
Monday, May 11, 2015

Magnetic Pin Picker Upper Pole...

We've all been there. You're sewing and you drop a needle, a pin or worse yet...the whole dish of pins. Dropping them on the carpet is the absolute worst, but even if you have tile or wood floors you can still leave a pin or needle behind. My biggest fear is someone stepping on one.

I was roaming the aisles of the hardware store and found this beauty that might help!!

A Telescoping Magnetic Pole...

magnetic pin picker upper

The handle telescopes so you can reach all the pins on the floor without bending over. It's also great when the dish of pins drops behind your sewing table or desk.

magnetic pin picker upper

The whole strip is magnetic and it's a great size too. It's 12 inches long by 2 inches wide.

The bottom of the magnet shows all the things it can pick up. I'll forgive the manufacturer for not putting a picture of pins and needles on there, but it's ok. If they knew we were buying this for our sewing rooms, they would raise the price!! Shhhh...don't tell them.

magnetic pin picker upper

Just an FYI...the bottom has a warning label on it for anyone wearing a pacemaker. Do not have a magnet in close proximity with a pacemaker. May cause interference or failure of pacemaker.

magnetic pin picker upper

One way to help eliminate the pins spilling is to have a magnetic pin bowl. Over the years, I've done posts on magnetic pin bowls like the ones pictured below.

This one is a magnetic automotive parts dish. Great to keep the pins in place. Click HERE to see that post.

magnetic pin picker upper

You can also make your own with a post I did a while back. Click HERE to see how. You just glue magnets to the bottom of any dish to make it magnetic.

magnetic pin picker upper

Like this cute little heart dish!! The post shows a ton of options for dishes.

magnetic pin picker upper

The magnetic pole can be found in most all big box hardware stores, but you can also order them online! I have no affiliation with this product, just wanted to share.

Happy sewing,

Pin It


  1. If the hardware stores only knew that crafters were their #1 fans! Both places where I have used long arm machines have used the magnetic bowls for their pins and had the telescoping magnetic picker-upper poles too. They would use the picker-upper poles all over the floor first, then use the vacuum to pick up all the little scraps and threads. Easy on the back...and no pins in the feet!

    Another fabulous tip, Karen!


  2. I started out with a pair of long metal BBQ tongs to reach things from the floor in the sewing room from my sewing chair. As a joke gift one year I received a "grabber" with suction cups that really "grip" things from the floor (save your back; don't bend over) or even up high in cupboards...then Harbor Freight has blue very inexpensive grabbers..and advertises rotor blades that fit our cutters.

  3. My dear sweet hubby who encourages my quilting/sewing habit gave me the magnetic broom, the pin dish and a telescoping pen-like magnet when I first started quilting at least 8 years ago. They work great don't they!

  4. I went to Joann's on Saturday and wonder of wonders, in the quilting section they are now selling the magnetic dish.

  5. Harbor Freight usually gives away the magnetic bowls a couple of times a year. I like the super-strong but tiny neodymium magnets you can buy in the scrapbooking section of hobby stores sometimes, but I order mine online from KJ Magnetics. They have a great assortment of sizes and I use them for all kinds of things, including keeping seasonal banners on my steel front door! These are strrrooonnnggg!

  6. I took a class on maintaining my Singer Featherweight, and they recommended one of those magnetic bowls for holding the parts as you take them off the machine.

  7. Some Dollar type mine at Dollar Deals...sell something that looks like a silver ink pen in size and shape and it telescopes and can even pick up my scissors when they fall......AND........they cost a dollar! I've bought about ten to have one w/ each of my sewing machines and also for some quilt friend gifts. They are in the "tool" section.

  8. Now that is the perfect sewing room tool. I have the magnetic dish, but not the pole. Thank you for sharing these handy gadgets.


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