
Monday, May 25, 2009

TTT postponed...prayers needed

I'm postponing this week's Tool Time Tuesday to Wednesday. I usually write this post on Monday, but today was a very difficult day for our neighbors. Their son, who my daughters babysit for, was hit by a pick up truck on his bicycle. Out of respect for the family, I won't give any details (not life threatening, but you can only imagine). We stayed with their younger son, who was riding with him, until late tonight. My heart goes out to his mom, dad, brother and their whole family. We've been praying for them all day. Please keep them in your prayers and send good thoughts their way.
Many Thanks,


  1. I promise to keep the family in my prayers! And, send good thoughts to you as you comfort them.

  2. oh my heart just sunk! we'll keep them in our thoughts and prayers for sure!

  3. Oh my goodness! Karen, thanks for letting us know where prayers are needed. My thoughts will be for their comfort today.

  4. It sounds like you're carrying several hearts in your hands right now while you're trying to help this family, I will definitely be thinking of and praying for them!

  5. Oh my - all my wishes for your neighbour. I hate it when bad things happen to children.

  6. Oh, how horrible. I will be thinking of you and your neighbours.

  7. I will certainly be praying for your neighbours son, your neighbours, and for you and your family as you care for them. Will pray especially for quick healing xo

  8. Oh my, please keep us posted on this little guy. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. ~Natalie

  9. I will be sending lots of prayers to him and their family. Such a terrible thing.

  10. Oh, my goodness.....I am glad the injuries weren't life threatening, but it is very upsetting all the same and I hope he makes a swift and complete recovery. Don't give TTT another thought until you are ready.

  11. My thoughts and prayers are with your neighbors and their son.

    Take care of yourself as well.

  12. HOw terrible. I could not even imagine. Many prayers sent your way.

  13. How terrible. I hope that the boy recovers quickly. Prayers going up for the family.


  14. que triste...! oraciones y fuerza positiva para el y su familia... saludos

  15. Oh my! That poor family. That is horrible and I will certainly keep them in my prayers. I can't imagine how they are feeling! Thanks for letting us know Karen!

  16. good thoughts and prayers are with all of yall! the grannies look over all of their children. it will be fine for all. (mauh) Liz

  17. Prayers for the little fellow - God bless all of you!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  18. You are all in my prayers for sure. I hope with all my heart that this little one will be okay.

  19. Oh dear! I've been through a time such as this. My younger brother was hit by a car while we were biking along a country road. A nasty break in the legs, but okay eventually. A horrid thing for a child to witness as is for the parents and hurt child. Of course my prayers are with them and you as well. Take care.

  20. Just take the time to do what you can for their family and for your own.

  21. Oh my goodness! How awful. I hope the boy is alright. Good thoughts, good thoughts, good thoughts - I sent them in your direction, did you catch them?

  22. I hope he will be's so nice of you to respect the family in this way....I'm sure this has been a scary day for them. I'm glad things are not too serious.

  23. The family will definitely be in my prayers. Bless you for helping them with the younger one! I just hate it when kids get hurt like that.

  24. My thoughts and prayers go to that poor family, how scary it must of been, and to your family too who must have had a huge shock.

  25. Oh what a horrible thing to have to go through! Thank goodness you're able to be there for the family and thank goodness his injuries are not life-threatening!

  26. Oh no Karen...When I read that my heart went to the bottom of my stomach. I'll keep them all in my prayers.

  27. I too am sending good thoughts your way!!

  28. Definitely have them in my thoughts and prayers. What wonderful neighbors you are to be there for them. Blessing all around.

  29. Karen, I'm so sorry to read about your little neighbor and I pray that he is getting better everyday.


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