  27. Please sign me up! I was just starting to plan an I Spy! e-mail is projectwisdomkeepers at yahho dot com. Thanks for hosting!

  28. I would like to be included in the I spy swap,

  29. Of course I will participate - sign me up!! ........... Annie

  30. Now how can I resist a "I Spy" swap--I love novelty fabrics and do have some already--or I just might go treasure hunting for more!!!! When is the "due date"?????
    Hugs, just, Di

  31. Well, if I count correctly there's room for one more, so I'd love to play! (and if I counted wrong, it's no biggie... I will enjoy seeing what everyone makes)

  32. This is such a great idea. Count me in.

  33. I'd like to join this swap (my first!) if it's not too late. email is ebook3392(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks


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