
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter Ideas...

I can't believe Easter is next week, because it's snowing right now here in Rhode Island. Spring will get here soon...I hope!! I was looking through my previous posts on Easter projects and wanted to share them again for all my new readers who may have missed them.

My daughters Courtney and Kelsie are 23 and 22 years old and long past Easter egg hunts, but this first idea was very popular in our family. We always had a very large Easter Egg Hunts with at least 15 nieces and nephews from both sides of the family. The eggs were always filled with dollar bills (that my mom and dad supplied) and candy. To keep it fair and square, I color coded the eggs to match each child's Easter bucket so that they only looked for their colored egg. I used all the colors of the rainbow and then used polka dot, stripes, sports themed egg etc.

Click HERE to see how to make your color coded Easter Egg Hunt.

Easter ideas

The little girl who had purple could only pick up purple eggs!!

Easter ideas

No stress or tears from the little ones who couldn't keep up with the bigger kids.

Easter ideas

Another Easter idea is too turn something drab into something fab!!! Here are some examples of what a difference a little spray paint makes.

This poor bunny is a perfect example...drab.

Easter ideas

To fab!! Looks like a big chocolate bunny!!! Click HERE to see all the details.

Easter ideas

You can click HERE and HERE for more posts on painting plastic Easter eggs.

Eggs are great to hold money treats for older kids and candy too.

Easter ideas

One giant egg is great for decorating.

Easter ideas

Easter ideas

This little Easter basket was made from a place mat. You can also use it for a little girl's Easter purse.

You can click HERE to see how.

Easter ideas

Easter ideas

This is a cute little place card for Easter dinner made from a  recycled keurig cup. You can click HERE to see how to make them!!

Easter ideas

I just shared this Easter gift wrap idea this week, but I wanted to add it to this list. Click HERE to see it if you missed it.

The egg, in a little nest, holds Easter money!!

Easter ideas

I hope you like all these Easter ideas and can share them with your family too!!

Thanks for stopping by,

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  1. Great ideas Karen - I love the "chocolate" bunny and the placemat purse! blessings, marlene

  2. I love the idea of the color coded eggs!

  3. All super ideas! Thanks, Karen! Brilliant as usual!

  4. The colour coded egg hunt is a great idea! No one gets upset... just lots of fun!

  5. Wow to the placemat Easter basket! That was definitely my favorite though this is a ll great stuff! I am new to blogging and so glad I found your blog. Also, your sewing room is amazing! I've been struggling to find ways to organize my sewing supplies and notions in a VERY small (like you can't believe how small) space and I see that you've got a whole section on organization which I'll be perusing next. What a great blog!

  6. I love color coded egg hunts. That's what my family did when I was young. It helped extend the fun.

  7. The color coded egg hunts are a great idea. It keeps it fair and when the big kids are done, they can help the little kids.


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