
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tool Time Tuesday...Table Risers

Do you need a lift?
I'm here for you...I'll lift your spirits and your cutting table...take a look at this. I bought these at Walmart in the house ware's aisle, where they sell ironing boards, irons, clothespins etc. They are bed risers and are used to lift the bed a little higher so you can store things underneath. They were $10.00 for a set of 4, but well worth it. However, I'm not using mine for a bed...
I use a large kitchen/dining room table for my rotary cutting table. It's wonderful, because it has two leaves that slide out for extra room. It is 8 feet long, but only 29" high. I've been cutting on it at that height for a long time...just stooped over a little. Even though I'm 5' 3"...ok 5' 2 3/4", the table was still a little short. Now that I've added these risers, I'm in cutting heaven. They add 5 1/4 inches to the table and it's the perfect height for me. No more back pain at the end of a long cutting session!!

Here's a close up of the label...I'm thinking that the bed in this picture belongs to a quilter. She must have purchased the bed risers to raise up the spare bed in the guest room to store more fabric underneath. See those plastic boxes under there...I know they're full of fabric!!!

Here they are out of the package.

and here's a picture of one of the legs of my cutting table. I didn't get a full picture of my cutting table, because 1) it's in the basement and the light wasn't great for a picture and 2) it was a mess from cutting all that Thimbleberries fabric for the give away. Once I clean it up, I'll try to get a brighter picture.

Hope this was a helpful Tool Time Tuesday. If I can save one person from a rotary cutting back ache, my job as a friend and quilter is done!!!
If you haven't seen my give away yet, scroll down a bit and take a peek. I always have mixed emotions about having a give away. I just love, love, love all the wonderful people in this world who leave such nice comments and I also love the fact that so many new people pop by. It is my absolute favorite thing when I get to see a new blog and make new friends. The only bad part about a give away is...there is only one winner. I truly wish I were a millionaire and could send something to everyone who stops by my blog. I think if I win the lottery, that's what I'll do!!
Have a great Tuesday everyone,


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! I discovered it today and now Tuesday is my favourite day! The bed raiser idea is great. A quilting buddy of mine had the same problem. Her hubby bought that PVC pipe(white plastic pipe) cut 4 about a foot long and slipped them on the legs and they work great! BUT yours are easier, look better and probably cost less too. It's a good thing!
    PS I have added you to my blogs to follow and check it as I will be writing about YOU tomorrow (west coast time)! Love your give away.

  2. Wonderful blog! You have some fantastic ideas and tips!

  3. There are a few girls at our guild who use those risers for just the same purpose. I am lucky in that my kitchen island is a perfect cutting height for me.

  4. What a great idea! I'm going to try to remember this for when I have a real cutting table in a real sewing room (right now I use the kitchen table, and I don't think the family would appreciate it if I raised it up that high! LOL)

  5. I do this with chunks of 4x4 that hubs cut for me. Being height challenged, they make my table the perfect height. I even have a travel bag for mine. They go to retreats with me. :) Makes for a very happy back.

  6. Great tip Karen. I know what you mean about the giveaways. It is so fun to meet new friends and visit their blogs.

  7. Another great idea! I often will cut fabric on my kitchen counter now a days. I do this because it seems to be the perfect hight to prevent back strain.

  8. Thank you for the idea. I have been using #10 cans to raise my table. Sometimes the table moves and the table falls off. These will keep the legs on the raisers. Thank you so much. Love your blog.

  9. You're killing me with the height 5' 2 3/4" - for years I always told people who asked I'm 5' 2 1/4. Tall people roll their eyes at that, but for someone my height every quarter inch counts!!! Then I went for a pre-natal checkup for my 3rd baby and voila - I'd GROWN, I'm also 5'2 3/4"!

    Love this idea- I've been thinking about doing the same thing for my cutting table for a while now, but I keep forgetting to pick up the risers at the store. You've motivated me- this week I'm getting them!


  10. Fabulous tip, Karen! It is easier on the back to cut with the rotary cutter if you're standing upright instead of stooped over. These risers would definitely cut down on the number of broken toes I have suffered from my current method (concrete blocks) Thanks

  11. This is such a great idea. I have used them under the table for a couple of years and it is amazing what a difference it makes in the stress on the back.

  12. Thanks Karen, I always wondered where to get them. I think they would be great to carry with you on a retreat, just in case.
    Keep Stitchen'

  13. Karen, as always you have amazing ideas! I love the idea of using the bed risers to higher cutting surfaces. We have some that we have used for my mom after she broke her hip. It raised her favorite chair just enough to make it comfortable to get in and out of. She'll love this idea! Have a wonderful week!

  14. You make my Tuesdays but this must be the best in a long time! What a great great idea! I am sure that there are many backs that thank you for this one!

  15. Someone brought these to the last quilting class and they were awesome! They really do make a difference on your back!

  16. I have been wanting to get some of these, actually for my bed. We have limited storeage and I am thinking about using the area under the bed for it. I might also get some for my cutting table. Great tip. Thanks. Winona

  17. Yes, these are the best things for quilters since rotary cutters. When we go on retreat we bring them with us all the time. Raising the tables up are a real back saver. They are fantastic!!

  18. Super smart Karen. I didn't know they made these. I have bricks currently under one of my tables to get it to the correct height. Good idea.

  19. What a GREAT idea! I will need to try those. Thanks!

  20. I get excited when I read this kind of info.Can't wait to get my very own risers.

  21. awesome idea....keep them coming!!

  22. Esta é uma excelente ideia !1
    Adorei seu blog, parabéns

  23. Great idea! So it stays in place pretty well? I'd be afraid they would slip around on the floor. I do most of my cutting on the island in my kitchen, it's a great height too.

  24. Hi Karen! I love Tool Time Tuesday! You have so many wonderful and inspirational ideas! :-)

    Funnily enough, I recommended your blog to my friend today (who is blogless) and she has just purchased some leg-raisers as she felts and needed a higher table so that she didn't suffer from backache! They work a treat!

    Warm wishes!
    Vikki :-)

  25. Karen what a fantastic idea to lift the table. Sensible thinking. I love your blog. Vikki from Sew Useful designs suggested to all to come and visit, what a great suggestion it was. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas.

  26. I so missed TTT while we were on vacation!! This is a great tip and one I have used. Love these bed risers!

  27. I love this idea although my cutting table is the right height. Great for raising baby cots at one end for unsettled bubs too.

  28. I've just found your blog, very interesting. Also I just brought a pack of 4 of these from Betterware, which cost £9.99 so not much of a difference to your American prices. Can't wait for them to arrive.

  29. I have just started following you on pinterest looking for ideas on organizing my sewing room and you have the best ideas. Thank you for your very creative mind, keep up the good ideas.

  30. I have these on my bed....with fabric underneath too..LOL...also have them under a small (36" square) table I got for free. This is great for cutting small pieces and gives enough room underneath for storage. Just don't like that they kinda stick out....but it is great for my back.

  31. I use a set of risers too, but for my sewing table. I didn't have a sturdy table to put my machine on and didn't want to put it on my big cutting table to take up room. I had a pair of large blond wooden end tables, but only had room for one of them in my living room. They were not nearly tall enough of course, so I tried the bed risers and they made it the perfect height!!!


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