
Monday, June 29, 2015

Super Size Pound Cake Recipe...

Hi everyone! I've been wanting to share this recipe for pound cake with you for a long time. My mom made it for as long as I can remember for big family functions. This pound cake is one of my husband's favorites...second only to the ultimate chocolate cake!!  I love making it for larger parties or dinners, because of it's size. It's a Super Pound Cake, not just because it tastes great, but because it's extra large!! It's definitely a fan favorite.

Super Pound Cake

super size pound cake recipe

Super Size Pound Cake

super size pound cake recipe

Come on in for the recipe...

The cake is yummy and buttery, but the lemon drizzle is the perfect addition on the top too!

super size pound cake recipe

Here is a cup of coffee so you can see the actual size of the cake. It's extra long...16 inches!

super size pound cake recipe

My mom collected these pans whenever she saw them. I inherited 3 of them and I think my sister has some too!! The cake takes a long time to bake (1 hour and 45 minutes), so my mom always said.."why waste the electricity on one cake, I'll bake 2 or 3." She would give them away or freeze them!

The loaf pan is 16 inches long by 4 inches high and 4 inches wide. You can still find them online. I've never divided the recipe into two smaller loaf pans, so I'm not sure how they would turn out with baking times.

super size pound cake recipe

Super Pound Cake 

4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cups shortening ( I always use the butter flavored Crisco sticks)
2 1/2 cups sugar
6 eggs
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 1/3 cups milk

Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees. 

Grease and flour a loaf pan that is 16"x4"x4" in size. (This is a large loaf pan, not the regular size bread pan)

In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder and salt and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar. Add eggs one at a time until well blended, then add vanilla extract. Next, spoon in flour mixture into creamed sugar mixture, alternating with the milk until both flour and milk are blended in well. Batter will be thick and fluffy. Spoon into greased loaf pan.

Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes. It's a long time to bake, but it's well worth it!! The cake will be golden brown and a cake tester should come out clean in the center.

Lemon Glaze

I just mixed about 1 cup or so of confectioner's sugar with 1 teaspoon pure lemon extract and then added milk, one teaspoon at a time, until I had the right drizzle consistency!


super size pound cake recipe

Hope your family and friends love this recipe as much as my family does.

If you are looking for the long loaf pan, just google large loaf pan or 16 inch loaf pan. They cost between $10-$20.

Thanks of stopping by,

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  1. mom inherited very long baking pans like this from my grandparents - I remember she always made bread in them too just like grandpa did - they must have gotten rid of them though on the move from Wisconsin to Arkansas as I do not ever remember seeing them since we lived in Wisconsin and had forgotten all about them until I saw your post.

  2. Oh my gosh....the pound cake that never ends! Sounds yummy.

  3. My mom always made angel food cakes in that pan. I have it now and I am so glad you shared this recipe to remind me about that pan. I want that ultimate chocolate cake recipe too please.

  4. Mouth-watering! This sure sounds delicious! I will save this recipe for my next brunch gathering. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sounds deeeelicious, Karen! My mom had a large pan just like that and always used it for angel food cake! Oh I just looked at a previous comment from TakeMeThereTotes and she said the same thing! Funny! Hope you are having a wonderful summer so far! I've been enjoying the cool weather myself! But I know the heat is on its way!


  6. It looks and sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Delicious thanks Karen.
    Linda semana te deseo desde Costa Rica.

  8. Can you substitute butter for Crisco.
    Thanks for sharing

  9. This looks so tasty! And I love how you set up the cake for the photo!

  10. Did not see the Ultimate Chocolate Cake recipe in the recipe file that you mentioned as your husband's favorite. Can you please share?


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