
Friday, May 22, 2009

Friends on Friday...

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to do a little post about all my wonderful blogging friends who have some great ideas for my Tool Time Tuesday posts. I just love all the brain storming that goes on after a TTT post. I can't thank everyone enough for sharing.
Remember this TTT about the eye bolt thread holder?

Well, look at this beauty from Erin at A Prairie Home Quilts. The eye bolt thread holder is attached to the cutest needle holder ever. This is such a great idea... I love the fabric and the design on the case. Thanks Erin for sharing!!! Go for a visit and see her awesome hexagon flowers and the cutest kitty.

Cathy from Cabbage Quilts had a Tool Time of her own. Is this not the best idea for pins, needles and all those scrap threads? The best part is eating all the Pringles to get to the empty can!! Cathy, you are so nice to share this, thanks! You must visit this blog...she has the most beautiful quilts with fabric to die for.

and this weeks TTT was the name badge holders.

There were so many great ideas for these from a few bloggers, I wanted to share them with you.
Mel from Mel's Own Place thought to use the badges for all those punch cards...the ones where they keep track of what you purchase and if you buy so much, you get something free. I have those for coffee, subway etc. Love this! Go visit Mel and see the wonderful re-do on an old VW, so cute.

Catherine from Quilt Obsession is going to use her badge to hold her hexagons when she's sewing. Go see her work with Inklingo it's amazing! She prints all her templates directly to the fabric and then uses a running stitch.

Jackie, from Canton Village Quilt Works, had a great idea... we could all keep the business cards from all the quilt shops that we visit or our favorite machine quilter's business cards in one place, so they're easy to find. Thanks Jackie! This is another fabulous on her website and go see her gallery of quilting...she is the best!!

These really made me think how about all those appointment cards for doctors, dentist, hair salons etc. One ring of badges for one topic.

A big thank you to everyone for all your wonderful comments, emails and super great ideas. This is one more reason why I love blogging.

Have a wonderful weekend and if you are in the states, an extra long one for the holiday on Monday!!



  1. I was not familiar with an eye bolt but what a good idea!

  2. Fun to see what others are doing with your ideas.

  3. You've got them thinking!! :-)

  4. Great ideas from everyone! I think that you really get us all thinking outside the box. Keep it up. I love it!

  5. Thanks for the 'shout out' Karen! I look forward to your inspiration!!

  6. Hi Karen!
    I forgot that when I left you the comment about the 'shout out' I was logged in under my husbands Google account (Venture) so you probably didn't know who that was. It was me!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment...I just love hearing from you!